The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 5 Complete Disintegration

Chapter 5 Complete Disintegration
Several years later, recalling this incident, Xian Wu Renjiu felt a chill run down his spine.

If it weren't for the "Devil's Left Hand", the grass on his and the little girl's grave would probably be one foot tall.

So, he called the culprit and "taught" her a lesson.


It was so late and so fast that before Xian Wu had time to think carefully, his body had already rushed out.

"Quickly...get out of the way, you don't want to live anymore!" Huyan Lanruo, who was on the dog's back, finally realized something was wrong.

The main reason is that Xian Wu's black robe is too eye-catching and is incompatible with the surrounding environment, like a large black charcoal.

However, she realized it too late. The mount under her crotch was only one step away from the opponent.

"It's over, it's over, Xian Wu is dead." Lu Piao covered her eyes, afraid of seeing the miserable scene of intestines and internal organs flying all over the sky.

"Danger!" Nie Li stamped his feet anxiously, but he couldn't help.

"Erya, my son!" The shopkeeper rushed out desperately, but was hugged tightly by the waiter.

Xian Wu blocked the little girl's front with his body, opened his robe with his right hand, and at the same time stretched out the demon's left hand straight out.

The little girl picked up the ball, but was frightened by the big dog and crazy woman coming towards her.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Huyan Lanruo plucked the dog's mane, trying to slow it down, but with little success.

The giant mastiff's speed is too fast, if you want it to stop in such a short distance, unless the black gold demon spirit master makes a move.

The danger was approaching, but Xian Wu did not panic, because it was of no use to mess up his position, but would accelerate his own death.

He stared at the most prominent part of the giant mastiff rushing forward, and faced it head-on before it hit him.

"Secret Technique·Complete Disintegration!!!"

An explosive roar erupted from Xian Wu's chest, like a bolt from the blue.

For an instant, time and space seemed to freeze.

The moment the fingertips of the devil's left hand touched the dog's hair, the decomposition force spread arrogantly and unreasonably throughout the giant mastiff's body.

Before anyone could realize what was going on, the giant mastiff disappeared out of thin air.

Huyan Lanruo, riding on the air, continued to move forward under the action of inertia, drawing a parabola in the air.

By coincidence, she spread her legs and flew past Xian Wu's hood.

Then, "Crack! Ah!!" fell to the ground, and the buttocks probably had eight petals.

At the same time as Huyan Lanruo flew over, a storm of charcoal dust rose in front of Xian Wu.

There is not only carbon in the dust storm, but also some metal atoms, but they are oxidized the moment they come into contact with the air.

This is why carbon dust is so hot.

Fortunately he was protected by a cloak, otherwise he would have been covered in the remains of the dead dog.

The reason why a whole big dog can be completely decomposed instead of just its fur is because of its subjective will.

In other words, Xian Wu did not regard Dog Mao as an individual, but regarded Dog Mao and the dog as a whole.

Therefore, when the devil's left hand decomposed the dog's hair, it also decomposed the big dog.

As for Xian Wu splitting wood at the garbage disposal site, he only regarded the plant cell as a single individual.

It only takes a few experiments to master the operation skills. After all, the waste wood in the garbage disposal site is not valuable.

"Huchi...huchi..." When Xian Wu came back to his senses, his whole body was covered in sweat and he was breathing heavily.

His legs went weak and he collapsed on the ground.

Just now...I almost died...

Damn, why don't you have a long memory!

At the beginning, he was brave enough to travel to the world of "The Legend of Demons and Gods", but he didn't expect that he would not change his ways even after changing places.

Really drunk.

If you are drunk on your own, there will be no one except Xian Wu.Just when Xian Wu was still in shock, he suddenly felt a looseness in his crotch.


Gift Crab, your left hand is yours!

When Xian Wu was unconscious, the demon's left hand decomposed the part that was in contact with the object by default.

"Uncle, thank you~" The little girl held the ball and ran over very obediently.

Xian Wu rolled his eyes. Although he looked older, his physical age was only 13 years old. Calling him uncle was a bit too much.

"You're welcome." Xian Wu rubbed her little head with his right hand, "Go home, and don't run into the middle of the road again."

Quickly retracting into his cloak, Xian Wu grabbed the broken trousers on his left side with his right hand and stood up slowly.

"Dad, oh oh..." The little girl didn't cry on the street, but cried when she threw herself into her father's arms.

Xian Wu nodded happily, stood up and left, preparing to find the next tailor shop.


After thinking about it, no, why not go to a tailor shop and provoke the aunt and grandma of a wealthy family, so why don't you hurry away.

slip away.

Huyan Lanruo, whose buttocks fell apart, endured the severe pain and stood up.

She felt like she was dreaming and looked around blankly. There were pedestrians pointing at her everywhere.

Just now, I was riding the dog king while shopping, why did he suddenly sit on the ground?
"Dog King?" Huyan Lanruo shouted subconsciously, her voice charming and gentle.

"Where is my dog ​​king? Did you steal it?" Huyan Lanruo grabbed a pedestrian by the collar and asked with bared teeth and claws.

"I don't know. I'm here to make soy sauce."

"Is it you?" After pushing the passerby onto his back, Huyan Lanruo grabbed another innocent passerby.

"Miss Huyan, I didn't steal your dog king. Just now it 'swiped' itself and disappeared out of thin air. Really, if you don't believe me, just ask the neighbors who were watching!"

"Nonsense!" Huyan Lanruo bit her teeth and scolded, "It's fine, how could it disappear out of thin air! How dare you lie to me!"

Just when Huyan Lanruo raised his whip to teach the "liar" in his hand a lesson, a crisp children's voice sounded.

"Bad woman!"

As the sound sounded, a ball landed on Huyan Lanruo's head, hitting the bullseye.

"Huh?" Huyan Lanruo seemed to have recalled something and turned to look.

The shopkeeper quickly hid the little girl behind his back and asked the waiter to take her back to the house.

"Don't move! Just stand there and don't move!" Huyan Lanruo walked towards the tailor shop menacingly as he threw the "liar" away like trash.

"Miss Huyan, you have a lot of money, don't act like a child." The shopkeeper quickly begged.

"Get out of here!" Huyan Lanruo pushed him away.

After pulling away the clerk in the shop, she finally saw the little villain who hit her with the ball just now.

Thinking of it, Huyan Lanruo remembered everything at once.

What happened just now flashed through her mind like a scene from a movie.

"Where's the one in the black cloak?!!!" Hu Yanlan raised her head to the sky and screamed, and the whole Academy Street trembled three times.

The roar of the lion in the east of the river is so terrifying.

At this time, Xian Wu held up his bright red pants and ran back to Shenglan Academy.

Passers-by hurriedly helped my aunt look for her, but Xian Wu and the big dog seemed to disappear out of thin air.

While Huyan Lanruo was looking around, the shopkeeper winked at the waiter, who hurriedly brought Lu Piao and Nie Li into the inner hall.

(End of this chapter)

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