Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 18 You are my Uncle Liu Wang

Chapter 18 You are my Uncle Liu Wang

It's a pity that the seniority of this emperor's relative is so far away that he doesn't have much contact with him!
Moreover, when he heard from Zhang Fei's mouth that Liu Bei was a relative of the emperor, he...he really wanted to laugh.

If he was really an ordinary prince, he would probably doubt whether the other party was cheating——

Deliberately touching relatives of the Porcelain Emperor!
Moreover, pretending to be a relative of the emperor is a serious crime.

However, there are always people who want fame and fortune and come to impersonate them regardless of life or death, which is simply ridiculous.

But he couldn't laugh.

Not even able to laugh out loud.

Therefore, he tensed his face, showing a hint of hesitation at the right time, and a trace of undisguised surprise flashed in his eyes, and he stared at him and said: " you really the Queen of Zhongshan Prince Jing?"

Zhang Fei clicked his tongue and shouted: "How can it be fake?!"

Liu Bei glared at Zhang Fei sternly and said to Liu Bian: "Ashamed, ashamed. Although Bei is...even though he is a descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan, he has ended up in this situation now. I am really ashamed of my ancestors, and I dare not claim to be in vain." .”

"Big brother!"

After Guan Yu and Zhang Fei heard this, they felt the same and couldn't help but have red circles in their eyes.

Zhang Fei was even more impatient and advised without thinking: "Brother, you have fought against the Yellow Turbans for more than thirty years. You have made great achievements in battle, but you only got the position of a small county captain, and you were insulted by the postal supervisor. It’s really aggrieved! If we don’t fight back, wouldn’t we be even more ashamed of our ancestors? Besides, Anxi County is not the place where Luan Feng lives, so don’t let it go! Brother, don’t be sad!”

Liu Bian: "..."

Hey, hey~ Is it really appropriate for you to say such words in front of me?

With a sudden move in his heart, Liu Bian said: "I deeply sympathize with what happened to Lieutenant Liu. If you don't want to give up, would you like to come to Bohai County? I will greet you with good wine and good food, and invite you to stay in Bohai County for a while." day."

This sounded like an old friend's suggestion for a trip, but to Liu Bei, there was a faint undertone.

Surprised and uncertain, Liu Bei silently looked at the young man in front of him. He was surprised that the young man was so young, but he was quite knowledgeable and sophisticated, so he said cautiously:
"How dare you refuse the invitation personally from the young eunuch? If there is a chance in the future, Bei will bring his second and third brothers to Bohai County to talk to the young eunuch. He is afraid that the young eunuch will be too busy with things to spare. ?”

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Bei. Liu Bei was smiling and his expression was gentle, but his tone indicated a non-negotiable rejection.

Oh haha~ Liu Bei actually still looks down on his potential stock? !
This will not work!

It was rare to meet the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang. If he relented magnanimously and let each other go, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Frankly, he asked: "Liu Xianwei, I hear your opinion, are you not planning to come to Bohai County in the near future?"

Liu Bei was taken aback, surprised that the other party didn't leave any room for words.

After pondering, Liu Bei said: "Actually, the three of my brothers are here because of other important matters..."

"May I ask what's going on?" He didn't follow the routine at all and chose to break the casserole and ask the truth!
Liu Bei was silent for a moment and then said: "Remnants of the Yellow Turbans have recently resurrected. I heard that the Yellow Turban rebels are frequently fleeing in this area. I am worried that they will come to attack and plunder the county again, so I came here to conduct reconnaissance."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Liu Bian remembered for no reason: It seems that lately, he seems to be entertaining the refugee-type Yellow Turban rebels from time to time? ... Could it be that he entertained too many times and attracted the attention of the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang?
With a dry laugh, he asked abruptly: "Liu County Lieutenant, may I ask what your opinion is on the Yellow Turban rebels?"

Before Liu Bei answered, Zhang Fei preemptively said, "What else can I say? - Since you are a rebel, you should exterminate them yourself. Is it possible that you want to let the rebels run rampant?"

Liu Bian shook his head and said, "However, in recent years, I have heard that the rebels were destroyed and then rekindled. What is the reason for this?"

"This..." Zhang Fei was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

Turning around, Zhang Fei looked at Liu Bei and asked, "Brother, why did the rebels reappear?"

Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei, then at Liu Bian, and said thoughtfully: "Yes! Why?"

With a chuckle, he said: "Because the Han Dynasty will be in chaos!"

what? !

Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were shocked and their eyes widened.

However, Liu Bian's expression did not change. He suddenly knelt down and said calmly: "This is a long story. Can you please allow me to explain it slowly?"

He seemed to be speaking with certainty.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked at each other.

Afterwards, Liu Bei also knelt down on the ground. After seeing this, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had no choice but to imitate Liu Bei and sit quietly on a piece of dry grass.

I saw Liu Bei cupping his hands towards Liu Bian and said: "Listen to your wishes, should you come to some conclusion?"

"——Exactly!" Liu Bian nodded without being pretentious and said directly, "The Yellow Turbans promote chaos and disrupt order. Even if they are surrounded and suppressed many times by troops sent by the imperial court, they still grow like weeds in the spring breeze. They can never be wiped out! However, the Yellow Turban rebels are mostly poor peasants. They rose up to resist because they were desperate... If the suffering farmers in the world do not get the chance to improve their lives, I am afraid that the Yellow Turban rebels will never be wiped out. one day!"

Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei remained silent, but they felt they had benefited a lot.

Guan Yu suddenly said: "May I ask the little prefect, how to improve the lives of farmers?"

Liu Bian thought for a moment and then said: "Reduce exorbitant taxes and return all the land that should belong to the farmers! Severely crack down on those tyrannical people who forcibly occupy the fields, reclaim the excess fields, and rent them to those who need them at low prices. , let farmers achieve self-sufficiency…there shouldn’t be too many ways.”

After hearing this, Guan Yu looked at him deeply and whispered: "So, the young prefect should be mentally prepared? - These things sound easy, but are difficult to do, not to mention the division of land, just Taking back the fields and attacking those tyrannical people will be enough to make things difficult for the little prefect... The little prefect must pay attention to safety, so as not to overwhelm the opponent and make him hate him."

That’s why I want to win over you, a group of talented generals!

He growled in his heart.

However, he looked very calm.

Cautiously, he cupped his hands towards Guan Yu and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master Guan, for reminding me. I will be careful."

"You..." Guan Yu looked at him worriedly, not thinking that he would be really safe if he was careful.

Inaudibly, Guan Yu sighed.

Liu Bei asked: "Little governor, as long as you appease the farmers, can you completely prevent the emergence of rebels?"

He nodded, shook his head again, and replied: "This is only one, there are two, three, and four! ... Now, looking at the world, there are several gaps in the world's situation. If we don't close them one by one, Correction, I am afraid that anti-thiefs will be hard to eliminate. Anti-thiefs are not scary! In fact, the strength or decline of anti-thiefs can also reflect the local public sentiment to a certain extent."

"How, what do you say?!" Liu Bei was intrigued and asked eagerly.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also raised their heads in unison, even though they were confused and didn't know why.

Smiling slightly, he began to look around and said with a smile: "This matter is a long story, and I can't explain it clearly for a while... By the way! Liu County Lieutenant, when will you come to Bohai County?"

While rambling, he never forgot his ultimate goal.

After hearing this, Liu Bei was startled.

Seeing that Liu Bei didn't answer, he took a step back and said quietly: "Or, can you escort me to Bohai County? I can pay you wages...?"

Liu Bei pursed his lips, embarrassed.

Liu Bei understood Liu Bian's intentions of recruiting him in various ways, but he really didn't want to lower his status - not to mention that Liu Bei was the sworn brother and had to protect his second and third brothers from being wronged... Liu Bei himself, if If he accidentally worshiped Liu Bian, wouldn't his second and third brothers also become Liu Bian's subordinates?

So, can the ambitions of Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei be realized? !

Thinking of this moment, Liu Bei's eyes flashed slightly, and when he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly heard Liu Bian say:

"Liu County Lieutenant, actually there is one thing I haven't told you."

Liu Bei asked: "What's the matter?"

"I am not an ordinary person." He said, "I am Liu Bian, the eldest son of the current emperor! Strictly speaking, if you are really a relative of the emperor, then you are my Emperor Liu...Uncle Liu."

Phew~ It was so dangerous, I almost called out "Uncle Liu Huang"... You must know that Liu Bian has not yet ascended the throne!Don't call me by the wrong name.

Liu Bei: "..."

Liu Bei was stunned, his mind went blank, and he didn't know how to react.

Looking up, Liu Bian asked pitifully: "——Uncle Wang, are you really not planning to come to Bohai County?"

Liu Bei:! ! !
At this moment, Liu Bei was like a small boat in the sea facing a storm. He didn't struggle for a few times before he completely sank.

" doesn't matter, it's up to you, it's up to you." Liu Bei said.

(End of this chapter)

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