The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 47 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 47 The Unexpected Incident

vice headmaster's office.

Seven gourd babies...oh no, seven junior warrior class students stood in a row, facing the desk with their heads lowered.

"Be honest! Leniency will be given if you confess, strict if you resist!" Vice President Ye Sheng slammed the table, his white beard trembling.

After two days of investigation, they finally found the suspect who caused the extinction of the horn sheep in the Trial Land.

In fact, causing the horned sheep to become extinct was not the main reason for catching them.

The main reason is that these bastards are digging holes everywhere in the training ground. Nearly one-half of the students in the entire Holy Orchid Academy have fallen into them. The mailbox is almost full of complaint letters.

Xian Wu had some friendship with Vice Dean Ye Sheng, so he stood up and took all the responsibility on himself: "Report to the Dean, I dug the pit and killed the sheep. It's up to you whether you want to be beaten or punished. , it’s none of their business.”

Although Ye Sheng is the deputy dean, there is nothing wrong with calling him dean, and the dean sounds much nicer than the vice dean.

"Nonsense!" Ye Sheng knew that Xian Wu was taking responsibility for others, but could he bear such a big thing alone?Maybe you will be expelled from school.

"Can you dig such a hole by yourself? Let's go to the Martial Arts Field and show me!" Ye Sheng stood up.

At this time, Nie Li took a step forward and quietly pulled Xian Wu's sleeve.

Nie Lichong cupped his hands at Vice President Ye Sheng and said, "Report to Vice President Ye Sheng that we dug the hole together. If you want to punish us, let us be punished together."

As the eldest brother in the team and Xian Wu's adoptive father, he couldn't let Xian Wu take responsibility alone. That would be too unloyal.

"Yes, we dug it together." Lu Piao stood up and said.

"That's right, Lord Ye Sheng."


"We dug it together."

Other friends echoed.

Ye Sheng's brows twitched, thinking that these guys are quite loyal.

"Okay!" Ye Sheng sat back on his seat, picked up the horn pen, and said while writing: "The Alchemist Association is short of manpower, and we will punish the seven of you to work there for four days. Do you have any objections?"

"No!" Nie Li replied.

The others nodded.

"That's good." Ye Sheng finished writing, folded the paper, stuffed it into an envelope, and handed it to Xian Wu.

"Take this letter and go to the Alchemist Association to find Director Yang Xin. Go!" Ye Sheng patted Xian Wu on the shoulder and opened the door to see him off.

On the way, Wei Nan, who was usually taciturn, spoke up.

"Don't worry, everyone. I have been helping my family pick herbs and working in the pharmacy before school started. When I go to the Alchemist Association, I just sort the medicinal materials, grind the powder and so on. I am good at this, if you know if you know it, just ask me. "

"Thank you, Wei Nan." Xian Wu said gratefully.

I didn't expect that Wei Nan, who is short and stuffy like a gourd pot, has such a skill.People cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Wei Nanhan smiled and scratched his head.

The Alchemist Association is a continuous building. In front of it is a magnificent hall. Alchemists wearing various robes come in and out of the hall.Behind are courtyard pavilions, where alchemists make alchemy.

"Hello kids, what can I do for you?" A little girl in a gray robe came over. She was the receptionist at the Alchemist Association Hall.

kid?Xian Wu and Nie Li had strange expressions.The former's actual age is five or six years older than her, and the latter's actual age is enough to be her wife...grandfather.

Xian Wu took out the letter that Vice President Ye Sheng gave him and handed it over.

Lu Piao asked with a smile: "I don't know what to call this girl. How old is she?"

"You can call me Xiaolan. As for my age, that's a secret. Don't ask a girl's age casually, it's very impolite~" Miss Xiaolan said in a teaching tone.

Xiaolan?I’m still like Kudo Shinichi!Xian Wu complained secretly.

To be honest, Xiaolan is not her cup of tea. Her chest looks like an airport and she has no interest in her at all.

Xiao Lan didn't open Faith, she looked back and forth, and then said: "You guys wait in the lobby for a while, I will go to Director Yang. Don't run around, sister will be right back."

"Sister?" Zhang Ming blinked Kazilan's big eyes, raised his hand to touch his chin, and stared at Xiaolan's back, wondering what nonsense he was thinking.

Zhu Junxiang knew Zhang Ming quite well. Zhang Ming liked girls who were older than him, and he also liked...flat chests.

A very weird hobby.

"Father, what are you thinking about?" Xian Wu asked quietly in Nie Li's ear.Along the way, Nie Li remained silent, wondering what was going on.

Nie Li did not answer directly: "You will know later."

Not long after, Yang Xin, the director of the Alchemist Association, appeared.

The seven friends were all stunned. Director Yang Xin was so beautiful. She was in her 20s and in her prime. Her every move exuded the charm of a mature woman, especially the pair of breasts... They were the most beautiful ones that Xian Wu had seen so far. over the largest model.

"Gudong" Xian Wu swallowed.

Yang Xin, I am determined to get married. Even Jesus can’t stop me. This is what I said!

Xian Wu secretly swore in his heart.

Perhaps it was due to his soul tempering his body that he was now only half a head shorter than Yang Xin. Among the seven friends, he seemed to stand out from the crowd.It is no exaggeration to say that with a beard glued on, he is their father.

"What do you want to do?" Nie Li pinched Xian Wu and scolded quietly: "Xiao Ning'er is not enough, you still want to provoke Yang Xin? Don't be too bothered!"

Xian Wu curled his lips disapprovingly: "Fanxin? Please pay attention to your wording. This is called fraternity. And it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines in the Glory City. Even the city lord has two wives."

As long as he likes them, he will marry them all.

"You're talking nonsense!" Nie Li became anxious when he heard Xian Wu mentioning Ye Ziyun's father: "Ye Zong only renewed his relationship after Ziyun's mother passed away, so his nature is different from yours."

In his previous life, Ye Zong sacrificed his life and blood for the Glory City, and finally died in the attack of the monster wave.

He dedicated his life to the Glory City. He was a great person, a pure person, and a person who was free from vulgar taste. Nie Li would not allow Xian Wu to slander Ye Zong's father-in-law like this.

"What's the difference?" Xian Wu sneered. Which emperor in history didn't have many wives and concubines? "It's a fact that the city lord married two wives."

"Unreasonable!" Nie Li brushed his sleeves angrily.

No matter what others do, he is a man who is committed to the end. Regardless of past life or this life, he only loves Ye Ziyun.

I don't know why, but after hearing Xian Wu's point of view, Nie Li felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

You must take good care of your precious Ziyun, and don't let Xian Wu, a big stallion, get in the way.

If Xian Wu knew what Nie Li was thinking, he would definitely sneer at it. Ye Ziyun would give him nothing to play with, but he wouldn't want it.

(End of this chapter)

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