Chapter 52 Absolute Zero
At dawn, the breeze is blowing.

In his sleep, Xian Wu felt someone kicking him.

No, it wasn't a dream, someone was actually kicking him.

"Why are you kicking grandpa? You're tired of living!" Xian Wu stared at Han Xing's cold moon-like eyes with an angry look on his face.

Don’t have a mouth?Can't speak?He is a child of a wealthy family and he doesn't understand this kind of politeness.

Xiao Ning'er pouted, folded the white robe into a square, and handed it back to Xian Wu. She didn't know what to call Xian Wu.

asshole?A savior?Future husband?

"How could I kick you?" Xiao Ning'er said with her hands behind her back.

General Xian was still warm and stuffed the woman's fragrant white robe into his arms. He stood up, pinched his waist, looked down at Xiao Ning'er and said, "Your toes touched mine without my permission." What’s the name of a body if not a kick?”

Looking at her red and thin lips, Xian Wu blinked a few times unconsciously.

Last night, in order to cure Xiao Ning'er's extreme cold disease at once, he borrowed some soul power.

But later, after absorbing the energy of the moonlight, he returned it.

Xiao Ning'er did not suffer a loss, but actually made a profit.

After only being kissed for a few minutes, the size of the soul sea doubled. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

At the same time, his own soul power also reached the limit of 99.

If you use "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique" to suck people in with full soul power, he will definitely explode on the spot.

Having said that, he didn't plan to tell Xiao Ning'er that he had kissed her.

He knew quite a bit about Xiao Ning'er's personality. If she found out, he would have to use her little dagger to fight him.

"You...are unreasonable!" Xiao Ning'er raised her hand and poked Xian Wu's forehead, threw the Demon Spirit Stone on him, and then left angrily with light and delicate steps.

Xian Wu picked up the Demon Spirit Stone that fell on the ground, raised his hand, and shouted to Xiao Ning'er who was walking away: "Hey, let's clear up. I won't come tomorrow, don't pester me again. Got it!"

I don’t know if Xiao Ning’er heard it clearly, but Xian Wu won’t be back tomorrow anyway.

And as long as that little girl is not stupid, she will definitely not practice soul power at night, and there is no need to come to the trial place.

"Hey, its my precious!" Xian Wu stared at the Demon Spirit Stone in his palm.

This demon spirit stone is silver-white. The reason why it is this color is because there is a silver-white flame burning inside.

The flame the size of the belly of your thumb should be the demon spirit of the Snow Demon Emperor that Xiao Ning'er mentioned.

"The name is quite domineering, but unfortunately, just like the members of the Holy Family, the gold and jade are ruined on the outside, and they are just a bronze-level demon spirit." Xian Wu curled his lips and started to run the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art".

The Demon Stone is like a glass ball. Xian Wu stopped playing with that crap when he was in the third grade of elementary school, so he naturally had no interest in continuing to observe and study it.

An invisible vortex appeared in Xian Wu's palm, and the demonic fire poured out from the demonic stone and disappeared into the vortex.

Stuffing the transparent demon spirit stone into his crowded trouser pocket, Xian Wu was a little envious of the space rings in the hands of rich people.

That thing is like a space backpack in the game. It carries a large amount of cargo with almost zero weight, and can take out and store the contents at will. It is very convenient and practical.

When the profits from the Alchemist Association come down, he must ask Nie Li's adoptive father to buy one.

After devouring the Wind and Snow Demon Emperor, Xian Wu felt a chill in the back of his head, as if his hair had been shaved off.

Xian Wu reached out and touched it suspiciously. Fortunately, the hair was still there.Bo!
The coolness disappeared, and then there was a sound in Xian Wu's head, as if something had broken.

"My whole body feels a lot more relaxed." Xian Wu shook his shoulders, as if he had opened some shackles after swallowing the demon spirit.

What is currently known is that the upper limit of the soul power his soul sea can absorb has been increased to 999.

After the soul sea is full, the upper limit of the soul power that can be overflowed is 900.

In the absence of soul power, it will explode only if the soul power absorbed exceeds 1899.

In other words, he can now deal with a silver-star demon spiritual master, but cannot deal with a silver-star two demon spiritual master.

However, apart from Nie Li, the max-level boss, he was the only one who could surpass the level of silver with a bronze body.

"By the way, after swallowing the demon spirit, I can obtain the demon spirit's combat skills. Where are the combat skills? Where are the combat skills? The combat skills are in the head of a handsome guy like you~" Xian Wu sang unconsciously .

Close your eyes and realize carefully...

"Yes!" Xian Wu opened his eyes and murmured to himself: "Absolute zero combat skill? This combat skill is a bit awesome. Are you sure it can be possessed by a bronze-level monster?"

At absolute zero, cold air is ejected from the palm of the hand, which can instantly freeze an unsuspecting enemy into an ice sculpture. The amount of soul power consumed by the quick freezing is determined by the difference in the amount of soul power between the two parties.

"9 (because 6 was turned over)!" Xian Wu cheered and suddenly slapped the bonfire with his palm.

In an instant, the bonfire froze into a lump of ice. What was so exaggerated was that even the flames were frozen.

I took out the primary soul crystal and tested it, and it turned out to be 98 points, which means that it only costs 1 point of soul power to freeze an object without soul power.

"Interesting, a bit interesting." Xian Wu touched his chin and raised the corners of his mouth.

However, it is easy to freeze something, but how to defrost it?Rely on it absorbing heat from the surrounding environment?

Xian Wu stretched out the devil's left hand and placed it on the ice lump, wanting to try it out.

"Secret Technique: Complete Disintegration!"

In an instant, the ice mass disappeared, leaving only a dark piece of scorched earth.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with my eyes?" Xian Wu rubbed his eyes. After the decomposition was completed, some colorful bright spots appeared in his field of vision.

The bright spots were suspended in front, back, left, and right of Xian Wu, moving irregularly.

Xian Wu tried to use his soul power to capture one of the highlights.

Squinting at the bright spot in his hand, or to be precise, the dark spot, the small black ball, Xian Wu frowned: "What is this? It can't be... a carbon atom, right?"

According to this logical reasoning, the red ball should be an oxygen atom, the white ball should be a hydrogen atom, the blue ball should be a nitrogen atom, the gray ball should be a silicon atom, and the pink ball should be a calcium atom. atom……

Using soul force again to grab two red balls, Xian Wu made them keep approaching the black ball.

Something magical happened. The small balls highlighted when they collided together, and then formed a V-shaped ball chain.

"Carbon dioxide?" Xian Wu raised his eyebrows.

It's outrageous fucking open the door to outrageous, outrageous home.

He actually synthesized carbon dioxide independently!

In order to verify his conjecture, Xian Wu turned on the output power of his soul power to the maximum, and gathered all the black balls that looked like carbon atoms together...

(End of this chapter)

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