Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 48 Cao Shaoshu is responsible for registration

Chapter 48 Cao Shaoshu is responsible for registration

A row of big pots of rice, a row of chefs, and an endless line as far as the eye can see... Familiar recipes, familiar tastes, the only difference is: the big pot of rice is no longer filled with rice porridge, but steaming rice. The one with fragrant shredded pork mixed with wild vegetables and frangipani flowers makes the taste richer.

The refugees did not suffer as much as before.

All the refugees were clean and fresh, carrying empty bowls and queuing up to receive meals.

This stunned the new tenant farmers.

——Liu Bian saw thousands of tenant farmers gathering in darkness not far away!Maybe it's because of breakfast?The tenant farmers did not rush to line up to get a meal... This made Liu Bian secretly relieved:

A big pot of rice can feed thousands of people, but it can’t feed tens of thousands of people?

By the way, from now on, will we have to feed tens of thousands more mouths?
...Wait a minute!
After blinking, Liu Bian suddenly remembered: I still haven't figured out where these tenant farmers come from?
He said to He Xian: "Go and notify the other party and ask him to go over there——"

Pointing his hand, he pointed to an open space in the distance. At any rate, the open space was spacious enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people... which made it easier for him to ask questions.

He Xian clasped his fists, followed the order and left.

And he took the remaining three guards to the designated place.

When he was young, he saw He Xianzhen leading the tenant farmers to the scene in a swarm, and he loudly announced:

"Everyone! Do you know who I am?! - I am the King of Bohai! I am also the governor of Bohai County! In other words, you are all my subjects!"

In order to increase the grand momentum, He Xian worked hard and took a step forward, cupped his hands, and shouted with all his strength:

"This is the King of Bohai! He is also the Governor of Bohai County! Why don't you bow down and bow to the Governor of Bohai County!!"

After shouting and scolding, all the tenant farmers did not dare to look around, and they bowed to the ground and praised:
"The common people have seen the governor of Bohai County!"

"Yes!" He nodded and asked bluntly without mincing words, "What is the reason why you gathered at Prince Bohai's residence?!"

All the tenant farmers looked at each other in confusion, as if they didn't know how to answer.

After a long time, a tenant farmer stepped forward, cupped his hands and said: "Master Taishou, this is a long story!

We are all farmers hired by the Shi family...!Last night, Patriarch Shi suddenly sent someone to notify us. Not only did he return the signatures and paintings to us, he also announced that we were free!
Chief Shi also told us that if we have no way out, we should come to Nanpi County to find the magistrate... No, no, no!I'm looking for you, the prefect - so there are officials coming from Nanpi County? "

The tenant farmer said the last sentence very quietly.

But he heard it.

With a twitch in his mouth, he silently looked at the group of tenant farmers. He was surprised at the large number of them. He couldn't help but sigh that the land annexation situation was really serious in the late Han Dynasty. He was also surprised that the Shi family was so righteous -

Strictly speaking, Shi Yue was so good at judging the situation!
Yesterday, he took people to Shanzhai to talk with Zhang Yan's men. After spending a whole day, he only got Zhang Yan's verbal consent. Who knows, after one night, he had not yet attacked the other powerful and aristocratic families. Shi Yue As one of the representatives of the Bohai County family, he actually took the initiative to release the tenant farmers, which unexpectedly alleviated the resistance to his desire to release the entire Bohai County tenant farmers...

This, this, this...if he didn't appreciate Shi Yue's actions face to face, he would definitely make Shi Yue feel chilled!

Shiyue, Shiyue, Shiyue, where are the people? !
After calming down, he said: "That's it! Did Chief Shiyue call you here? - Have you registered?"

All the tenant farmers looked confused: Register? ——What is registration?

Seeing that the tenant farmers were confused, he awkwardly held his forehead and couldn't help complaining: "Where is Yuan Jijiu? Why hasn't Yuan Jijiu come yet?!"

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a voice coming from afar:

"Your Highness! Your Highness!... Technique! The technique is late!"

——It’s Yuan Shu!

Looking for fame, he not only saw Yuan Shu coming, but also Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

At the same time, all the tenant farmers saw three young men dressed like county officials arriving one after another, and they consciously made way for the three men to pass by.

When he was young, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao stood under his nose.

"I have met His Highness!" Yuan Shu, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao saluted him respectfully.

As expected, he caught a glimpse of the surprised expressions on the faces of the tenant farmers when they heard the word "Your Highness."

"Excuse me," he said.

So Yuan Shu, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao straightened up, but still maintained their slightly bowed postures.

Straight to the point, he said to Yuan Shu, "Take them back to your residence and register, and I will make other arrangements later."

"Register...?" Yuan Shu smacked his tongue, knowing he shouldn't, but he smacked his tongue: Hiss~ I heard that there are more than 2 tenant farmers in total!
It would take Yuan Shu more than half a month to register thousands of people - without Cao Cao's assistance!This is great, 2 people came all of a sudden. How long will it take Yuan Shu to register? !

Yuan Shu showed a trace of distress.

But at the next moment, Yuan Shu quickly put aside his worries.

However, Yuan Shu consciously concealed it well, but he could not escape the eyes of Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and even Liu Bian.

Without thinking, Cao Cao said: "My lord! Cao Cao just has some free time and is willing to help Yuan Jijiu again!"

Yuan Shao's eyes flashed and he said: "As Yuan Jijiu's brother, Shao Yi is willing to reduce Yuan Jijiu's burden!" Yuan Shu: "..."

"You... you..." Yuan Shu stared blankly, the wind was in a mess, and he couldn't speak.

With crooked eyes, he waved his hand, agreed to Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's self-recommendation, and responded: "Okay! The three of you will be responsible for the registration? - Be quick!"

"Here!" Cao Cao and Yuan Shao responded positively.

Yuan Shu, on the other hand, took a beat and said, ""

Yuan Shu looked at Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, his expression not very good.

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had serious faces and said businesslikely: "Yuan Jijiu, are you leaving?"

Yuan Shu pursed his lips, fluttered his sleeves and walked away towards the mansion.

Then, all the tenant farmers lined up to register.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Bian felt a little fond of the working ability of Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. By the way, he got to know the personal situation of the tenant farmers, so he also ran to watch...

In this way, Liu Bian led all the guards... arrived at the office site in a mighty manner. He saw Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu sitting side by side. They all took cloth and pens and ink, and each waved to a tenant to signal the tenant to come up. forward……

The performance of Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu is as follows:
But Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu all asked at the same time: "What is your name? What is your gender? How old are you? Do you have any special skills? Where are you from? How many people are in your family? Do you have any relatives?"

The registration contents proposed by Liu Bian were completely retained and repeated verbatim, which made the three tenants in the first batch widen their eyes!

Seeing that the tenant farmer he was responsible for did not respond, Cao Cao was the first to react and said "hmm" heavily, causing the tenant farmer opposite to tremble and report all the relevant information about himself——

In the same way, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu also said "um", but unfortunately they were not as cadenced as Cao Cao, so the effect was greatly reduced and it was not obvious enough.

It wasn't until Cao Cao asked about the second tenant that Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu started...

Liu Bian could guess without waiting until the end: In terms of ability handling, Cao Cao is definitely number one, and it doesn't matter at all whether Yuan Shao or Yuan Shu will be number two, since he's not interested in knowing anyway.

Moreover, what pleased him was that these tenant farmers were indeed professionals in farming——

Although the tenant farmers themselves do not have much property, they all have temporary residences, even if the residence is on the Shi family's clan land and needs to be rented...

Finally, we have a house. We don’t have to rush to build a house. Can we just relax for a while?

After the new houses in Nanpi County are built, the tenant farmers can move in one after another. Is that okay?

Liu Bian should be lucky: among this group of tenant farmers, no one is the former owner of the abandoned and dilapidated houses in the city. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing... After all, the abandoned and dilapidated houses have been repopulated. The refugees have divided it up.

Liu Bian was not idle either.

As soon as the tenant was registered, Liu Bian gave him tasks based on his specialties: For example, if the tenant was good at cultivating land, he was also proficient in logging and firewood, so he would send the tenant to... to log.

For another example, if the tenant farmer is versatile and has good cooking skills, then he can be hired by the mansion to add vegetables and meat to the big pot of rice every day!Also like...

In short, we must ensure that everyone has a job and everyone is busy, and ultimately, as long as everyone works hard, they can fill their bellies and no longer suffer from cold and hunger——

Once the arrangements were made, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu were still registering, but Liu Bian was so tired that his mouth was parched.

At this time, Liu Bian felt extremely regretful as to why he came to watch the fun in person... Ah, it was urging.

However, no matter how regretful he was, he had to insist on assigning tasks in an orderly manner.

It was not until dark that everyone completed the registration task.

It's not easy.

Yuan Shu's face turned pale and he felt unable to lift his arms.

Yuan Shao also rubbed his wrist, feeling that it was extremely sore.

Cao Cao also felt very tired, but he held it back forcibly. He still remembered to care about his lord first, and shouted to He Xian and other guards: "I have been busy during the day, and I can't spare any time. I can't teach you a lesson... You guys What?! What on earth are you doing?! My lord has been busy all day and doesn’t even have a bowl of water to drink!!”

At first being scolded by Cao Cao, He Xian waited for the guards to be stunned for a while.

Cao Cao angrily yelled: "Why don't you go get the water!!"

He Xian waited for the guards to retreat in a hurry, seemingly carrying water.

Sure enough, in less than a moment, He Xian waited for the guards to return, each bringing a bowl of cool well water.

"Your Highness!" He Xian handed the water to Liu Bian and admitted his mistake with a guilty look on his face, "It was my subordinate's carelessness that made Your Highness suffer!... Your Highness, please punish me severely!!"


Silently, he drank the bowl of water before talking.

To be honest, he spoke for a long time today, and his voice was dry and painful.

(End of this chapter)

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