Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 19 Cao Yuan meets Liu Guanzhang for the first time

Chapter 19 Cao Yuan meets Liu Guanzhang for the first time

"This... what's going on?!"

The eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets, Cao Cao blurted out.

I've only been away for a long time, little... What's going on with my lord, why is there such a mess around me - oh~ no!Is it Santuo, Santuo’s unfamiliar face? !

After listening carefully, Cao Cao could still hear the other party eagerly discussing something, such as:

"It turns out that General Guan...cough! The original name of General Guan was "Changsheng", and then he changed the name to "Yunchang"?General Zhang's nickname is "Yi De" instead of "Yi De", and he is also good at painting?Ha~ I really didn’t see it!well!very nice!You all have words, but I don’t!When I get crowned in the future, I will also take the word!I'll let you pick it up for me then, okay? "

——Cao Cao was stunned to see his lord chatting happily with three strangers, just like a family!
Not only Cao Cao, but also Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu also frequently looked sideways, glaring at the three uninvited guys not far away, with ugly expressions on their faces.Glancing at He Miao from the corner of his eye, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu saw He Miao standing there with four guards, expressionless and not surprised at all.

He Miao, He Miao, I asked you to take good care of His Highness. Is this how you do it? ! ——Three lumps!There are three more lumps!Just let the other party sit around His Highness? do you do things? !

They wanted to ask He Miao for questioning, but Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu had no chance.

In the end, it was Liu Bian who found out that Cao Cao and others were back.

"—Uncle Wang, look, all my lieutenants have bought food reserves!" Turning his eyes, Liu Bian turned to Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, his eyes lit up, and he waved to Cao Cao and others, signaling Cao Cao and others came over.

So Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu stepped forward and bowed to Liu Bian.

I saw Yuan Shao, as the representative of the three people, saying: "Your Highness, everything is done."

Liu Bian nodded and looked into the distance. He saw carts coming one after another in the distance. Ten soldiers were responsible for pushing the carts. The carts were filled with goods. Just grains and vegetables?
Swallowing his saliva, Liu Bian was both satisfied and guilty: this purchase had almost depleted his family fortune... I hope this food could support him to reach Bohai County? ——How strange!How could the size of his team going to Bohai County be expanding every day at the speed of the naked eye?
"Great!" Liu Bian stroked his palms and was finally happy. "You three have worked hard. Let's rest for a while. Then we can continue on our way. Isn't it too late?"

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu wholeheartedly agreed, but they were surrounded by grass and there was no place to rest.
With a look of disgust on his face, Yuan Shu decisively suggested: "Your Highness, I'm not tired of waiting, why not set off earlier?"

He opened his mouth and then closed it, thinking: I am going to introduce Liu, Guan and Zhang to you?

Perhaps sensing his reluctance, Yuan Shao raised his eyebrows and immediately said with a smile: "Highway, Highway, what are you in a hurry for? You are not tired, but Meng De and I are. Anyway, I want to take a rest here."

After saying this, Yuan Shao crossed his legs and sat down first, looking very calm.

Its sitting posture is also flowing like flowing water, especially smooth, coupled with Yuan Shao's handsome face, it is quite pleasing to the eye.

Cao Cao also sat down silently.

Only Yuan Shu stood there, staring at Yuan Shao, then bowed to Liu Bian, and said harshly: "Shu...Shu is not tired, just stand. Your Highness will not dislike me, right?"

"How is that possible? - Mr. Yuan, if you want to stand, then just stand!" He agreed obediently, no longer paying attention to Yuan Shu's expression, but smiled at Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, and said, "Two colonels, Lieutenant, I am lucky enough to meet three heroes today!"


Cao Cao and Yuan Shao looked at each other calmly, then looked at Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, noncommittal.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei also looked at Cao Cao and Yuan Shao secretly, and remained silent.

In the end, Liu Bei took the initiative——

Liu Bei stood up, bowed respectfully to Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, and said to himself: "I am Liu Bei, whose courtesy name is Xuande. He is a mountain man and has met these two generals."

As Liu Bei stood up, so did Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

At this time, Zhang Fei remained silent.

Liu Bian glanced at Zhang Fei interestingly and thought deeply: Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, why don't you tell me that your eldest brother is a descendant of Liu Sheng, Prince Jing of Zhongshan, the son of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty?

When they first heard that Liu Bei was a mountain man, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had different reactions: Cao Cao showed curiosity and appreciation, while Yuan Shao looked at him with scrutiny and reserve.

Fortunately, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu also hugged Liu Bei and gave their names as a courtesy.

Cao Cao even took the initiative to set his sights on Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

As soon as he saw that the other party looked different, one had a face like a jujube, and the other had a leopard's head and ringed eyes. Cao Cao was surprised, and immediately wanted to make friends, he asked: "The aura of the two of you is really extraordinary, dare you ask me something?" Are you two...?"

"This is my second brother, Guan Yu; this is my third brother, Zhang Fei!" Liu Bei quickly introduced Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to Cao Cao, "They are both loyal and righteous men, both possess peerless martial arts, and they are sworn brothers with Bei! "After hearing this, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei bowed their hands to Cao Cao.

His eyes moved slightly, Cao Cao stroked his palms and said: "Wonderful, wonderful, only such a loyal and righteous man, coupled with his martial arts skills, can be called a hero! I believe that you will be able to kill more people on the way to Bohai County. How many rebels are there?"

Liu Bei smiled slightly, while Zhang Fei was a little dissatisfied. As for Guan Yu, he said solemnly: "Looking at the rebel thieves in the north, most of them are from poor farmers. The reason why they rebel is because they have no way to survive... If we can recruit them, There is no question of whether to rebel or not, so why doesn’t Captain Cao consider recruiting this group of rebels?”

Cao Cao was amazed by this remark, while Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu frowned.

Liu Bian, on the other hand, touched his nose and felt inexplicably guilty, thinking: Huh?Do these words seem similar?

Where did I hear it?
——Isn't it the content he used to fool Liu, Guan, and Zhang before?

Unexpectedly, Guan Yu applied it vividly?
It's pretty easy to use.

Anyway, he saw some praise from Cao Cao, but he shook his head and said: "Although the words of Guan Zhuangshi are reasonable, they are not necessarily true. Those who can rebel against thieves are mostly extremely vicious people, and it is not possible to simply recruit the opponent to peace. It’s easy to solve it! If you meet a very vicious person, is it possible that you have to accept it?”

"This... of course not." Guan Yu pondered for a moment and answered calmly, "It was Guan who was shallow and thought poorly. He only thought that most of the rebels were forced, so he spoke rashly. I hope Captain Cao will forgive me. "

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Cao Cao couldn't help but comment, "It's really rare for Guan Zhuangshi to have such an insight. One day he will become a local official. I think it will benefit the people?... It seems that Guan Zhuangshi has a lot of opportunities?"

Cao Cao asked tentatively.

At this time, Liu Bian actively intervened and said: "Isn't that right? - General Guan is amazing! General Guan is also from Sili! He was originally from Jie County, Hedong County. He only fled because he killed a bully. After wandering for five or six years, he ended up in Zhuojun, Youzhou. Fortunately, he became a sworn brother with Uncle Liu... Colonel Meng De, did you know? In order to kill the bully, General Guan fought with a hundred enemies! ! This shows that General Guan’s martial arts skills are admirable!”

Cao Cao: "..."

Cao Cao's expression was slightly subtle.

A hundred enemies? ——Not to mention "don't fall into the wind", just... Uncle Liu?

What Uncle Liu Wang? !

Cao Cao wanted to ask something, but in the end he didn't ask anything.

Happily, Cao Cao praised Guan Yu and started talking with him smoothly.

Then, the more they talked, the more Cao Cao and Guan Yu became more speculative.

After talking about it, Cao Cao wished he could imitate Liu Bei and become sworn brothers with Guan Yu.

On the wide grassland, the laughter of Cao Cao and Guan Yu echoed from time to time.

This...this scene is really excellent, extremely good.

With his eyes crooked, Liu Bian looked very satisfied.

However, some people are dissatisfied——

"Cough cough!"

Yuan Shu coughed heavily, interrupting the conversation between Cao Cao and Guan Yu.

But when Yuan Shu turned to Liu Bian respectfully, he cupped his hands and said:
"Dare I ask... who is Uncle Liu Wang?"

Liu Bian: "..."

oops!Did he accidentally slip up just now?
Blinking, Liu Bian pointed his hand at Liu Bei and said matter-of-factly: "Do you still need to ask? - Isn't this Uncle Liu Wang?"

What? ——Liu Bei? !

Yuan Shu glared, suddenly became more energetic, and raised his voice: "He? - What kind of uncle Wang is he?!"

The voice was loud and the question was rude.

(End of this chapter)

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