Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 21 Someone is entrenched in Bohai County

Chapter 21 Someone is entrenched in Bohai County

"——What? Bohai County is now occupied by a group of Yellow Turban rebels?!"

Liu Bian's eyes widened and he looked at the old village chief who looked like a beggar in front of him in disbelief!

... On the way to Bohai County, the further forward Liu Bian and his party went, the more they discovered that the front was getting more and more desolate.

Several times, the villages that Liu Bian and his party passed by were actually deserted.

All that is left are empty, dilapidated houses and many abandoned fields.

Liu Bian noticed that those fields had probably not been taken care of for a long time. They were all overgrown with weeds, and there were almost no traces of farmland left. This made Liu Bian more and more angry!

Angrily, Liu Bian didn't know how many times he grinded his teeth to He Miao: "Write it down, write it down! Write it all down! Later, submit all these documents to Luoyang City, and give them to your father. Look, how dangerous the situation in our Han Dynasty is!... Why is this area so desolate, but no one reports it?!"

He felt depressed, while He Miao lowered her eyebrows and remained quiet throughout the whole process.

Along the way, Liu Bian's mood gradually became heavy: he was far away from the prosperity of the capital city of Luoyang, but he saw that the world outside Luoyang was really in dire straits. The people were so poorly clothed that they couldn't even stay in their original hometown. Fleeing...hungering, starving to death, robbery, illness and death, etc., there are countless others.

——He should be glad that he is not just bringing Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu with him now, otherwise he has not arrived at Bohai County yet, and he is afraid that he will be robbed by the rebels and refugees on the way.

That day, he was very tired from sitting in the carriage.

Riding a carriage is also a technical job, and it is very uncomfortable to sit for a long time!But he couldn't ride a horse... Cao Cao and others were worried that he would be in danger while riding a horse, so he could only get off the horse and walk around after a while.

He opened the curtain and looked around, especially in the far distance behind the entire team, where the shadowy figures were like small black dots. After being entertained by him, the refugees listened to his suggestion, gritted their teeth, and brought their bags with them. With only a few supplies left, we trekked a long way to Bohai County!
Sighing, he turned his head and looked ahead again, and luckily saw a village.

Even if the village is very poor, there are no villagers walking back and forth.

As usual, He Miao signaled the whole army to stop and stand by, and to stop traveling.

Liu Bian, on the other hand, got off the carriage and headed to the village alone under the protection of Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei... He happened to also want to ask about the current situation of the village.

Finally, he saw an old village chief walking tremblingly.

So, he walked forward, cupped his hands, and said loudly: "Old sir, I am a passerby. I want to come here to have a rest and ask about the situation here... I dare to ask why there are so few people in this village. Woolen cloth?"

The old village chief pointed to an empty house, and first sighed: "Aniu hasn't been home for a long time! This house happens to be empty. You little kid, please go inside and sit for a while. I will make a bowl of well for you right now." Drink the water."

After hearing this, he was flattered. Naturally, he did not dare to leave the old village chief busy alone, and said hurriedly: "Old sir, you are too polite. You should let me do the work of digging well water?"

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei all looked at Liu Bian and said in unison: "Your Highness, no!"

The shouts were uniform.

He shrank his neck and looked at the old village chief hurriedly.

But when he saw the old village chief squinting his eyes, he wasn't too surprised. Maybe it was because he was old and his ears were hard to use?

Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and sent Cao Cao to fetch water from the well.

Of course, you can’t just have one bowl, you have to have six bowls!

On this side, Cao Cao went to draw water from the well.

On the other side, Liu Bian and the others, led by the old village chief, sat in the room.

Afterwards, he asked why there were so few people in the village, and the old village chief sighed: "You don't know, a few months ago, a group of rebels took advantage of the chaos and fled. Not only did they steal the village's food rations, but also the neighboring villages were They robbed a lot! It was said that the other party was entrenched in Bohai County and claimed that he was the King of Bohai and planned to recruit people. He also said that everyone had meat to eat and would eat meat together in the future - A Niu believed it and ignored the old man's dissuasion. He instigated a dozen or so villagers to go together...and they haven't returned yet, alas!"

The old village chief sighed heavily, with a look of vicissitudes of life on his face.

"——What? Bohai County is now occupied by a group of Yellow Turban rebels?!"

He was speechless when he heard this: The other party still claimed to be the King of Bohai and Bohai? !
Which yellow turban thief is so bold as to impersonate his title? !
No, no, no - after calming down, he asked: "Old sir, is there still a long way to go from this place to Bohai County?"

"Yes, but it's not that much?" the old village chief said, twirling his fingers, "about 700 miles or so?"

"Do you know how many people there are in the other party?" he asked again.

The old village chief shook his head and replied: "I'm not sure, but there are 40 to [-] people, so that's about right?"

"Three, three, three..." This time, he was really stunned.

Unexpectedly, this is the beginning of hell? ——If he wants to take control of Bohai County, he will inevitably have to repel hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban rebels? ...This is too exaggerated!

He miscalculated.

Back then, when he was reading the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he still remembered that Liu Xie was named the King of Bohai, and Yuan Shao was appointed as the Governor of Bohai. He also thought that the location of "Bohai County" was excellent, so that day, he When I asked my father for a title or an official position, I specifically chose Bohai County, intending to try my luck, but who knew...

Who knows, let alone whether Bohai County is good or prosperous, what makes him tangled and troubled is: he wants to focus on farming and infrastructure construction in Bohai County, but he can't do it——

He must defeat 40 to [-] Yellow Turban rebels before he can gain a foothold in Bohai County and start pursuing his ideals!
Three, 40 people!
Not thirty or forty thousand people!

Long live!
He originally thought that he would have a luxurious team after recruiting Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu, plus He Miao and more than 100 cavalry, as well as [-] infantry brought by Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, but after dozens of In front of thousands of Yellow Turban rebels, there is simply not enough to fill your teeth!

His head was dizzy, and Cao Cao brought five bowls of well water back and forth... He drank it, but he didn't feel thirsty.

He was more irritated.

——It’s all the fault of these rebels!

Finally, he followed the old rules and told the old village chief that he was about to go to Bohai County... It was different from the previous invitations to the refugees. This time he told the old village chief: If there was a chance, he would definitely help the old village chief find A Niu. et al.

Then I saw the old village chief shaking his head repeatedly, extremely worried, fearing that his little baby would be in danger.

But he smiled and assured that it would be absolutely fine.

Afterwards, he bid farewell to the old village chief and took Cao Cao and others back to the team.

Then, Liu Bian and his party continued on their way.

In the evening, Liu Bian and his party set up camp as usual.

Finally, Liu Bian ordered Cao Cao to call Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, He Miao and others, saying that he had something to discuss with everyone.

When he was young, he, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, He Miao, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei gathered together in a simple military tent.By the way, this is also the first time he has discussed a so-called major matter with everyone? ——Looking around at the crowd, he was about to speak and explain the situation when he saw Yuan Shu and Zhang Fei arguing as usual!
As soon as he saw Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei coming one after another, Yuan Shu's face turned pale. He couldn't help but turned to Liu Bian, raised his hands in dissatisfaction and said: "Your Highness, why are these three people here?!"

Liu Bei's face darkened, and just as he was about to speak, he saw Zhang Fei stare, spoke first, and counterattacked:
"Look at what you said... You can come here in white, but we can't come?!"

"You..." Yuan Shu was at a loss for words again.

Think about it carefully: Although Yuan Shu was transferred to Liu Bian, Liu Bian did not appoint Yuan Shu or give Yuan Shu any position? ...Unlike Liu Bei and others: They are both white, but Liu Bei and others lead three thousand infantry?
Furthermore, Liu Bei is still recognized by Liu Bian... as Uncle Wang.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shu felt even more aggrieved and his facial features were distorted.

"Mr. Yuan, don't make trouble." Liu Bian cleared his throat, comforted Yuan Shu perfunctorily, and said straight to the point, "I summoned you tonight to discuss important matters! I have received news that a large-scale rebel band has occupied Bohai County. , about 40 people! If I want to step into Bohai County, I must fight with the opponent!... Everyone, do you have a way to solve the current "Yellow Turban Rebellion" for me? "

Everyone was silent, except Yuan Shu, who was jealous and blurted out:
"40 people? - Really? That's too much! We can't compete with our military strength alone? How about..."

At the right time, Yuan Shu stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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