The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 39 The Horned Sheep Extinct

Chapter 39 The Horned Sheep Extinct
In the evening, the western sky is covered with bright clouds.

In the place of trial, seven brothers gathered together, like seven gourd babies.

For the second hunt, the team was well-funded for the operation.

The four thousand demon spirit coins obtained from the hunt, plus the more than 1000 demon spirit coins left by Lu Piao, totaled more than 5000 demon spirit coins.

So Nie Li purchased three more light crossbows and several barrels of hundreds of crossbow arrows, and prepared a large amount of horned sheep anesthetic poison.

Before the action started, Nie Li pulled Xian Wu to his side and said to everyone with a serious expression: "Before the hunt, I have one thing for everyone to do. If you can't do it, I won't force you to put down your tools and leave us." This team.”

"What's the matter, Nie Li?" Seeing Nie Li being so serious, Lu Piao couldn't help but ask.

Du Ze already had a guess in his mind and nodded: "Say it, Nie Li, we are listening."

"It's not a big deal." Nie Li raised four fingers and said, "I need each of you to swear to heaven to strictly keep Xian Wu's secret and not to tell anyone, including those closest to you. Can you? Can you do it?”

"Yes!" Zhu Junxiang raised his hand without hesitation: "I, Zhu Junxiang, swear to heaven that I will not reveal Xian Wu's secret to anyone. If I violate this oath, I will be punished by heaven and earth."

Several people looked at Zhu Junxiang stupidly. How many benefits did Xian Wu give him, was it worthy of him swearing such a poisonous oath?

Although others were hesitant, they all followed suit and took the oath.

Nie Li nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's go!"

He was the second one to swear the oath. He originally wanted to take the lead in swearing the oath, but he didn't expect Zhu Junxiang to appear halfway.

Xian Wu was also very grateful to Nie Li.

Originally, he was worried that too many people would harm him if they knew the secret, but he didn't expect Nie Li to solve it with one move.

Zhang Ming and Wei Nan were very curious as to what secret Xian Wu had that made them worthy of such a heavy oath.

When they saw Xian Wu digging a huge deep hole in the ground instantly with his bare hands, the two of them understood a little bit.

It would be a lie to say that one is not moved by such a strange and powerful power.

Even children like them want to have it, let alone those greedy adults.

"What are you doing in a daze, are you so scared? Raise your light crossbow and shoot!" Seeing that the two were still in a daze, Lu Piao couldn't help reminding them.

The horned sheep were squirming in the pit like maggots, and the scene was indeed scary.

After coming back to their senses, the two men raised their light crossbows and joined the shooting procession.

Xian Wu stepped away from the edge of the hemispherical pit and made room for Nie Li and others.

The demon's left hand can expand and shrink the decomposition range as he wishes, so when he puts his left hand on the ground, he can not decompose the quarter-spherical ground under his feet, but only create a pit in front of him.

With the addition of Wei Nan, Zhang Ming and Zhu Junxiang, the hunting efficiency of the hunting team has increased dramatically.

They frantically swept through every inch of the novice hunting area, killing all the horned sheep before they even landed.

Horned sheep are almost extinct in the Trial Lands.

It's so inhumane!

On the second night, they hunted more than 1000 horned sheep, and the total trophies were worth more than 3000 demon spirit coins.

Including the remaining 4000 demon spirit coins, their total assets reached an astonishing [-] demon spirit coins.

"Are you still coming tomorrow?" Zhang Ming carried two big bags, his eyes almost fell out of joy.

He has never seen so much money since he was a child.

The value of this poisonous oath is so fucking worth it.

Nie Li shook his head: "My special anesthetic is specially used to deal with horned sheep. Since the horned sheep have been killed, what else is there to do? Moreover, the small goal I set has been achieved. Now it is time to start the next step of the plan. Yes." "What's the plan?" Lu Piao put his big face close to his.

"Secret." Nie Li pushed his big face plate away.

After selling the loot, there was still some time before dawn, so everyone decided to go back and catch up on some sleep.

No one had any complaints about Nie Li's control of the finances.Without his special anesthetic, it would be impossible for everyone to hunt horned sheep so efficiently.

"Nie Li, I've finished reading the Encyclopedia of the Human Body. What should I learn next?" Xian Wu asked as he walked towards the dormitory.

"The next step is to practice." Nie Li patted Xian Wu's shoulder with dark circles under his eyes and said.

"Penetrate soul power into the meridians and slowly clear the blockage. Remember, don't use too much force. It will be very painful when clearing the meridians. You have to be gentle and slow... Oh, don't go, I I haven’t finished talking yet! You must be gentle!”

gentle?These two words are not in my dictionary.

His soul power can only last for 1 minute, what if he doesn't hurry up?
Returning to the dormitory, Xian Wu took off his shirtless clothes, picked up the oil lamp and the bronze mirror, and began to... guide.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the bruises on his face. He had been covering his face with a towel for the past two days, and his handsome face was almost soaked with sweat.

Xian Wu arbitrarily penetrated the skin with his soul power, and based on the knowledge he learned in the afternoon, he quickly found the nearby acupuncture points and meridians, and then unblocked them roughly like scraping fish scales.

The dawn of dawn lifts the veil of night, spitting out the brilliant morning glow, and it's morning in the blink of an eye.

Xian Wu put on his pants and coat.

Most of the bruises have been removed by him, and the rest are hidden in hidden corners, and he has not found them yet.

Looking at the virtual image in the bronze mirror, his face didn't look good.

It wasn't that it was too painful to remove the bruises, it was mainly because his hair was still silver-white and showed no signs of turning black.

"Ask Nie Li!" Putting the bronze mirror back on the table, Xian Wu put on his cloak, opened the door and left the dormitory.

Xuanzi [-] dormitory.

The dormitory door was not closed, so Xian Wu walked in directly.

Lu Piao lay on the bed, sleeping soundly while hugging the pillow, and didn't notice anyone entered the room at all.

Nie Li's bed was empty, the quilts were neatly folded, and he didn't know where he was.

Quietly closing the door, Xian Wu tiptoed away.

After finishing his work in the cafeteria, Xian Wu opened his legs and ran towards the classroom.

"Huh?" He suddenly saw a familiar figure jumping out of the dormitory area. When he got closer, he saw that it was Lu Piao.

Xian Wu said suspiciously: "You didn't get up just now, did you?"

"You're talking about that! Not only did that boy Nie Li not wake me up, he also closed the door tightly to prevent me from hearing the movement in the corridor outside, causing me to sleep until now. It's so abominable!" Lu Piao complained.

Xian Wu smiled awkwardly. When Nie Li left, the door seemed to be open...

"Perhaps Nie Li opened the door for you, but the wind blew it shut later." Xian Wu tried to explain.

Lu Piao was not a fool, and he also had basic knowledge of physics.

"Nonsense, if it was blown by the wind, there should be a loud 'bang' noise, and I would wake up. But... I didn't hear anything." Lu Piao was indignant.

"Nie Li must have gone on a secret date with 'Little Sweetie', and he doesn't want me to know, this guy who values ​​sex and despises friends, break up with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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