The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 97 Mrs. Ye (3 more updates, please pay attention!!!)

Chapter 97 Mrs. Ye (Third update, please pay attention!!!)

Even though he was rejected by Xian Wu, Ye Shuo still refused to give up.

"Wu'er, Sister Yu is not as good as a Lolita. She has a delicate body and is easy to push down. Besides, my niece Ziyun is so beautiful. Except for that little kid Xiao Ning'er, there is no one in the younger generation who can compare with her."

"What's more, my eldest niece is the only daughter of the city lord. If you marry her, you will save at least 20 years of hard work in the future. When the city lord abdicates, will you and your wife have the final say in the glorious city?" Ye Shuo was good at tempting.

The current lord of Glory City is equivalent to the former emperor of the empire. Ye Shuo does not believe that a little kid like Xian Wu can resist the temptation of becoming an emperor.

Not to mention a brat like him, even Ye Shuo himself, who is nearly half a century old, dreams of becoming an emperor.

Xian Wu coughed dryly and glanced at Ye Shuo meaningfully as he walked.

Is your body delicate and soft and easy to push down?Grandma, where did the old man learn these coquettish words? Grandpa also fucked with beer, candles and leather whips!

"Father, please stop talking." Xian Wu asked Ye Shuo to stop quickly, "I came to the City Lord's Mansion mainly to visit your old man, and also to receive the title and territory from the City Lord."

He usually seems to be a serious and serious person, but how come he becomes so virtuous when he proposes marriage to his eldest niece.

Don't shake Bilian anymore, that's right.

"Title and territory?" Ye Shuo raised his eyebrows and was suddenly startled. He grabbed Xian Wu's sleeves tremblingly and asked excitedly: "You...couldn't you have been promoted to the gold level?"

Monster!It had only been half a month since I recognized him as my godson.

In such a short period of time, Xian Wu has actually cultivated from the silver level to the gold level. Could it be that he is eating the Soul Quenching Pill?
No wonder Xian Wu refused to leave Yang Xin. If he had been taken care of by such a rich woman when he was young, he would have been promoted to the legendary level by now.

Xian Wu nodded and said with a calm expression: "To be precise, I have reached the peak level of gold cultivation, and I am just one step away from reaching the black gold level. When I get back to the room, I will show you the special soul crystal."

The primary soul crystal can measure up to 600 soul power, the intermediate soul crystal can measure up to 6000 soul power, the advanced soul crystal can measure up to 6 soul power, and the premium soul crystal can measure up to 60 soul power.

The higher the level of the soul crystal, the larger the volume. The larger the crystal, the more light spots that can represent the soul power.

Xian Wu's soul power is close to [-], and he can only use special soul crystals. If he uses high-level soul crystals, they will explode.

A high-grade soul crystal is worth about [-] demon spirit coins. It is nothing to him, but it is a huge sum of money to ordinary people.

You must know that the annual expenditure of an ordinary family in Glory City is only more than 2000 demon spirit coins.

From this point of view, the wealth gap between nobles and commoners is still quite large.

"Okay! Good boy, come in quickly and show your adoptive father." Ye Shuo grinned happily and let Xian Wu into the mansion.

Meeting room.

Ye Shuo's wife, Mrs. Ye, was already waiting. There was a delicate small wooden box hidden in her sleeve. The wooden box contained a demon stone that she carefully selected.

Although the demon spirit inside is silver-level, a silver-level demon spirit is worth hundreds of thousands. He, an orphan, has probably never seen so much money in his life.

Spending this little money to win over a young genius like Xian Wu is a hugely profitable deal.

"Here we come!" When she heard the footsteps and voices coming from outside the reception room, Mrs. Ye's face lit up with joy, she straightened her appearance, sat upright, and quietly waited for the arrival of her adopted son, who had never been masked before.

Not long after, Ye Shuo led Xian Wu into the reception room.Stepping over the threshold, Xian Wu immediately saw the middle-aged lady sitting in front of the hall.

He looked at the woman, then at the gray-haired Ye Shuo, and a thought came to his mind, an old couple and a young couple?

No wonder what old man Ye Shuo said to him just now turned out to be a prude.

Coming closer, Ye Shuo spread his hands to the woman sitting on the right and introduced: "Xian Wu, this is your adoptive mother."

"My adopted son, Xian Wu, has met my adopted mother." Xian Wu knelt on the ground skillfully and kowtowed to the woman.

Before he kowtowed for the second time, Mrs. Ye helped him up: "My good boy, let the godmother take a good look at it. Well, you really are a good-looking talent. Here, this is for you."

"This is..." Xian Wu looked at the small wooden box that was forced into the palm of his hand in confusion. What was inside?
Mrs. Ye explained with a bit of pride: "It's just a silver-level demon spirit, it's nothing."

Xian Wu raised his eyebrows, it's really nothing, just hundreds of thousands of demon spirit coins, just to send beggars!
The bottle of Soul Quenching Pill that I gave to Ye Shuo was worth several million, and there was no market for it.

Forget it, it's important to get down to business.

"I don't dare to accept such a 'precious' thing. You should keep it for yourself, stepmother." Xian Wu stuffed the wooden box back into Mrs. Ye's hand, and then put his hands behind his back to prevent her from stuffing anything else into her hand. Chance.

Moreover, it is easy to accidentally injure him if he pulls and pulls. His demonic left hand is not a kind person and does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Mrs. Ye tugged on Xian Wu's sleeve and said with a smile: "I'll give you a little gadget, just take it. No need to be polite."

"No, no, no." Xian Wu backed away repeatedly.

"Take it!" Mrs. Ye's temper got worse, and she immediately roared like a lion from Hedong, making Xian Wu and Ye Shuo tremble.

Xian Wu reached out his hand aggrievedly and took the wooden box.

Just take it, why are you yelling so loudly?It was so frightening that people's little hearts started pounding and they were almost about to jump out.

Ye Shuo sat on the Grand Master's chair and thought to himself, Xian Wu was very happy when accepting the gifts from him, but why was he coy about accepting the gifts from his wife?

shy?How is that possible!This child has no father or mother. If he were so shy and concerned about face, he would have starved to death on the streets.

There is only one truth, and that is that Xian Wu despises the silver-level demon spirits.

That's right, they are one step away from reaching the Black Gold rank, so why are they so rare about Silver rank demon spirits?

"Hey, Xian Wu, didn't you just say that you wanted to show your soul power to your adoptive father and adoptive mother? Come on, your adoptive father is waiting." Ye Shuo suddenly spoke, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Soul power?" The heavy rain on Mrs. Ye's face cleared up. She patted Xian Wu's shoulder and said comfortingly: "My child, don't be afraid. This is my adoptive mother's temper. You can take whatever she gives you in the future, but Qian Qian Don’t ever refuse again.”

"Thank you, my foster mother." Xian Wu cupped his fists and bowed to Mrs. Ye.

He secretly swore in his heart that if nothing happened in the future, he would never come to Ye Shuo's house again. It was too scary.

"Don't you want to show your soul power? Show it." After saying that, Mrs. Ye returned to her seat and sat down, staring at Xian Wu like a female tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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