Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 190 This Bohai County Year Assessment

Chapter 190 This Bohai County Year Assessment

Liu Bian knelt down and sat on the throne, his eyelids twitching.

At present, the "sacrifice" ceremony has just passed, and the holiday is still not over. Officials from all states should stay in their hometowns for vacation, eat, drink and have fun, and have a good New Year. The Pixian Mansion welcomed all the officials of Bohai County. The huge conference room was full of people...

He saw two rows of people sitting under the main seat. On the left were He Miao, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Shi Yue, Zhang Yan and Guan Hai, and on the right were Ju Sue, Tian Feng and Cui Yan. , Guoyuan, Bingyuan, Guan Ning, Sun Qian, Zhuge Xuan, Zhang Shiping, Su Shuang, Shi Yuan Yi, Zhang Dac and Xu Shu.

Among them, Guan Hai, Zhuge Xuan, Zhang Dasi and Xu Shuju sit at the bottom.

Looking around again, standing guard against the wall are He Xian, He Mu, He He, He Shui, A Bai, Xia Houyuan, Xia Houdun, Cao Ren, Cao Chun, Cao Hong, Cao Xiu, Cao Ang, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, Gongsun Yue, and Gongsun. Fan——

They were all people Liu Bian knew!

Moreover, each of the officials was assigned a desk, and there were corresponding report documents on the desk, such as introducing the various measures taken by the officials since they took office. There were 23 copies by visual inspection, all written by Shi Yue and his deputies. They were sorting and transcribing it together... In fact, according to Shi Yue, Shi Yue prepared a total of thirty copies!

The more the better, but I’m afraid there won’t be enough.

In any case, it was difficult for Shi Yue and others.

Everyone was also dressed formally, not casually wearing a set of regular clothes, but changing into official uniforms and formal clothes, showing that they took it very seriously.By the way, Liu Bian just wanted to complain:
This is a "meeting" or "assembly", not a discussion of national affairs. Is it necessary to be so solemn?
Averting his eyes slightly, Liu Bian only dared to say it in his heart, but never dared to say it out loud.

...I blame him for sending He Xian and other guards to send a message to the officials, asking them to come to discuss matters. He also cleverly gave this meeting an interesting name: Bohai County Annual Assessment.

It is held once a year to discuss what everyone needs to do in the coming year and what direction the county should develop——

Liu Bian welcomes everyone to attend the "Bohai County Annual Assessment" on time!
Liu Bian: "..."

sorry!excuse me!I feel like I accidentally jumped on the channel!This is not a strategy game imitating the role-playing role of "Three Kingdoms"!
Liu Bian was embarrassed.

However, everyone was very interested, as if they were participating for the first time. Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at Liu Bian intently, sizing him up.

Among them, those who responded best were undoubtedly Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and He Miao.

That's right, Cao Cao and others have even met His Majesty. It is common for them to go to Hajj to see His Majesty and participate in discussions every day. They have long been accustomed to it and have rich experience. When they first heard His Highness make similar moves, it was really not surprising at all.

——Liu Bian is more curious. Will other county governors and magistrates be "assessed" every year like him?
After clearing his throat, Liu Bian said first: "I hope this is your first time, not the last time, to participate in the "Bohai County Year Assessment"!If everything goes well, the "Bohai County Annual Assessment" will be held every year in the future. Don't miss it! "

Liu Bian believed that he was right: if the current of history did not change, the Han Emperor would pass away in two or three months. However, with the support of General He, he successfully succeeded to the throne and became the new emperor. He will stay there until next year. Whether or not the "Balhae County Annual Evaluation" can be held this year is still unknown.

At the same time, the officials present also looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of novelty in each other's eyes.

Liu Bian said again: "I won't say anything unnecessary. I will only mention four points:
The first is to announce the performance of each official after taking up their positions, and they will be ranked, and the person with No. 1 will be rewarded with a thousand coins!On the contrary, I will point out and criticize those at the bottom!I also hope that all officials will act with caution in the future and not be careless!
The second is to discuss the "Boyou Road" issue!This king has negotiated with General Gongsun Zan of Youzhou to build a road to facilitate the travel between Bohai County and Youzhou!The roads to be built include but are not limited to land and water routes!
The third is to discuss with the magistrates of Fuyang County, Gaocheng County and Yangxin County how to develop Fuyang County, Gaocheng County and Yangxin County, the three seaside counties, and strive to develop marine industries, such as shipbuilding, captive seafood, and seaport construction. , connect the three counties and make progress together!

The fourth is about Nanpi Academy!Let’s talk about this in detail later!

That’s all for now!
Next, I will first announce your achievements in governing the county—

He Xian! "

Without giving everyone time to adapt, Liu Bian pointed out without hesitation, who should come first.

He Xian took a step forward, took out a piece of cloth from his arms, placed it on Liu Bian's desk, and then returned to his original position.

Liu Bian held the cloth in his hand and read aloud:

"The No. 1 person is Cao Cao, Cao Mengde, who is the master of merit and is also the magistrate of Dongguang County!
No. 2 is He Miao He Shuda who is under the sect!

No. 3 is Shi Yue Shi Qing Chang, the magistrate and historian of Nanpi County!

No. 4 is the thief Cao Yu and Guan Yu Guan Yunchang, who is also the magistrate of Gaocheng County!

The No. 5 ones are Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang from the County Sheriff’s Mansion!The political achievements of the two gentlemen are comparable!

No. 6 is about Cao Tian Toyota Yuan Hao and..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Bian was interrupted by Yuan Shu——

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Yuan Shu's face turned livid and he shouted dissatisfied, "Your Highness, is there something wrong with this ranking? - What's your ranking?"

Liu Bian paused for a moment, then patiently looked down the list, which was not too long. He didn't see the name "Yuan Shu" for a long time... Liu Bian didn't think much about it, but Yuan Shu blushed and became angry.

"Your Highness!" Yuan Shu went crazy and couldn't help but ask aloud, "Not to mention that Brother Shu and Benchu ​​were not ranked in the top five, but why is Cao Mengde ranked first? Obviously the other party and I and Benchu ​​are in the top five. Brother Chu’s achievements are similar, right?”

Liu Biandao: "——Cao Mengde, the magistrate of Dongguang County, has made outstanding achievements in Dongguang County. Not only did he make Dongguang County different from Nanpi County, he also imitated Nanpi County and implemented the policy of all citizens being soldiers! And Dongguang County has two kilns. Although it is fewer than Nanpi County, the value of its output is ten times that of Nanpi County!
Don't forget that there is master Yuan Yi in the kiln in Dongguang County! "

"There's me too! There's me too!" Zhang Daci trembled and excitedly interjected, "I also helped a lot!"

"Brother Da Ci..." Master Yuan Yi called softly and glared at Zhang Da Ci fiercely.

Zhang Daci was stunned, suddenly realized that he was wrong, and said to Liu Bian in embarrassment: "Your Highness, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Liu Bian waved his hand and warned lightly, "Since this is your first offender, I will spare you once and fine you two months' salary! If there is a next time, you will not be allowed to participate in it again. ,Understand?"

Zhang Daci lowered his head and said loudly: "Understood!"

"Very good." Liu Bian withdrew his gaze and continued, "In addition, Cao Mengde also vigorously promoted farming and garrisoning troops! To be honest, the effects of farming and garrisoning troops in Dongguang County are the best among the eight counties!

Furthermore, Cao Mengde exempted the people of Dongguang County from paying taxes, and Dongguang County still paid a lot of taxes, which alleviated the financial difficulties of the entire Bohai County! "Bah bah bah, Liu Bian praised Cao Cao a lot, except that he did not praise Cao Cao as a "capable minister in governing the world", which made Yuan Shu and other officials dumbfounded.

Everyone looked at Cao Cao one after another, with no secret of surprise, wonder and a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

Yuan Shu lost his temper, faced Cao Cao, and said with a smile on his face: "The magistrate of Dongguang County, he should be ranked first."

"Xiu County Magistrate is so complimentary, it's just a coincidence that Cao Mou." Cao Cao returned the greeting to Yuan Shu with a generous attitude.

When Yuan Shu saw this, he could only secretly become angry.

Stretching out his hand, Yuan Shao patted Yuan Shu's shoulder and said briefly to Liu Bian: "Your Highness, can you also tell us about the achievements of the other officials, so that we can understand each other clearly and regard each other as our target in the future? ?”

Liu Bian nodded and said: "He Shuda, a subordinate, although he has no important position, he fulfills his duties without making any mistakes! He is low-key, but he ensures the security of Nanpi County! He Shuda leads 120 cavalry, perfectly Resolved 620 verbal disputes and conflicts, which can be said to be a great achievement for hard work!
Shi Qingchang, the magistrate of Nanpi County, vigorously built civil engineering during his tenure, ensuring the smooth operation of Nanpi County. Not only did he build a commercial street, he also attracted many foreign craftsmen..."

Next, Liu Bian spent a long time recounting everyone's achievements and convincing everyone.

In the final analysis, it is not that Cao Cao ranked first because of his many achievements. In fact, compared to all the officials, Cao Cao did the most work and was the most efficient... Therefore, even if Yuan Shu was jealous and sour, he had to be convinced. !
What's even more amazing is that the performance of officials such as Cao Cao, He Miao and Shi Yue is eye-catching, while the performance of Zhang Fei, Zhang Daci and Xu Shu is mediocre - not to mention who Xu Shu is, just talk about Zhang Fei, and himself. He happened to be a mortal enemy... Yuan Shu expressed that he was even happy to witness his mortal enemy being defeated.

Zhang Fei's situation is: don't look at Zhang Fei's roughness and finesse, and his straightforward personality, but Zhang Fei doesn't like to see the soldiers, he beats and scolds the soldiers in private, and even performs martial arts from time to time.If it weren't for Zhang Fei's good governance ability and his ability to intimidate Xiao Xiao, Yangxin County would be in chaos.

In this regard, Liu Bian was also worried that he could not find a suitable candidate from Yangxin County for the time being.

As mentioned before, Liu Bian publicly criticized Zhang Fei, who was a mixed bag of good and bad.

Zhang Fei was speechless and could only lower his head and let His Highness scold him.

At the end, Liu Bian clapped his hands and said cheerfully: "You have no objection... Come!"

Outside the door, He Bai, who had already prepared more than 1000 coins, entered the house, handed the reward to Cao Cao, and then stood back to He Xian and other guards. Cao Cao was flattered with a thousand-dollar purse in his hand.

At the right time, Liu Bian said: "Magistrate Cao Mengde, this is what you deserve...take it!"

Cao Cao obeyed and kept it silently.

Liu Bian lightly dismissed the case and said, "Let's move on to the second topic? - What do you think about the "Boyou Road"? ...No objections will be accepted! "

"Huh?" Everyone was startled for a moment, and then realized perceptively: His Highness attaches great importance to "Boyou Road".

Forget it, His Highness has reached an agreement with Gongsun Zan himself, so what's the use of the other officials' objections?
What's more, road construction is a feat that benefits and benefits the people, so we should support it.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao, on behalf of all the officials, took the lead in asking, "Your Highness, what is a land route and what is a water route?"

"Literally!" Liu Bian patted his head, looked at He Xian, and shouted, "——He Xian, map!"

He Xian cupped his fists, took out a map from his arms, unfolded it, and hung it on the wall for everyone to see.

Everyone saw that the map was quite simple, but they understood at a glance: Zhangwu County, Ji County and Wuzhong County all have a number of independent lakes, and they can flow to the sea!If the rivers of Zhangwu County in Bohai County and Ji County and Wuzhong County in Youzhou were connected and connected into one, wouldn't it be a triangle shape?At that time, Wuzhong County can be used as a barrier to block the invasion and interference of the Yi tribe Wuhuan, and to return to Ji County or Zhangwu County quickly when retreating, which is very safe.

Hmm~ I forgot to explain again: Liu Bian had previously led his troops to sneak into Youzhou, and not only lifted the siege of Guanzi City, but also defeated Wuhuan's [-] cavalry!Nowadays, the vitality of the Wuhuan Yi tribe is greatly damaged, and it should be nothing to worry about within ten years.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, others would be worried that the Wuhuan Tuqi would invade Youzhou again; but in the eyes of Liu Bian, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other related personnel, they were thinking about how to build roads to bring them closer to each other. distance between.

Yuan Shao frowned, still analyzing how to build roads with the mentality of others - "Your Highness, I think water roads should be built, and water roads should be given priority!" Yuan Shao said firmly, "First of all, Wuhuan Tuqi are from the Yi tribe, and most of them are not good at water fighting. If the waterway is repaired, it will at least ensure Wuhuan's sneak attack, and the Han people who were attacked can escape to the water and save their lives..."

Listening to Yuan Shao's eloquent speech, Liu Bian's mood was very subtle: How to say it well?It's just... It's as if I suddenly realized that in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", He Jin asked Yuan Shao for advice on how to deal with the eunuch, and Yuan Shao said that he would mobilize heroes from all over the world and lead the troops to Luoyang to make a remonstrance. ?
In order to save Yuan Shao's face, Liu Bian couldn't even tell Wuhuan Tuqi that he was cold.

In the future, Cao Cao's expedition to Wuhuan and Guo Jia's death from exhaustion will no longer exist.

Clearing his throat, Liu Bian said: "There is no need to consider Wuhuan's sudden cavalry. Coinciding with the county magistrate, have you forgotten that there is General Gongsun Zan in Youzhou? - As long as General Gongsun Zan is still in Youzhou, the Wuhuan Yi people will not Set foot in Youzhou!"

Yuan Shao was startled for a moment, then thought thoughtfully, and then changed his words: "So, Your Highness wants to build both land and water roads?"

Liu Bian was not pretentious and responded: "That's right. My king's plan is to connect Zhangwu County, Jixian County and Wuzhong County by land. The waterway will not only connect the three counties, but also connect to the Bohai Sea and build a Bohai Bay port!"

Yuan Shao opened his mouth wide and said in surprise: "Your Highness, is this a big deal?"

"That's right." Liu Bian replied calmly, "The construction period is ten months! And most of the cost will be borne by us!"


After listening, everyone exclaimed in unison and looked at Liu Bian in shock.

"Since it's a cooperation between two parties, why should we pay?" Yuan Shao couldn't understand.

Liu Bian shrugged and replied: "General Gongsun Zan is too poor and has no money!"

"This..." Yuan Shao rarely complained, "This is a very strong reason!"

Having money is not everything, and having no money is absolutely impossible.

Just imagine that without money, no matter how ambitious you are, it will be difficult to make progress!

With his eyes flashing slightly, Liu Bian looked towards the money bag...cough!It was Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, the county's young masters, who said confidently: "Mr. Zhang Shiping, Mr. Su Shuang, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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