Chapter 62
The devil's domain is the domain of the devil's left hand, a spherical area with the center of the left palm as the center and a radius of seven meters.

The matter decomposed by Xian Wu's left hand will move freely in the form of atoms in the demon realm without any intervention. After ten seconds, the atoms will automatically combine and leave the demon realm.

After Xian Wu broke down Huyan Lanruo's paper ball, a strange thing appeared in the demon realm.

This is a shadow of a paper ball, the same size as the decomposed paper ball.

In addition to the appearance of such a ghost, the decomposed atoms were still bumping around in the demonic realm as usual.

"What is this?" Xian Wu wanted to take a closer look, but the shadow automatically enlarged. The originally tiny wrinkles became extremely huge, and even the dust shadows on them were visible.

In addition, the atoms wandering around in the demonic realm have all grown in size.

"How big?" Xian Wu tried to shout in his mind.

As expected, the phantom of the paper ball grew in size with Xian Wu's thoughts, doubling in size.

"The biggest!" Xian Wu wanted to see how big this paper ball shadow could become.

As Xian Wu's order was issued, the shadow of the paper ball changed to its maximum size.

The shadow is so big that even the Demon Realm only retains a small part of the shadow. The atomic shadows of different colors are neatly arranged, as if they are bricks built up from paper balls.

"This should be the newly unlocked ability of the devil's left hand." Xian Wu said firmly. When he was promoted to the bronze demon spiritual master, he gained the ability to see and control atoms. He did not know what ability he gained when he was promoted to the silver demon spiritual master. .

One thing Xian Wu is sure of is that as his soul power becomes higher and higher, the demon's left hand will unlock more abilities.

He used his soul power to seize an oversized black carbon atom, and Xian Wu stuffed the carbon atom into the corresponding position of the phantom.

The plug is inserted, but it cannot be retained, and the carbon atoms will escape on their own.

However, Xian Wu had a way to freeze the entire demonic realm directly with [Absolute Zero].

According to physics knowledge, atoms cannot move at absolute zero.

All the atoms in the demon realm were frozen in place, allowing Xian Wu to move them to the designated position.

Until the end of get out of class, Xian Wu had not put all the atoms into the shadow.

Although the paper is small, there are countless atoms on it.

"Brother Wu, what are you doing, making signs?" Lu Piao came over curiously. During class, he saw Xian Wu staring at the air and making random signs with his hands, not knowing what he was doing.

Xian Wu did not explain to Lu Piao that only he should be able to see whether it was atoms or phantoms.

"Xian Wu should be busy with important things." Nie Li patted Lu Piao on the shoulder and told him not to disturb Xian Wu.

Although he didn't know what Xian Wu was doing, Nie Li's intuition told him that Xian Wu was definitely not making random gestures.

"No, I have to think of a way!" Putting the atoms into the phantom one by one was too strenuous, and Xian Wu's hands were a little sour.

Quickly shrinking the shadow of the paper ball, Xian Wu found a gray spherical object in the center of the shadow.

This round ball was not originally found in the paper ball.

"What is it?" Xian Wu used his soul power to seize an atom and touch the ball.

As a result, the atoms were bounced away, and the soul force was instantly sucked in by the gray ball.

"This ball should be a device that absorbs soul power." Xian Wu touched his chin, and a large amount of soul power poured out from the palm of his left hand and rushed towards the ball in the center of the shadow.

Xian Wu tested it with a high-level soul crystal and found that the ball was saturated after absorbing about a thousand soul powers.After saturation, the sphere lights up and the gray disappears, replaced by cyan.

Something magic happened.

The saturated sphere was radiant with green light, instantly illuminating this demonic realm.

Pulled by the green light, the atoms began to move toward the ball. They stopped when they reached the corresponding atomic shadow position, and combined with adjacent atoms into molecules.

The pulling combination was completed in an instant, and a ball of paper appeared out of thin air and fell on Xian Wu's desk.

Lu Piao, who had been silently paying attention to Xian Wu, snatched the ball of paper, opened it, and started reading.

"Anyone who doesn't take classes seriously is an angel with broken wings in the previous life. Are you willing to be each other's angels with me? Huyan... Lanruo?" Lu Piao and Nie Li faced each other, and Huyan Lanruo actually wrote a love letter to Xian Wu?Is your brain broken?

"Give it back to me!" Xian Wu was ashamed and annoyed. He grabbed the paper and broke it into countless tiny atoms with his left hand.

Lu Piao blinked and asked puzzledly: "Why are you so impatient? It's a good thing for someone to write you a love letter! How nice. I want a love letter but no girl has written it for me yet!" He felt that Xian Wu was a little bit I don't know how blessed I am when I am in the midst of blessings.

"Shut your stinky mouth, you don't want the soul power anymore, right?" Xian Wu glared at Lu Piao fiercely. Anyone would be angry if his privacy was read out in public.

Lu Piao shrank his neck, not daring to provoke Xian Wu again, and returned to his seat and sat down obediently.

Ten seconds later, Xian Wu found that the atoms and shadows in the demon field had disappeared, but the gray ball was still there, floating quietly on the back of Xian Wu's hand, motionless.

"Why didn't it disappear?" Xian Wu was puzzled.

Inject the soul power into the gray ball again, and the moment the soul power touches the wall of the ball, the ghost of the paper ball appears again.

At the same time, his left hand automatically decomposed the air in the devil's realm into atoms.

A familiar paper ball fell on the back of Xian Wu's hand, then slid to the ground and rolled to the other end of the classroom.

"Huh?" Du Ze felt something roll onto his feet. He looked down and saw that it was a ball of paper.

Xian Wu stood up in a hurry and rushed over.

Du Ze opened the ball of paper and glanced at it, his face immediately turned red.Huyan Lanruo actually liked him and even sent him a love letter?
It’s too unexpected!

Such a beautiful woman actually likes me...

Uh, wait, isn't it because she is pregnant with someone else's child that she wants to be the successor?
Before Du Ze could continue to think about whose child Huyan Lanruo was carrying, Xian Wu snatched the note away.

"Don't think blindly, this note is for me." Xian Wu patted Du Ze on the shoulder.

"For you?"

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Du Ze's face turned redder than before. It was his own fault.

Xian Wu comforted him: "Don't worry, there will be bread and milk."

Returning to his seat, Xian Wu did not break down the paper ball again.

He found that the gray ball did not disappear because it was synthesized into a paper ball, but was still suspended on the back of his hand.

"Try breaking down something else." Xian Wu muttered, took out a claw pen from the space ring, and used the devil's left hand to break it down.

(End of this chapter)

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