Chapter 53
Through Xian Wu's experiments, it was discovered that when carbon atoms are compressed to a certain extent using soul power, they will combine with each other to form a stable substance - graphite.

Graphite is gray-black in color and has stable chemical properties. Commonly used pencil leads are made of graphite.

In other words, if you have graphite, you have pencil lead, and if you have pencil lead, you have pencil.

Glory City currently uses brushes and ink, which are not easy to carry, cumbersome to use, and expensive.

If the pencil is popularized, it will greatly benefit the development of Glory City's cultural industry.

However, although Xian Wu invented graphite, pencils are not equal to graphite. They also need a hard coat. Pencils made of graphite alone will easily break.

Unless this problem is solved, plans to produce pencils will have to be put on hold.

With the case of synthetic graphite, Xian Wu began to synthesize water again.

Water molecules are compounds, and their synthesis is much more difficult than graphite.

When he uses his soul power to exert pressure on hydrogen and oxygen atoms, not only water will be generated, but hydrogen and oxygen will also be generated.

Therefore, the water produced in this way is not a pure substance, but a mixture.

Although hydrogen and oxygen are mixed, the majority of the mixture is still water, liquid water to be exact.

Liquid water compressed further will form ice.

However, direct compression would consume a lot of soul power, so Xian Wu chose to use another simple method.

Using the absolute zero just obtained, liquid water is directly frozen into solid water, that is, ice.

After conducting a series of complex experiments, Xian Wu has been able to produce graphite, three-state water, three-state oxygen, three-state hydrogen and three-state carbon dioxide.

Some of the other compounds that Xian Wu could not produce for the time being, and some of them would be useless even if they were produced.

The inability to create was not due to lack of soul power, but due to lack of knowledge. His high school chemistry knowledge had been used to the limit.

However, the above substances are enough, and he can synthesize them anytime and anywhere, because there are various elements required for synthesis in the air.

Absorbing the moonlight essence and replenishing the lost energy, Xian Wu prepared to leave the trial place.

There was nothing left for him to miss here.

The next morning, dawn began to rise.

The seven brothers left the dormitory early and went to the Alchemist Association together to have a drink.

On the way, Nie Li whispered in Xian Wu's ear: "Yesterday, the Alchemist Association urgently refined a batch of soul-nurturing pills. It is estimated that they will be available for sale this morning. The effect of the soul-nurturing pill is ten times that of the soul-gathering pill. There will definitely be a big sale when the time comes, so we’ll just wait and collect the money.”

"Father, how long will it take for us to get our share? I want to buy two silver demon spirits to advance." Xian Wu said impatiently.

Yang Xin had hinted to him that as long as he was promoted to the realm of the Golden Demon Spiritual Master, he would be with him.

Xian Wu felt hot in his heart when he thought of that hot-bodied beauty.

"Silver demon spirit? Have you swallowed the bronze demon spirit?" Nie Li asked doubtfully. The profits from the Alchemist Association have not been divided yet. How could he have so much money to buy the demon spirit? The [-] demon spirit coins that everyone accumulated from hunting But they are all stored here with him.

Xian Wu's face was not red and his heart was not beating and he said shyly: "Yes, my wife Ning'er gave it to me."

"Ning'er...wife..." Nie Li was surprised. Has the relationship between the two become so close?Nie Li said sincerely: "My child, you are still young and there are some things you cannot control. When you grow up, it will not be too late to do those things again. Don't make a big mistake because of your enthusiasm."

"Although we have the support of the Alchemist Association, Xiao Ning'er is a direct descendant of a wealthy family after all. What did you do to her? If the Winged Dragon Family accuses you, the Alchemist Association will not be able to protect you."

A person wants face like a tree, and a wealthy family pays more attention to face. Xian Wu really wants to make rice with Xiao Ning'er, otherwise he will be soaked in a pig cage.When the time comes, not even the city lord can protect them.

Xian Wu patted Nie Li on the shoulder and reassured him: "Although I am lustful, I am not promiscuous. Unless she is the woman I marry home, I will not perform the courtesy of Duke Zhou with her."

"The courtesy of Duke Zhou? Where did you learn such elegant words?" Nie Li thought it would be better to change it to "The courtesy of Duke Nie".

Ziyun, wait for me!
Once born and twice cooked.

Nie Li and Xian Wu were both wearing the clothes of alchemy masters. Even if the staff on duty in the lobby didn't recognize them, they should recognize their clothes.

After eating, a few people found a place to have a cat, and began to practice soul power.

Xian Wu did not go to play with Yang Xin's eldest son today, but circled around his brothers like a hungry wolf that had been hungry for three days.

Being swept by Xian Wu's green eyes, several people felt uncomfortable.

Lu Piao was even more nervous, sweating all over his body, trembling all over, and his Dao heart was unstable.

"Xian Wu, can you please stop turning around and go find your darling Yang Xin." Nie Li was also flustered by Xian Wu's turning around.

The cultivation speed of "Tiandao Divine Art" is already slow. If it is sucked away by Xian Wu again, the efforts of the past few days will be in vain.

Not everyone has Xian Wu's ability to quickly replenish his soul power.

Most people have all their soul power taken away and cannot replenish it for a few days and nights. The lower the level of the demon spiritual master, the slower the recovery of soul power.

It's not that he is a stingy adoptive father and has little soul power. The main reason is that soul power is too important in the early stage.

What's more, he also made a bet with Shen Xiu.

Xian Wu stopped, glanced around at the practicing brothers, hesitated, and finally left.

Sigh~ Why didn't anyone stand up and let him smoke casually, they are all good brothers, what's the matter with contributing?
When I came to the Alchemist Association Hall, I originally wanted to play with Yang Xin's big baby, but I didn't expect to meet someone I didn't want to meet.

Huyan Lanruo?Why is she in the Alchemist Association?
Yang Xin held Huyan Lanruo's slender waist and carried her to the hall while talking and laughing.

"Xian Wu? Why are you here?" When Huyan Lanruo saw Xian Wu, she would pounce on him like a cat seeing a mouse.

Xian Wu dodged sideways and said coldly: "Miss Huyan, we don't seem to be that familiar yet, right? How appropriate is it to hug each other? Please respect yourself!"

Before Hu Yanlan could use the charm technique, Xian Wu pinched his nose and stood beside Yang Xin.

"What, do you know each other?" Yang Xin asked with a smile. The two of them seemed to have known each other from the past.

Xian Wu pinched his nose and explained: "We've only met a few times, so we don't count as acquaintances." He didn't want Yang Xin to misunderstand. Although Huyan Lanruo was pretty good-looking, she was far behind Yang Xin.

Not considered acquaintance?Huyan Lanruo got angry when she heard this.

I even saw your boy's bird, and you actually said you don't know him?How do we know each other?

(End of this chapter)

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