Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 49 Liu Bian visits Shi Mansion

Chapter 49 Liu Bian visits Shi Mansion

Gulu gulu, he drank a bowl of water gracefully.Afterwards, he handed the empty bowl to He Xian, waved his hand magnanimously and said, "It's not your fault, you don't have to blame yourself."

After listening, He Xian lowered his head, still with self-blame on his face.

Seeing this, he had no choice but to say: "This is your first offender. I will spare you this time. If you do it next time, you will be severely punished!"

He Xian then showed a grateful expression, which left Liu Bian speechless.

Shaking his head, he stretched, and just wanted to relax, but then he felt annoyed and said: "Oops! Oops! Is it past midnight? - Where are Uncle Wang and others? Could they have been in the study earlier? Waiting on the sidelines?"

He Xian quickly reported: "When I was fetching water for His Highness, I happened to see Liu Sheren, Guan Caopu, Zhang Qipun and He Xiapu standing there..."

"Why don't you report in the morning?!" He interrupted He Xian's report and stood up, "—Let's go! Go to the study!"

Go to the study room to listen to today's work progress report.

Ignoring the pile of registration books in the corner, which was several feet higher than the hill, Liu Bian led Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and all the guards, and rushed to the study without squinting.

Afterwards, as usual, Liu Bian listened to everyone's reports and set or maintained corresponding new and old tasks based on the progress of each person's tasks——

They are:
"Starting tomorrow, Yuan Biejia, you will contact all the kilns in Nanpi County and invite the relevant people in charge to come to the mansion!

Master Cao, you are in charge of carpenters, bricklayers and craftsmen, a total of 95 people, and supervise the progress of building houses!Continue to build accommodation for civilians to stay!
Yuan Jijiu, you are still responsible for the registration!In the past few days, tenant farmers may come one after another... If you find it difficult, go and invite Mr. Shi over and let Shi come to assist you first!By the way, you had a bad day today! !
Uncle Wang, Guan Caopu and Zhang Pingpu, the mission of the three of you remains unchanged!You can train three thousand infantrymen while assisting others in transporting raw materials! ——Especially Uncle Wang, if conditions permit, you can communicate more with Mr. Zhang Shiping and Mr. Su Shuang and talk about the business of "ceramic crafts"!

What a shame!The law and order in Nanpi is still maintained by you! "

Shi Yue probably took office yesterday, so Shi Yue didn't show up this time, and everyone didn't care at all.

However, Liu Bian had to care.

After waving his hand, Liu Bian signaled everyone to leave, he frowned, thought for a long time, and decided to visit Shi Yue in person... Shi Yue himself is a descendant of an aristocratic family in Nanpi County, and he has his own residence, so Shi Yue lives in Shi Mansion. , not his Bohai Prince's residence.

Seeing that Liu Bian wanted to find Shi Yue, He Xian expressed his incomprehension and couldn't help but said: "Your Highness, it's getting late, why not summon Mr. Shi here early? - Besides, you have to check the registration book tonight?..."

He Xian said the last sentence very quietly.

He glared at He Xian.

When does he need to point out his itinerary?
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he said: "Didn't you see that the king has listened to the registration all day?!—I won't look at the registration books today! He Bai, you go and inform the Shifu that the prefect is coming Visit and let Shi Mansion prepare in advance! Mr. He, please prepare the carriage, I want to leave the mansion!"

"Here!" He Xian cupped his hands and refused to refute.

He Bai took the order, turned around, mounted his horse, worked hard, and notified Shifu in advance.

When he was young, he took a carriage and slowly headed to Shi Mansion.

The horse crowed and he was slightly nervous.

In fact, even he himself couldn't explain why he had to visit Shifu.

Obviously he can send someone to question Shi Mansion.

Perhaps Shi Yue was absent on the first day he took office as the recording officer; perhaps Shi Yue was the first to take the initiative to release the tenant farmers in the mansion, which brought a lot of shock to Liu Bian——

As a member of a powerful family, Shi Yue dared to give up his own and his family's interests, just to cooperate with his policy of governing Bohai County... It is impossible to say that Liu Bian was not touched.

However, no matter how moved he is, he will not treat Shifu particularly favorably.

The reason? ——If you want to blame it, you can only blame Shifu for being one of the aristocratic families in Nanpi County!

But if Liu Bian wanted to let the common people live a prosperous life, he had to severely suppress, even hit the powerful and the aristocratic families...

Unfortunately, Shi Mansion is on the list of families to be targeted.

The only thing that worries Liu Bian is the extent to which powerful people and aristocratic families need to be attacked in order to minimize unnecessary losses.

After all, he is not an executioner, and he really does not want to cause bloodshed in Bohai County.

Naturally, we should try our best to avoid casualties if we can.Otherwise, if the population is gone, how can we talk about the development of Bohai County?
Furthermore, he did not blindly reject powerful and powerful families.

In his eyes: The powerful and aristocratic families control and monopolize talents and knowledge and are the backbone of the Han Dynasty. As long as the powerful and aristocratic families do not excessively annex land and force the common people... that is enough.

He will work hard to mediate the contradiction between the superiors and the bottom, and try to provide a way for the common people to turn around.

As long as the common people still own their own houses and land, and have no worries about food and clothing, will they still be desperate?Will they still raise troops to rebel against the Han Dynasty?Will there be another "Yellow Turban Rebellion"? !

...With so many thoughts on his mind, he opened the car curtain and looked out the window silently.

At that time, the sky was dark and it was really not suitable for night walking.

Perhaps in a small dilapidated city, if you walk at night, you will be robbed by gangsters in six out of ten... Otherwise, why did He Xian wait for the guards to look so serious and keep vigilant about the movement around them from time to time?
Fortunately, He Xian waited for the guards to think too much.

Although Nanpi City is in dire need of renovation, public security is good: no one is robbing when walking on the streets!

Liu Bian saw that it was late at night, and the road was quite lively: every now and then, passers-by were chatting, laughing, and happily discussing something.Liu Bian pricked up his ears and heard:

"I really hope it will be the spring equinox next year soon! Then I can plant rice and millet!"

"Isn't that right? - Winter is coming soon, and it's going to be cold! You have to plant something that grows faster, otherwise you might freeze to death before it matures!"

"It's okay to farm in winter! Yesterday I saw Ah Tu making a tent out of animal skins on the edge of the field and setting it up! When I entered the tent and took a look, guess what? - It's so warm there! It's completely opposite to the outside! Ah Tu is still there Think about how to grow vegetables and grains in tents! This way, even if it is winter, the vegetables and grains will not be afraid of frostbite!"

"Interesting, interesting! Can we take a look?"

Blinking, he watched the group of passers-by go away, feeling inexplicably that the group of passers-by looked familiar: Huh?Aren't the other parties the same group of refugees from before?

At the same time, he also noticed that the road seemed to be much smoother?
Should it be the result of road construction?

Don’t know whose masterpiece it is?
Looking further, he saw that all the fields were no longer desolate: seeds were sown in fields of all sizes. After these two days of care, it seemed that small, tender green shoots had grown?

However, when he took a closer look, he saw that the fields were bare and clean without any weeds——

Sure enough, was it just his delusion? !

... Putting down the car curtain, he thought funnyly: If we really want to see a bumper harvest like all over the mountains and plains, we have to wait at least two or three months, right? ——Looking forward to that day coming soon?

Thinking this, he noticed that the carriage slowly stopped.

Outside the car, He Xian's voice rang out:
"His Royal Highness! It's here!"


After regaining his composure, he got off the carriage.

Surrounded by He Xian and other guards, he looked up and was satisfied to see Shi Yue leading everyone in Shi Mansion, including He Bai, waiting in front of the mansion gate.As soon as he saw him coming, Shi Yue led everyone to salute and said:
"Welcome Your Highness! It's really a blessing for Shi Mansion that Your Highness is here!"

Liu Bian laughed and said: "Sir, no courtesy! Please get up, please get up quickly!"

Shi Yue straightened up respectfully.

Everyone in the Shi Mansion still maintained their kneeling postures and did not dare to raise their heads.

Stepping forward, Liu Bian squinted at Shi Yue, with an angry face but a caring tone, and asked: "Is Mr. sick today? Why didn't you come to the Bohai County Prince's Mansion? Could it be that you have offended some villain? Mr. Are you angry?... Just tell me, and I will make the decision for you."

Shi Yue's expression remained unchanged, and he replied: "Thank you for your care, Your Highness. It's Qing Chang who has little talent and learning, and is not worthy of being a historian. He was about to ask His Highness to resign, but he didn't know how to start with His Highness."

"What?! You have only been in office for one day and you are resigning?!" Liu Bian's expression changed and he said decisively, "Sir, you are a great talent. I am reluctant to let you resign, so please don't mention it again! ! What's more, I haven't had time to thank you for your righteous deed, sir? - Sir, you sent away 550 tenant farmers. I am very happy, very happy... Why don't you invite me to speak in the palace? ?”

he requested abruptly.

Therefore, Shi Yue had no choice but to lead Liu Bian and others into the mansion with a wry smile.

The arrival of Liu Bian and his entourage successfully attracted the full attention of Shi Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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