Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 189 Daily life before the end of bathing

Chapter 189 Daily life before the end of bathing

Seeing that Liu Bian was very surprised, Gongsun Zan raised his eyebrows and said, "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Bian's mood was quite subtle. First, Gongsun Zan was good at naming names, and he called the road construction route "Boyou Road" without authorization. To be honest, it was quite appropriate!The second is...hesitantly, Liu argued:

"General, you... deserve it so much."

He thought it would take him a while to convince Gongsun Zan.

After all, building roads consumes money, effort, and time, and there is no profit in the short term. From the perspective of a general like Gongsun Zan, it is really a thankless task, even though Liu Bian offered to bear most of the costs. , but...but, if it were the other officials, [-]% of them would decline?
Pursing his lips, Liu Bian was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Your Highness." He heard Gongsun Zan say, "The reason why I agreed to your proposal, Your Highness, is because you have helped me several times, Your Highness? Besides, do you want me to deny your plan?"

"Of course not!" Liu Bian blurted out.

"That's right." Gongsun Zan scratched his head and wiped away his previous majesty, "I am a warrior. I don't speak like a scribe. I am very eloquent and can easily convince people!

I just want to say, Your Highness, you once rescued me from the siege of Guanzi City, and also controlled the spread of typhoid fever in Youzhou to a certain extent... Do I owe Your Highness a debt of gratitude?
What's more, Your Highness, as the prince, will one day rule the world, and as a minister, shouldn't I help His Highness? "

Liu Bian was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Gongsun Zan: Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Zan, you really dare to say that!

Gongsun Zan smiled slightly at Liu Bian, and said softly, "Therefore, Your Highness, you don't have to reject me as thousands of miles away! I admire Your Highness. Although His Highness is young, he has strong opinions and a long-term vision. It is really a blessing for the Han Dynasty! "

Liu Bian's ears turned red and he hesitated, unable to answer.

——Wow!Gongsun Zan, are you praising me?I'm embarrassed to praise you!

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Liu Bian stopped being pretentious and said immediately: "Okay! Let's discuss the specific content of the cooperation?"

Next, Liu Bian and Gongsun Zan analyzed their respective tasks - there was nothing much to say, except that Liu Bian provided [-]% of the money and silk, while Gongsun Zan only provided [-]%; if the road builders sent by Liu Bian entered Youzhou, Within the scope, Gongsun Zan, as the preparatory governor of Youzhou, must agree to let it go. In addition to not causing damage, he must also maintain local security!It is forbidden for people from Youzhou to come and cause trouble and interfere with the road construction process!

In addition, the candidates for road construction are mainly from Youzhou or Jizhou, and there is no limit to the number of people who can be recruited to build roads—according to Liu Bian's words: the main purpose is to provide young and strong men who have no jobs with a job to support their families... …

It seems like there is nothing else to discuss? ——Liu Bian contributed effort and money, while Gongsun Zan contributed a small amount of money and agreed to build the road... After some debate, Liu Bian and Gongsun Zan stared at each other, unable to find any loopholes for a while. .

"Is it decided like this?" Liu Bian asked, "Construction will be completed after the new year, starting from March and ending in December, for a period of ten months, right?"

Gongsun Zan no longer thought about it and waved his hand: "Yes!"

"Okay..." Liu Bian took up the pen and immersed himself in writing a "Contract on Boyou Road" and showed it to Gongsun Zan. After getting Gongsun Zan's consent, he wrote another one seriously.

Then, after the document was completely fine, Liu Bian took out the seal ribbon, stamped it, and signed his name.

Liu Bian handed the document to Gongsun Zan again, indicating that Gongsun Zan should follow suit.

Gongsun Zan signed silently and stamped it with the seal and ribbon of General Youzhou.

After that, the two kept the document separately and used the contents of the document to allocate future road construction projects.

...To put it lightly, the road construction is done.

Liu Bian said goodbye to Gongsun Zan on the pretext of preserving the documents. On the way back to the mansion, recalling the incident, his mouth twitched involuntarily: He, he, he... He convinced General Gongsun Zan just like that, and even signed a contract with Gongsun Zan on the spot!

It's like a dream, extremely unreal.

Speaking of which, will the various interests and tasks involved in building roads between the two states be as simple as he and Gongsun Zan?Is it easy to hit the wall?
Liu Bian was in a daze for a moment, then came back to his senses and understood that although he had made an agreement with General Gongsun Zan, this was just the opening and the beginning!After that, he had to convene everyone to discuss how to build the road efficiently.

It seems that before the end of the bath, he must have a meeting with all the officials of Balhae County. The theme of the meeting is: AD 189...cough!wrong!It is the sixth year of Zhongping, how to govern can make Bohai County more prosperous!
Pulling his fingers, Liu Bian counted how long it was until the holiday ended: Well, no more, no less, about half a month!
Grinding his teeth, Liu Bian thought again: Could it be that all the Bohai County officials were allowed to squander this half month?
This is too wasteful!

Liu Bian then thought: It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The worst thing is to notify the kiln farm in advance and let the kiln workers work in advance. From today... forget it!Starting from tomorrow, cement, sand and gravel will be produced early to prepare for emergencies.

Anyway, there will definitely be an urgent need in the future, and the demand will be huge.

...Thinking this way, it was already dark when Liu Bian returned home.

Another day is over.

How fast!
After the tired Liu Bian finished his dinner, he freshened up, went back to his room to rest, and recuperate his energy first... There was nothing he could do, he was too busy today.

He was so busy that he was too lazy.

It was obviously a vacation, why did he feel tired?
He wanted to rest for a few days.

As a result, he rested for three or four days.

After resting, Gongsun Zan took Zhao Yun and the accompanying guards and servants back to Youzhou——

Liu Bian didn't even have time to say goodbye to Gongsun Zan, Zhao Yun and others!

Although Liu Bian accidentally missed Gongsun Zan, Zhao Yun and others, he caught up with Zhuge Gui and Zhuge Xuan... mainly Zhuge Gui, who was about to leave Nanpi County again and go to Taishan County to report in advance.

According to Zhuge Gui, Taishan County is also far away from Nanpi County. If we don't set off in advance, we might not be able to catch up.

When Liu Bian and his guards were bidding farewell to Zhuge Gui, he saw Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun's eyes were red and they were crying loudly. Their tears seemed to be free of money, and they were falling down like big beads.

Zhuge Jin tried to appease his two brothers, but to no avail.

In the end, it was the two young ladies Zhuge Ya and Zhuge Ru who managed to coax Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun.

Liu Bian couldn't take his eyes off him.

How exciting!It is rare to see the majestic Prime Minister Zhuge... shed tears in his childhood.

Really worth it!
Liu Bian couldn't help but recall that Zhuge Gui was still a healthy man with a rosy complexion. He really didn't expect that Zhuge Gui would die of illness in a few months.

The most troublesome thing is: Liu Bian did not know what kind of illness Zhuge Gui would suffer from.

"Mr.!" Liu Bian bowed his hands to Zhuge Gui, who was so shocked that Zhuge Gui hurriedly returned the salute.Liu Bian said, "Sir, please take care of yourself. It is very inconvenient to be away all the way. If you need anything, please write to me and tell me. I will do my best to help you, sir."

He vowed to promise, but his heart shouted: Wrong!wrong!I don't want to say such a thing!What I want to say is that you should pay attention to safety!Don't die of illness...

But, does he dare to say this to Zhuge Gui?
- Dare not!
Moreover, Zhuge Gui is really solid, with a lifeless face... He really didn't dare to say in front of everyone that Zhuge Gui would die of illness this year - that's too outrageous!
Therefore, he had no choice but to remind Zhuge Gui tactfully, saying: "Sir, I heard from General Gongsun Zan that the typhoid epidemic is still quite serious in various states and places, including Taishan County... I want to remind sir, pay attention to recuperation, don't get sick, even if you die Even if you are sick, you must seek medical treatment in time!

It's best, it's best not to go to Taishan County. Can you resign from the Taishan County Sheriff? "

Liu Bian said the last sentence very softly.

As a result, Zhuge Gui couldn't hear clearly.

Zhuge Gui spoke out of habit and said, "Thank you for your attention, Your Highness. I will take note of it."

His tone was so calm that he seemed to be perfunctory with Liu Bian.

Sure enough, Zhuge Gui didn't take it to heart, right?

Pursing his lips, Liu Bian was distressed and watched Zhuge Gui reluctantly say goodbye to his children, and finally walked away with his entourage.

Afterwards, he bid farewell to Zhuge Xuan and others.

When he was far away, he looked back and saw the little Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun crying and making trouble again...

After returning home, Liu Bian recalled that Gongsun Zan, Zhao Yun, Tian Chou and even Zhuge Gui all set off one after another, and couldn't help feeling... "Your Highness!" Xu Shu's voice sounded, "Your Highness has your reply again!" Liu Bian: "... "

I can't help but...what? ——Is it loss or loneliness?
Stop joking.

As long as he often receives letters, there will be no loss or loneliness, loneliness or desertion.

"Mr. Yuan Zhi, come into the room to talk." Liu Bian sent out the invitation. While inviting Xu Shu, he took a look at the letter:
This time, there are still two letters, one from Emperor Han and the other from... Zeng Aniu?

Liu Bian: Zeng, Zeng A Niu?

Isn't it Uncle He Jin, General He?

Liu Bian opened his mouth wide and felt his eyes hallucinating: How could Zeng Aniu write to him?
Rubbing his eyes, Liu Bian took another closer look: he saw black and white words on the paper, clearly written - Zeng Aniu!

no no no—

What he cared more about than writing a letter from Zeng A Niu was: Have Zeng A Niu... and Xun You and others arrived in Luoyang?
so fast!

Sitting on the chair, Liu Bian couldn't wait to open the letter, first reading Zeng Aniu's.

I saw the long and thin piece of paper written:

"Your Highness:
Help! !I really can’t solve His Majesty’s condition!

I want to go home!I want to go back to Nanpi County!Please agree, Your Highness! 』

Between the lines, Zeng Aniu's annoyance and despair are revealed, and there is not much useful information.

Liu Bian: "..."

With a tigerish face, Liu Bian's first thought was: Why don't you tell me what kind of disease my father has?
The second thought is: Don’t even think about it!If your father cannot be cured in one day, you will never come back!
Silently, Liu Bian also wrote a reply neatly: "Zeng Aniu, please be patient for a while longer and try to cure my father!"What disease does your father have?Please don't offend me next time you write a letter! 』

Putting this letter in a corner, Liu Bian opened the second letter.

This time, the second letter seemed to be written by someone hired by the Han Emperor.

The reason is: Liu Bian had also witnessed the writing style of Han Emperor.

The ghost writer was so cunning that he was able to imitate the handwriting of the Han Emperor, almost convincing the fake to be the real one.

If it weren't for the difference in writing power and the ghostwriter's greater strength, Liu Bian really wouldn't have been able to recognize it in time.

With his heart sinking, Liu Bian read the letter calmly:
"Shu Zi!"Return to Luoyang quickly! 』

This? !

Liu Bian was confused: What's going on?

Everything is fine, why are you urging him to return to Luoyang?
Didn't he refuse before?

Troublesomely, Liu Bian wrote back:

Why do you want to go back to Luoyang? 』

After thinking about it, Liu Bian wrote to Xun You again:
"Mr. Gongda:
What happened in Luoyang? 』

Liu Bian handed three scrawled letters to Xu Shu and ordered: "Send them to Luoyang, as usual."

"Here." Xu Shu replied with a low eyebrow.

Xu Shu resigned and took the two letters with him.

"Your Highness!" As soon as one wave subsided, another wave started again, "I heard that Your Highness, you want to build a road?!"

The person coming is Yuan Shu.

It’s too unexpected!

How could it be Yuan Shu?
Liu Bian looked at Yuan Shu calmly, nodded and said, "Yes."

Yuan Shu said: "Your Highness, how could you decide on your own without saying hello to us?"

Liu Bian said: "I also want to ask you. This matter was obviously handled in a low-key manner. Where did you learn about it?"

Liu Bian reasonably doubted whether Yuan Shu sent someone to track him... Shouldn't it be impossible? ——He Xian and other guards are doing it for a living!
Yuan Shu's eyes drifted slightly, and he said vaguely: "In short, your Highness, you are discussing important matters, so I don't have anything to wait for..."

Yuan Shu bowed his hands to Liu Bian, turned around and left.

He ran into Yuan Shao head-on.

"Your Highness!" Yuan Shao helped Yuan Shu and said to Liu Bian with a sad look on his face, "I heard that Your Highness you want to build a road from Nanpi to Jixian, right? - Why don't you discuss such an important matter with us? Are you looking down on me?"

This is too serious.

Liu Bian hurriedly said: "How could it be? - In my heart, you are all right-hand men and indispensable. How could I look down on you?... I am thinking about convening all the Bohai County before the rest is over. Officials, let’s study together how to build roads.”

I don't know why these words hit Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu blushed and stared at Yuan Shao.

On the other hand, Yuan Shao had a very good mentality and was not affected by Yuan Shu at all.

Liu Bian also said: "Forget it, it won't be too late for us to discuss it three days before the bathing break is about to end."

"It's a deal!" Yuan Shao was overjoyed.

Liu Bian wanted to ask: Where does joy come from?

Shrugging, Liu Bian said: "Before the meeting, I will send someone to inform you, so don't worry about whether you will miss it. Then again, I plan to hold this meeting in Nanpi County, and I can't figure out whether Nanpi Has the county government sent anyone to clean it?... It should be possible."

Hearing this, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu seemed to think of something, and immediately shut their mouths.

Liu Bian:? ? ?
Yuan Shao smiled dryly, returned to his senses, cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, yes."

"That's good." Liu Bian's eyes narrowed, "Before that, why don't you prepare for the battle? - Pay attention to rest!"

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu bowed their hands obediently and retreated in unison.

Liu Bian finally breathed a sigh of relief: It's not easy!Finally, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were stabilized.

Who didn't know that Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu quickly sent people to spread the word to the other Bohai County officials, such as Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Shi Yue and others... In fact, during the bathing break, there were not many people cleaning the various county offices in Bohai County.The county magistrates all returned to Nanpi to participate in the "ancestor worship" ceremony, but the county government did not have suitable talents, and they were all crooked people who wanted to cheat!

Do not!

Before the "ancestor worship", everyone had cleaned up, but after not cleaning up for a few days, it became dirty.

...Unbeknownst to Liu Bian, in a corner, eight county magistrates were busy dispatching their confidants to clean their respective houses.

Time flies, and the day of the meeting arrives in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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