The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 96 Ye Shuo is here (2 more updates please collect!!)

Chapter 96 Ye Shuo is here (Second update, please collect it!!)

"When Xian Wu took the entrance test, his soul power was only one. After just a few days of practice, he reached the peak of silver, and his soul power increased by 9998. If he is not a genius, who is a genius?" Ye Shuo hummed with excitement. Hum.

In his opinion, Xian Wu is a cultivation genius that is rare to see in a hundred years, and he will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the legendary demon spiritual master Ye Mo in the future.

Master Ye Mo is nearly 13 years old and getting old day by day, while Xian Wu is only a [-]-year-old child.

It is not certain whether the Glory City's surname will be Xian or Ye in the future.

However, if Xian Wu and Ziyun's niece can be brought together as a couple and he can be their son-in-law, then there is a high chance that the Glory City will still be named Ye in the future, and their Fengxue Family will still be the top family.

Mrs. Ye was surprised when she heard this and murmured: "There is such a genius child in the world! Hey, Old Ye, what is his family background? Is he a child of a noble or a commoner?"

If it is a child of a commoner, it is better to recruit; if it is a child of a nobleman, then the child will definitely work for his family.

"I have investigated it." Ye Shuo stroked his beard and said with a smile, "That child has no father or mother and is an orphan."

Orphans are good, orphans can be more easily used by their Snow Wind Family.

His cousin, city lord Ye Zong, also adopted an adopted son, Ye Han. I heard that he is already a golden demon spiritual master. He is known as the number one genius among the younger generation in Glory City. He is currently following his master in the Holy Ancestor Mountains. Travel and adventure.

When Ye Han comes back, he will definitely bring Xian Wu over to compete with the first genius to see whose godson is stronger.

What Ye Shuo didn't know was that no matter what the result of the game was, it was Ye Zong's godson who was stronger.

"Okay! Bring it quickly and let me have a look." After hearing Ye Shuo's words, Mrs. Ye became impatient.

When a godson meets his godmother, he can't do it in vain, right?What should I give the child?
Ye Shuo stood up, clasped his hands and said, "That kid probably hasn't fused with the demon spirit yet, why not give him a silver-level demon spirit."

"Okay! I'll go and choose it myself." Mrs. Ye also stood up.


The gate of the city lord's mansion.

Xian Wu's two large pigeon eggs were almost turned into raisins, but Ye Shuo hadn't come out yet, so he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Isn't that old man Ye Shuo so stupid that he forgot about me?" Xian Wu thought pessimistically.

As the saying goes, there are people in the yamen who are easy to handle. If the old man Ye Shuo really forgot about him, then he can only invite the eldest baby Yang Xin. Her eldest wife's power in the City of Glory is no worse than that of the old man Ye Shuo.

Why not go in by yourself?

Ye Shuo and Yang Xin both knew the process, so it would be more efficient than just running around on his own, right?

Besides, he didn't know anyone in the city lord's palace, so it would be embarrassing if he broke into a place he shouldn't.

clap clap!

Shaking off the two cold raisins in his palm, Xian Wu walked towards the door.

"Stop! You can't go in!" Another guard quickly stopped him.

He kept suppressing his anger to observe this kid. Not only did he play ice hockey in front of the city lord's mansion, he also made a splash of water, and threw ice particles on the statue, which was really presumptuous.

Xian Wu smiled and pointed behind the guard.

The guard turned around and looked in the direction of Xian Wu's finger, only to see the guard who had left earlier coming in a hurry with Master Ye Shuo.

"Father!" Xian Wu cheered loudly and waved to Ye Shuo.Afraid that Ye Shuo's ears would be hard to use due to his old age, he deliberately shouted two or three more times.

"Hey, good son, come and let your adoptive father see if you have grown taller." Ye Shuo took three steps at a time and then two steps at a time, and immediately came to the gate.

Seeing this, the guard stopped blocking him and obediently returned to his original position.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you!" Xian Wu smiled at the guard who went to report.

The guard nodded and bowed, and made a 180-degree turn in his attitude: "I'm sorry, Master Xian Wu, I'm so clumsy. From now on, you can enter the City Lord's Mansion as you please, and I won't stop you anymore."

"Yeah! Children can be taught." Xian Wu nodded, turned around and followed Ye Shuo into the city lord's mansion.

"Father, how are you doing lately?" Xian Wu asked as he walked.

Ye Shuo smiled and said, "It's okay. You've really grown taller recently. When I saw you that day, you only reached my collarbone, but now you're as tall as me. You kid won't steal some elixir."

They say they are of average height, but in fact Xian Wu is two or three inches taller than his adoptive father.

"Father, this is a meeting gift for you. Please help me." Xian Wu took out a small porcelain bottle from the space ring and handed it over.

Ye Shuo took the small porcelain bottle, opened the cork, fanned the mouth of the bottle, and smelled the smell: "These are...soul-quenching pills?!"

Soul Tempering Pill is the latest elixir developed by the Alchemist Association. It has a significant effect on improving the soul power of black gold demon spiritual masters. One pill can be sold for [-] demon spirit coins. It is the kind that has a price but no market. It can even be sold on the black market. Get hundreds of thousands of demon spirit coins.

The bottle of soul-tempering pill that Xian Wu gave him was worth at least 100 million demon spirit coins.

Where does this kid have so much money?

In fact, this bottle of soul-quenching pill was refined by Xian Wu using Zilan grass for experiments, and he still has four bottles in his space ring.

One pound of purple orchid grass can increase the production of soul-quenching pills by five times, making it a money-making tool.

"Daughter-in-law? My Ye Hong is not married yet?" Ye Shuo was a little confused.

I heard that Ye Hongting liked Director Yang of the Italian Alchemist Association, but the age gap between the two was too big, so he never agreed.

Xian Wu explained: "It's not Brother Ye Hong's wife, but mine. Yang Xin, the director of the Alchemist Association, knows her. She is my fiancée, and we are going to get married soon."

"How old are you? Marrying a wife? What about that old girl Yang Xin???" Ye Shuo's eyes almost popped out of his head.

Are today's young people so precocious?
No wonder your boy is cultivating so fast. It turned out to be that rich woman Yang Xin who fed you the elixir.

Do you know that this is called eating soft rice?
Ye Shuo put the soul-quenching pill into the space ring and criticized the education sincerely: "Wu'er, there is no grass anywhere in the world, Yang Xin is definitely not a good match."

"Well, I'll suffer a little loss and introduce you to my niece Ye Ziyun. By the way, you are still classmates!"

"No need!" Xian Wu refused, "Yang Xin is my true love, and with her, I can save ten years of hard work. Foster father, you don't need to persuade me, you don't understand the joy of eating soft rice."

Auntie, Xian Wu doesn’t want to work hard anymore.


Besides that old pervert Nie Li, who would like that little girl Ye Ziyun?

Do you want to eat flavored fried fish?
It starts in three years. Isn’t it worth understanding the death penalty?
(End of this chapter)

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