Chapter 46 I Am God
Xian Wu tilted his head and lay flat on the ground, watching Xiao Ning'er leave.

She was disheveled and swaying, her slightly yellowed hair spread over her shoulders, as if she had fought with someone for three hundred rounds.

"What a life-killing little goblin~" A bitter smile appeared on Xian Wu's face.

After one treatment, all his soul power was exhausted.

22 points of soul power, not even a drop left was squeezed out.

Feeling hollowed out...

But Xian Wu was still very excited when he thought that by curing Xiao Ning'er, he could get a bronze demon spirit, and by getting a bronze demon spirit, he could be promoted to a bronze demon spiritual master.

At that time, it will have a capacity of 999 soul power, and you can suck whoever you want in the junior warrior class.When the time comes, if Shen Yue dares to dance in front of him again, he will be sucked dry in minutes.

It is worth mentioning that after absorbing and refining the bronze demon spirit, although the demon spirit cannot be summoned to possess it, it can still use the demon spirit's combat skills.

If he absorbs the horned sheep demon spirit, he will be able to use the mad battle technique after the refining is completed.

He currently has no soul power at all, and it will take 22 hours to recover naturally, which is 44 hours.

Normally, what demon spiritual masters cultivate is not soul power, but the upper limit of soul power.

After the soul power is consumed, it will automatically recover. Running the skill can restore it faster until the upper limit of soul power is reached.

Xian Wu's situation is somewhat special. His current soul power capacity is 99, but the upper limit of his soul power is 22, and he can naturally recover up to 22 soul powers.

As long as he absorbs more alien soul power, the upper limit of his soul power will increase, up to 99.

The problem before him was how to restore the lost soul power in a short period of time.

It is impossible to practice cultivation. As long as he dares to practice the "Seven Star Divine Curse", his body will explode in front of him.

The only way is to absorb the soul power of the alien body.

"Who should I suck?" …”

He is a fair person and cannot only suck Lu Piao but not others. That would be too unfair to Lu Piao.

Xian Wu licked his lips and sat up.

Staring at the blazing bonfire, an idea suddenly came to Xian Wu's mind.

Soul power is ultimately a kind of energy.

Since the Chaos Soul Devouring Art can absorb soul power, can it absorb other forms of energy?
Wind energy, kinetic energy, heat energy, light energy and radiant energy, etc.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Xian Wu sat next to the bonfire and slowly stretched his right hand towards the red flame.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Art!"

As soon as Xian Wu finished speaking, an invisible vortex formed from the palm of his right hand.

The flames were attracted by the vortex and began to flow into Xian Wu's palm.

"It's not hot at all?" He saw with his own eyes that the flames burned the skin of his palms, but there was no burning sensation at all.

"This method works!" Xian Wu seemed to have discovered a new world.

As the Chaos Soul Devouring Art was devoured, the flames of the bonfire became more and more intense, and did not stop until the firewood in the bonfire was completely burned to ashes.

After adding dry firewood, he took out the fire stick and lit it again. Xian Wu did not start to devour it immediately.

He took out the primary soul crystal, slowly poured soul power into it, and tested it.

The bonfire actually provided him with 6 points of soul power!

"Not bad, not bad, it tastes great." Xian Wu gave a thumbs up.

He now has a question.

Does heat energy count as alien soul power?In other words, can absorbing heat energy increase his upper limit of soul power?
With doubts in mind, Xian Wu once again performed the Chaos Soul Devouring Art on the bonfire.

Once the absorption begins, he no longer has to stupidly raise his hands towards the bonfire.

The Chaos Soul Devouring Art will operate naturally and absorb automatically, and the absorption speed will increase sharply in the form of an exponential explosion.

Xian Wukong took action and began to add firewood to the bonfire.The flames rushed toward Xian Wu like a tiger, and Xian Wu was covered in fire, like a god of fire descending to earth.

Although the fire was fierce, it did not cause any harm to Xian Wu, and even his clothes were not damaged at all.

The energy of the flame was completely absorbed just one centimeter away from Xian Wu's body.

After burning up Xiao Ning'er's firewood, Xian Wu moved the firewood from his camp over.

Along the way, a fire dragon sprang up in the stone forest, which was very spectacular.

However, Xian Wu did not add the firewood from his camp to the firewood, fearing that it would burst.

After the bonfire burned out and the energy was absorbed, Xian Wu took out the soul crystal and tested it again.

No more, no less, a total of 22 points of soul power.

"Absorbing non-soul power energy can't increase the upper limit of soul power?" Xian Wu was not sure.

Keep adding firewood, keep burning, keep absorbing.

After consuming all the firewood in his camp, Xian Wu tested again.

"Still 22 o'clock?" Now, he understood the truth of the matter.

Absorbing non-soul power energy can only quickly restore soul power, but cannot increase the upper limit of soul power.

In this case, where does the excess absorbed energy go?It has obviously entered the body, right?
"Isn't this consistent with the law of conservation of energy?"

Just when Xian Wu was confused, he suddenly saw some strange words "-521Bkj" appearing on the back of his left hand.

"What does this string of words mean?" Xian Wu was a little confused.

After a brief research, he felt that this string of numbers should record energy.

"KJ" should mean kilojoules.

Why negative energy?

"That's right." Xian Wu slapped his head and suddenly understood, "This energy should be owed when he used the devil's left hand to decompose everything. Decomposing chemical bonds absorbs energy, and synthesizing chemical bonds releases energy."

Since time travel, he has decomposed countless things.

I thought it was unconditional random decomposition, but I didn't expect there was such a thing as energy debt.

"It's so scientific." Xian Wu couldn't help complaining.

The next day, he got up early.

In order to get rid of the ugly tattoo, he used the Chaos Soul Devouring Art against the rising sun.

We tested last night and found that absorbing non-soul power energy will not increase the upper limit of soul power.

Rays of sunlight hit Xian Wu, and he seemed to be the male god of Dawn bathing in the sunshine, well, the husband of the goddess of Dawn.

"Hahaha...I am a god...hahahahahaha..."

Xian Wu stood on the rockery with his hands on his hips, looking up to the sky and roaring, his whole body exuding dazzling golden light.

"God, your uncle!"

"What are you calling so early in the morning? Spring has already passed!"

"Just because I screamed like crazy, I didn't let anyone sleep anymore."

There was a burst of curses in the dormitory.

Xian Wu touched his nose angrily, jumped off the rockery, and walked to the cafeteria.

The golden light on the body appeared and disappeared quickly. Since the energy absorbed by the Chaos Devouring Art increased exponentially, it did not take long to remove the tattoo on the back of the hand.

After the energy returned to zero, the words "0kj" stayed for about three seconds and then disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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