The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 38 The Art of Guiding

Chapter 38 The Art of Guiding
At noon, the sun's fire generally burns above people's heads.

In Dormitory No. [-] of Xuanzi, Xian Wu is learning the "Art of Guidance".

"The art of guidance is an advanced method of using soul power. It requires cultivators to have a certain degree of precise control over soul power..." As he spoke, Nie Li pushed a piece of paper on the table in front of Xian Wu. .

"What you have to do now is to use your soul power to make this page move. It doesn't require you to move too far, as long as you can control it to move left and right. Now I will demonstrate it to you."

Nie Li pinched his sword finger and hovered it above the center of the paper, about a few millimeters away.

"Move!" Nie Li yelled, and his soul power came out of his body and invaded the paper as he called.

Then, the page of paper began to move up, down, left and right on the table, as flexible as a part of Nie Li's body.

"I'll go, Nie Li, how did you do it? Isn't it too awesome?" Lu Piao rubbed his hands, eager to try, "Come on, let me try too!"

His talent is slightly higher than Nie Li's. If Nie Li can do it, there is no reason why he can't do it.

But... Lu Piao just can't do it!

Lu Piao blushed so hard that he almost choked out his answer, but did not let the paper move even once.

"It's moving, it's moving." Lu Piao clapped her hands happily and shouted.

Xian Wu and Nie Li looked at each other and smiled, they were indeed moving.

How dare you blow it with your mouth, can it not move?

Lu Piao found a step for himself, then put his hands behind his back, pretending to be cool, and lay back on the bed.

"Oh, it's too simple. It's not challenging at all. I'm a genius!" Lu Piao covered himself with the quilt and waved his hands: "Brother Wu, practice slowly and don't be discouraged. God rewards hard work, not everyone They are all geniuses like me."

Xian Wu had black streaks all over his head. He had never seen such a shameless person.

"Listen to Brother Piao and practice hard." Nie Li patted Xian Wu on the shoulder. "I've been up all night and I'm exhausted. Call us when it's time." Nie Li yawned and lay down on the bed.

"No problem, I'll take care of it." Xian Wu agreed.

He sat on a small stool, frowning and staring, holding the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, holding a sword with his right hand and hanging it above the paper.

Xian Wu was highly concentrated and could only see his hands and paper.

Unfortunately, even though his hands were shaking like a Parkinson's patient, he couldn't move the paper at all.

"Am I worse than Lu Piao? Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Xian Wu shook his head. If that were the case, he might as well just commit suicide. A scholar cannot be killed.

He was once a top student every year and an outstanding league cadre. How could he not be able to do even this little thing?Have fun!

So Xian Wu changed the hand that controlled the paper to his left hand.

You can't go all the way to the dark side, you have to be brave enough to try and change.

Failure means success, but if you keep repeating previous failed experiments and wasting time, you will never succeed.

Sure enough, the effect was different when he switched to his left hand. The soul power easily passed through the finger pads of his left hand and invaded the paper.

The paper moved left and right following Xian Wu's thoughts.

After about a minute, Xian Wu felt dizzy, accompanied by bursts of tinnitus.

He guessed that his soul power must have been exhausted.

1 soul power lasts for 1 minute.

If the soul power is transformed into a new energy battery, it will be out of stock on earth.

"By the way, I can't practice the "Seven Star Divine Curse", how can I recover my soul power?" Xian Wu rubbed his swollen temples. This is a question worth thinking about.

If he forcibly practices the "Seven Star Divine Curse", he will most likely lose control and expand into a balloon like that night.

Without the protection of Vice Dean Ye Sheng's Spiritual Transformation Pill, Xian Wu would not dare to try it easily.

The reborn Nie Li has great magical powers, so he should be able to do something.When he wakes up, ask him.

Time flies and the lunch break is over.

As promised before, Xian Wu woke up Nie Li and Lu Piao.

"Don't make trouble, let me sleep for a while? Just for a while." Lu Piao acted coquettishly, as if he was bedridden.

Nie Li sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Lu Piao speechlessly.

An idea struck him and he suddenly said: "Hey, Xian Wu, which class does that beautiful woman passing by outside the window belong to?"

"Beauty?" Xian Wu was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Nie Li meant.

"You don't even know her. She is the class beauty of the junior class of inscription masters. She is nicknamed 'Xiao Tiantian'. But why is she in the boys' dormitory area? She seems to be looking for someone? Come on, let's go and take a look."

"Wait for me! I'll go too!" Listening to the serious conversation between the two, Lu Piao couldn't lie still and stood up like a carp.

"Where is it? Where is it? Where is the beauty!" Lu Piao opened the window and looked around with green eyes.

"You big-headed devil, hurry up and leave, otherwise you will be late!" Nie Li grabbed Lu Piao's neck and dragged him out of the dormitory.

Only then did Lu Piao realize that the two people were playing tricks on him.

"You... are so abominable, we've broken off our friendship! I'm going to break up our friendship with you!" Lu Piao crossed his arms and said angrily.

Xian Wu and Nie Li laughed loudly, this Lu Piao was really too inferior.

The first class in the afternoon was with the arrogant instructor Shen Xiu.

Nie Li and the other six consciously stood at the back of the classroom. Xian Wu shrugged and stood up from his seat.

In the morning everyone faced difficulties together, but in the afternoon he couldn't sit alone while all the brothers stood.

That's too rude.

What's more, his seat is in the corner of the classroom, and no one will care whether he is standing or sitting.

Instructor Shen Xiu raised her chin proudly, crossed her slender waist, twisted her round hips, and walked into the classroom with a charming cat walk, bringing with her a scent of unknown fragrance.

The noble male students all looked at Shen Xiu with love on their faces.

To die under the peony flower is to be a ghost.

If they could have a kiss with Fangze, they would be willing to shorten their lives by ten years.

Commoner students generally have no favorable impression of this coquettish female instructor. Her words yesterday broke everyone's hearts.

Seeing Nie Li and the others obediently standing at the back of the classroom in advance, Shen Xiu snorted and said nothing more.

In class, Shen Xiu was just like yesterday, talking about nonsense between nobles and nothing useful at all.

Xian Wu couldn't help but mutter: "The people of the Holy Family are really good at what they do, but they are bad at what they do."

Fortunately, before coming to the classroom, he went to the library and borrowed a book on the human body.

Nie Li asked him to borrow the book. The second stage of learning the art of guidance is to become familiar with each acupuncture point and each meridian of the human body.

Xian Wu has a good memory and read a quarter of the book in one class.

It is expected that he will be able to read the entire book by the time school is over in the evening.

Xiao Ning'er didn't listen to Shen Xiu's long-winded words, and sat on her seat silently cultivating her soul power.

She bit her teeth gently. Once she started to practice her soul power, her ribs felt like needles pricking her, and the pain was unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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