The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 369 Master and apprentice meet, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers

Chapter 369 Master and apprentice meet, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers

The Yin Palace of the Martial God Sect.

By the time Nie Li arrived in a hurry, Xian Wu and Ying Yueru had finished practicing and were sitting together drinking tea and chatting.

Ying Yueru's cultivation level has been promoted to the ninth level of Wuzong. In the Dragon Ruins realm, except for Xian Wu, no one is her opponent.

"Xian Wu, you bastard, she is my master, how could you act like that!" Nie Li pushed the door open and entered the hall, cursing angrily.

In his previous life, he accidentally came to the Dragon Ruins realm and was attacked by a monster. He was seriously injured and fell into a coma by the river. He was later rescued by Ying Yueru.

Ying Yueru not only cured his injuries, but also brought him to the Shenyu Sect, accepted him as a disciple, and taught him his skills.

Later, Ying Yueru was killed and her fragrance disappeared. Although Nie Li contained her remaining soul, it was destroyed in the battle with the Holy Emperor. Her soul was scattered and she lost even the last hope of resurrection.

In this life, he swore that he would never let Ying Yueru be harmed or wronged in the slightest.

Who would have thought that Ying Yueru was not harmed by her enemies and the Holy Emperor, but was actually harmed by Xian Wu, a big stallion.

Depend on!If he had known this earlier, he would not have accelerated his training in the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits, and would have stared at Xian Wu, the bastard, all the time.

It's too late to say anything now, they have already cooked the rice.

Xian Wu calls himself his adoptive father, and he calls Xian Wu his master. The two of them should have their own opinions.

Seeing the grief and anger on Nie Li's face, Ying Yueru's beautiful face was a little confused. She used the technique of Tianyan to calculate with her fingers and immediately understood the cause and effect of her previous life.

Ying Yueru's smile was beautiful, like a spring flower: "You traitor, don't talk to my husband like that!"

"Master, but...but he..." Nie Li hesitated.

“A little bit…” Xian Wu raised his eyelids and made a face at Nie Li.

"You brat!" Nie Li was irritated by Xian Wu who was taking advantage of him and yet acting like a good boy.

Ying Yueru scolded: "Xian Wu, please stop teasing Nie Li. His temper is the same as in his previous life. You can't help teasing him."

"Okay, listen to Ruru." Xian Wu stopped making faces and continued to drink tea with Ying Yueru, "By the way, where exactly is the Map of Mountains and Rivers you just mentioned?"

"What does it mean to be far away and yet so close? I haven't read much, so you'd better tell me straight to the point."

Ying Yueru said with a smile: "My husband is really good at joking. You have studied tens of thousands of years of knowledge in the Space-Time Demon Spirit Book. How come you can't guess who owns the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains Map? You should be able to figure it out with just a little thought." Got it."

"Who else could have such an important treasure? Of course it is your old treasure Nangong Xianyin!" Nie Li pulled out a wooden stool from under the table and sat down. "Go with your old treasure. Bring it here and I will help you." You crack it."

"Where is she?" Xian Wu frowned, "With such a powerful treasure, why didn't she take it out? Instead, she hid it?"

Ying Yueru explained: "Perhaps Sect Leader Nangong doesn't know that the scroll is the Map of Mountains and Rivers of Ten Thousand Miles."

"Yes." Xian Wu nodded, activated his spiritual skills, and sent a message to Nangong Xianyin.

Xian Wu: Xianyin, do you have a painting?

Nangong Xianyin: What painting?I have too many scrolls in my collection. I wonder which one you are talking about?
Xian Wu: Uh...bring them all to the Yin Palace, and I will select them one by one.

Nangong Xianyin: Yin Temple?Husband is so elegant, wait for me, I will be there soon!
"She said she would be there soon." Xian Wu touched his hand awkwardly. Nangong Xianyin seemed to have misunderstood something.

On the table, Nie Li looked at Ying Yueru firmly and vowed: "Master, don't worry, I will not let anyone hurt you again in this life, even if I risk my life."

"You only have the Heavenly Star Realm, how can you protect me?" Ying Yueru smiled, "My master is protected by your master, so you can concentrate on doing your own important things." "Although one of the five great emperors has died in reincarnation, But the remaining four can still help you defeat the Holy Emperor."

"Except the Demon Lord, and me, the Kongming Emperor, who are the reincarnations of the other three great emperors?" Nie Li asked.

Although he inherited the memory of Emperor Kong Ming, he was not omniscient and omnipotent, and some things were still unclear.

Ying Yueru smiled mysteriously and did not answer: "When the seal of the Ten Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers Map is broken, you can practice in it until you regain your full strength before you can come out."

"Otherwise, once you reach the Heavenly Transformation Realm, the Holy Emperor will detect it and send a powerful servant to assassinate you."

"Don't worry Ruru, let alone the Holy Emperor's attendant, even if the Holy Emperor comes, I can kill him instantly." Xian Wu summoned five ancient artifacts in the soul sea.

They are the Thunder Sword of Meteor God, Demon Refining Pot, Haotian Tower, Kunlun Mirror and Fuxi Qin.

Fuxi Qin is the guqin in Mingyue Wushuang's room, and the magic sound it plays can control people's minds.

Ying Yueru snuggled into Xian Wu's arms: "With my husband here, I feel at ease."

"I said, as long as I live, no one can hurt you." Xian Wu hugged Ying Yueru's delicate, boneless waist.

In less than half a stick of incense, Nangong Xianyin flew into the underworld.

"Husband, I brought all the paintings you asked for." She thought Xian Wu wanted to pamper her, but when she saw Nie Li and Ying Yueru at the scene, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Master Nangong, give it to me." Nie Li stood up and took the space ring.

After carefully browsing, Nie Li discovered the Map of Mountains and Rivers.

He spread out the picture and placed it on the floor, then knelt in front of the picture and began to crack the all-spirit lock that sealed the picture of mountains and rivers in thousands of miles.

Nie Li took a claw pen and wrote and drew on the map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

The inscription locks were unlocked one by one, and when only the last one was missing, Nie Li shouted: "Xian Wu, drop some blood on it!"

In fact, he can also take the Map of Mountains and Rivers as his own.

But if they do that, Nangong Xianyin and Xian Wu will definitely not be happy, and it will be bad if they hurt their feelings for each other.

Xian Wu bit his finger and pressed his bloody finger on the Map of Mountains and Rivers, and his soul instantly established a connection with it.

The surrendered map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers turned into a golden light, submerged into Xian Wu's eyebrows, and disappeared.

Ying Yueru walked over with graceful cat steps, lay on Xian Wu's shoulder, and told her how to use the Map of Mountains and Rivers.

"Understood!" General Xian summoned the Map of Mountains and Rivers, and then quickly formed seals with his hands. Countless mysterious inscriptions wrapped the four people and sucked them in instantly.

This is a vast space, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, with undulating mountains, meandering rivers, and growing vegetation, just like a small independent world.

The power of heaven here is very strong, and the mountains even breed a large number of elixirs.

"What a land of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!" Xian Wu sighed as he was suspended above the vast river.

Nangong Xianyin said: "If we practice here, we won't have to rob the divine pools of other divine sects."

(End of this chapter)

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