Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 22 He is never indecisive

Chapter 22 He is never indecisive

Invariably, everyone looked at Yuan Shu, waiting for Yuan Shu to finish speaking.

Unfortunately, Zhang Fei is an exception.

With a glare, Zhang Fei asked unhappily:

“Not as good as?—Not as good as what?!”

Yuan Shu looked at Zhang Fei coldly, and said even more unhappy, "Why don't you write a rescue letter and ask for help from Luoyang?"

Zhang Fei grinned and said disdainfully: "You are so timid! Since there are people in Bohai County who dare to seize control of Bohai County, why don't we just attack it back? And ask Luoyang for help? - Ha! Wait until Luoyang sends troops Come here, the rebels have already left! Isn’t it a waste of time?!”

"You..." Yuan Shu gritted his teeth and asked, "In your opinion, how do you treat me?!"

Zhang Fei said: "In your eyes, 40 men and horses seem to be a lot, but to me, my eldest brother and my second brother, 40 men and horses are nothing! We only need to wave our weapons to take the leader of an army of millions." It’s like trying to find the ear of something! If a rebel thief loses his head, I’m sorry the other party won’t dare to rebel again!”

After hearing this, Yuan Shu was not surprised by Zhang Fei's bold words. Instead, he pointed at Zhang Fei's nose and shouted: "Okay! This is what you said! ... Your Highness!!"

Turning his head suddenly, Yuan Shu faced Liu Bian, saluted respectfully, and said hurriedly: "Zhang Zhuangshi..."

"It's General Zhang!!"

Zhang Fei corrected loudly.

"'s General Zhang." Yuan Shu paused and changed his words unconsciously, "General Zhang boasted about Haikou and said that he could defeat 40 horses! - Your Highness, such a good general, don't miss it! "

Liu Bian: "..."

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Liu Bian was speechless.

At this time, Yuan Shao suddenly stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, dare to ask this information, is it true?"

Liu Bei said: "——It's true! Bei, Bei's second brother, third brother, and Brother Mengde can all testify!"

Squinting his eyes, Yuan Shao took a calm look at Cao Cao.

But I saw that Cao Cao looked at his nose with his eyes, and his nose looked at his heart, so he did not deny it.

Calmly, Yuan Shao analyzed: "It's a coincidence, Shao doesn't think it's true that 40 bandits occupy Bohai County... On the contrary, Shao feels that this information is too exaggerated, His Highness should send scouts to do a good job of reconnaissance. , to avoid making mistakes in judgment.”

This is quite pertinent.

Cao Cao also said: "My lord, we need to get the information about Bohai County as soon as possible before we can formulate a plan."

Liu Bian nodded thoughtfully and asked everyone: "Then, shall I send someone to spy on the situation in Bohai County? - Colonel He!"

He addresses people abruptly.

He Miao took a step closer to the crowd and responded: "Here!"

"The king orders you to take a few cavalry and go to Bohai County immediately to reconnoiter the information of Bohai County. You must understand the deployment of Bohai County's troops."


He Miao accepted the order and retreated.

Watching He Miao leave, Liu Bian said again: "Everyone, no matter how strong the rebels are, I estimate that the opponent's number will definitely exceed ours... Therefore, if there are really more than 40 rebels, how do you think we should solve them? "

"This..." Everyone looked at each other and fell into silence.

After a long time, it was still Yuan Shu who said loudly: "Your Highness, if there are really 40 thieves, I don't think we can fight head-on. It's best to ask the imperial court for reinforcements as early as possible..."

Zhang Fei said: "Your Highness! Why show weakness to Luoyang? - If you can't even win Bohai County, how can you talk about the governance of Bohai County?!"

Yuan Shu said: "General Zhang... Zhang, there is no need to attack Bohai County by force, why don't you listen to my advice? - If you really want to attack Bohai County, what should you do if there is no eye on the battlefield and your Highness is injured?"

"Mr. Yuan, your statement is confusing to Guan." Guan Yu said coldly, "On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, so how can we let His Highness go to the battlefield?... His Highness will definitely stay at the rear and get the best results. Good protection!”

"The best guarantee?!" Yuan Shu argued, "The rebels are numerous and powerful. What if they attack our army from behind?"

"Then fight back in time!" Guan Yu said proudly, "Whoever dares to hurt His Highness, first ask Guan if he agrees!" After that, Guan Yu raised the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and hit it hard to the ground!


There was a trembling sound from the ground, which seemed to be shaking.Yuan Shu stared at Guan Yu for a long time, he was really shocked and speechless.For a long time, Yuan Shu quietly glared at Yuan Shao and accused with his eyes:

"Brother Benchu, are you speechless?!"

Sighing, Yuan Shao said: "Don't be angry, His Highness only said "if". "

Yuan Shu and Zhang Fei both turned away, indicating a truce.Then, Yuan Shao glanced at Cao Cao and teased: "Mengde, you have always been very alert, but is there anything you can do?"

Cao Cao said: "Is there any way? - Yes, there is, but I'm afraid that my lord won't dare to try it easily!"

"Oh?" Yuan Shao asked with interest, "What is the method?"

Cao Cao said: "If this matter had been postponed before, I would have led my troops to defeat them. Although the rebels were powerful, they were strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Most of them were old, weak, women and children, and were not strong in combat! Now, the lord loves the people like his sons, and the rebels are Thieves are also from poor people. If His Highness takes the place of the imperial court and sends an imperial edict to the Bohai County imperial court, and relies on his own eloquence to convince the thieves leader..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone gasped.

Yuan Shao shook his head and said: "Mengde, Mengde, this is not a good idea! What if His Highness is frightened?"

Liu Bei actually still had the heart to comment and commented: "This method is very wonderful. It depends on whether His Highness agrees or not."

Zhang Fei said: "Brother, can't I lead the troops to repel those rebels?!"

Guan Yu said: "Brother, these words are inappropriate."

Guan Yu turned his back to Liu Bian and winked at Liu Bei.

So, Liu Bei looked at Liu Bian and asked, "What do you think, Your Highness?"


What else could he think? ——To be honest, he feels that everyone’s ideas are pretty good! !

However, if it were up to him to decide the solution, he would most like to choose Cao Cao: he might as well risk his life and come forward in person to convince the leader of the thieves!
The advantages and disadvantages are also obvious: if he succeeds, he will not only be able to successfully take back Bohai County, but also easily gain a population of several hundred thousand people, which will facilitate his vigorous development of Bohai County in the future!If it fails...

His scalp was numb, and he refused to accept the possibility of failure!
Rolling his eyes, he said: "Uncle Wang, I choose Colonel Meng De's suggestion. It's really good."

What? !
The expressions of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu changed completely.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei solemnly bowed to Liu Bian with mixed expressions of astonishment.

Then, I heard Yuan Shu say: "Your Highness! This move is extremely ill-considered. It is both reckless and risky! Please take back this idea!"

Yuan Shao also said: "That's right, that's right! Your Highness's rich son can't sit down in court, so why do you need to contact the leader of the bandits? - Why not issue a summons to summon the leader of the bandits to come?"

Guan Yu suddenly said: "What if the leader of the thieves doesn't come? - Guan was thinking, how about building momentum for His Highness and just saying that the real King of Bohai is here? Guan is quite curious, how will the fake King of Bohai react?"

"What kind of reaction could it be?" Yuan Shao restrained his smile and said expressionlessly, "Either admit it and accept the inclusion; or refuse, if you lose the battle to the death, there is no third way to go! This method is also easy to hurt Your Highness's reputation. , do not agree!"

Guan Yu looked at Yuan Shao, thinking seriously about how his highness's reputation could be harmed, and whether Yuan Shao was avenging his personal vengeance and sharing the same hatred as Yuan Shu.

After a while, the small military tent was filled with all kinds of sounds——

"Lord, this is a great idea!"

"Your Highness, my idea is ten times better than Liu Xuande's!"

"Your Highness, Cao Mengde's approach is too unsafe!"

...With all the noise, everyone finally came together in one sentence:

"Your Highness, who do you decide to listen to?!"


Facing questions from five or six different faces, Liu Bian looked at Yuan Shao deeply, thinking a lot.

At this moment, he inexplicably understood Yuan Shao's "indecisiveness".

In the past, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" used the words of counselor Guo Jia to evaluate Yuan Shao as "ten victories and ten defeats", one of which was his indecisiveness!Because at that time, Yuan Shao had many counselors under his command, but the counselors were all fighting against each other, and no one was convinced by anyone. Every time they discussed countermeasures, they would always argue, and eventually nothing would happen...

Therefore, Yuan Shao was "indecisive".

However, he is not Yuan Shao——

He is anything but indecisive!
Smiling, he said word by word: "——I will choose Colonel Meng De's, the best!"

Assuming the conditions allowed, he wouldn't mind trying.

Everyone: "..."

At this time, everyone except Cao Cao said:

"Your Highness! No!"

(End of this chapter)

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