Chapter 61 Back to Academy
Saint Orchid Academy, beginner martial artist class.

After four days of "punishment", the seven brothers returned to the academy to continue their classes.

In the martial arts class, Xian Wu had a dictionary of the Black Gold Empire in his left hand and a "Sacred Code of Thunder and Fire" in his right hand, and he was fascinated by them.

"Thunder and Fire Sacred Code" is written in the characters of the Snow Wind Empire period. It is very profound and difficult to understand.

The Black Gold Empire was a relatively large empire at the same time as the Snow Wind Empire, and the texts between the two empires were almost universal.

After understanding the characters of the Black Gold Empire, it will be easier to identify the characters of the Snow Wind Empire.

Why not use the Snowstorm Empire dictionary?Because it's not available in the library.

Xian Wu's soul sea has the attribute of chaos, and he can cultivate all kinds of inscriptions.Du Ze's soul sea has thunder and fire attributes, and he can only cultivate thunder attribute inscriptions and fire attribute inscriptions, which is relatively limited.

"Xian Wu, what are you looking at, kid? Look up at the blackboard!" Instructor Tie Kuang suddenly shouted, although there were quite a few students who deserted in his class, most of them were the sons of nobles with wealthy families.

Xianwu was born as a commoner, but he didn't listen carefully and started to desert.If you come from a poor family and don't study hard, you won't be successful after graduation.

Tie Kuang felt that Xian Wu was angry with him and hated himself for throwing him away from his class representative position, but there was nothing he could do about it.It is unwise to ruin one's bright future just to be angry.

As his mentor, I can't ignore it.

Xian Wu raised his head and looked at the blackboard. When Master Tie Kuang turned around, he continued to lower his head and immersed himself in the "Sacred Code of Thunder and Fire".

His strength has reached more than 1000 points, which is equivalent to a silver one-star warrior.

With such qualifications, you can already attend the warrior genius class, and it doesn't matter if you don't attend the class.

When it comes to the genius class, there will be elite tutors tailoring courses for him, and the most urgent thing is to hurry up and learn the inscriptions.

Inscriptions are a magical thing that can be learned by any demon spiritual master at any stage. Therefore, even though Xian Wu is only a peak silver demon spiritualist, he can also learn legendary level inscriptions.

Of course, that's just a possibility. The "Thunder and Fire Sacred Code" records only basic inscriptions, and the highest level is only gold.

Most of the high-level inscriptions appeared in the golden period of the Holy Empire, the inscriptions of the Fengxue Empire period. The inscriptions of the Wind and Snow Empire had just emerged. There were many basic inscriptions and few advanced inscriptions.

However, after learning the basic inscriptions in the "Thunder and Fire Scripture", it will be much easier to learn advanced inscriptions, because high-level inscriptions are composed of low-level inscriptions.

"Xian Wu, what's the matter with you? You understand what the instructor said, right? Stand up!" Seeing Xian Wu wandering off again, Tie Kuang became angry and crushed the chalk in his hand into powder.

Tie Kuang walked towards the back row of the classroom with fast steps. Shen Yue and other noble children were all waiting to see Xian Wu's joke.

Standing in front of Xian Wu's desk, Tie Kuang was stunned.

He rubbed his eyes, looked at Xian Wu in disbelief, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture.

Darling, why is Xian Wu taller than him?Is this the height a 13-year-old should have?
What's going on?Did you secretly take the elixir in the Alchemist Association?
Tie Kuang swallowed and observed keenly that Xian Wu's arms were also very thick, even a little thicker than his own.

He has practiced martial arts all year round, so he naturally knows what these characteristics of Xian Wu mean.

Tie Kuang pinched Xian Wu's biceps. Judging from the tightness of the muscles, Xian Wu had reached the physical fitness of a silver-level warrior.

He was still bronze two days ago, and turned into silver in the blink of an eye. It's really scary. Could it be that this kid is a unique martial arts genius?
"An ancient book that records the inscription patterns?" Tie Kuang glanced at the books on Xian Wu's desk, his eyes softened immediately.

I thought he was reading some obscene and erotic books, but I didn't expect that he was learning inscription patterns.

"Listen carefully to the class! If you read anything that has nothing to do with the warrior class, I'll tear it up for you. Do you hear me? Sit down!" Tie Kuang scolded him and turned back to the podium.While the whole class was watching, he went back without saying anything, allowing the students to desert and damaging his prestige as an instructor.

The hopes of a group of people who wanted to see Xian Wu's jokes were all in vain.

They couldn't understand why the fiery-tempered instructor Tie Kuang let Xian Wu go so easily.
At the very least, let's make that kid stand. What's the point of asking him to sit back in his seat?

Shen Yue turned his head angrily. If Tie Kuang didn't teach that untouchable, then he would teach him a lesson himself.

In the days when a few untouchables were away, he had already recruited more than 20 juniors, all of whom were senior students from bronze two-star warriors to above.These guys come together and we're sure to beat these seven bastards until they cry for father and mother.

When the time comes, let them take turns to crawl under their crotch, and they will not be allowed to leave until they crawl under their crotch.

snort!Damn untouchable, dare to provoke her aunt, provoke the holy family, one of the three top families, really desperate.

Back of the classroom.

Xian Wu silently put the "Sacred Code of Thunder and Fire" and the dictionary from the Black Gold Empire period into the space ring, and then took out the blank scroll, the horn pen and the demon blood.

He now has a deposit of nearly 300 million demon spirit coins, so it's easy to buy these things.

Learning on paper is ultimately shallow, and practice is the only way to test the truth.

According to the memory in his mind, Xian Wu drew the inscriptions on the "Thunder Fire Sacred Code" on the blank scroll.

Xian Wu bought an ordinary scroll, not an inscribed scroll.

Inscription scrolls are very expensive, one requires thousands of demon spirit coins.

He is just practicing drawing inscriptions now, and there is no need to waste precious inscription scrolls.

Xian Wu was concentrating on painting when suddenly a ball of paper flew over from the window, disrupting his rhythm.

What bastard litters!Xian Wu glared out the window, but the window was empty.

Xian Wu opened the note and glanced at it. It read - Those who don't take classes seriously are angels with broken wings in their previous lives. Are you willing to be each other's angels with me?Huyan Lanruo
"You just broke your wings. Your whole family is an angel with broken wings."

Grandma, what exactly does Huyan Lanruo like about him? Can't he change it?

Spring has passed long ago. This guy is having spring. Is he crazy about men?

He is not a casual boy. If you want to date him, there is no way!

"Secret Technique·Complete Disintegration!!!"

Grabbing the paper ball with the devil's left hand, Xian Wu prepared to destroy the corpse of Huyan Lanruo's product.

"what is this?"

Under normal circumstances, when an object is broken down into atoms, the atoms will appear and be scattered in the "Devil Realm". If you don't touch the atom with soul power within 10 seconds, the atom will automatically become invisible.

But after the decomposition was completed today, a strange thing appeared in the demon realm.

(End of this chapter)

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