Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 96 A group of Cao generals are coming

Chapter 96 A group of Cao generals are coming
When he first learned that Cao Zhubo's tribe and Yuan Bie's family were coming with supplies trucks, it was impossible for Liu Bian to say he was not happy - his eyes were crooked. Visited and learned a little bit about:
Ran still remembers that a few months ago, Cao Cao learned from He Miao that Liu Bian had just arrived in Bohai County and was extremely short of money. He ran to Liu Bian that night and offered to write a letter to ask for help from his family——

Now, as luck would have it, the Cao family really sent people and supplies!

The arrival of the Cao family was within Liu Bian's expectation. As for the Yuan Biejia family...the corner of his mouth curled up. Liu Bian tried his best to stay calm, but he couldn't control his mouth: "Liu Bian, he really wants it now, haha." Laugh! !

Ha ha ha ha--

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao, you just think you are too upright!Even if you don't regard me as a "lord", your every move gradually regards me as a "lord"... Should I change my attitude towards you and try to reuse you?

After enjoying themselves for a while, Liu Bian calmed down and nodded: "I know. I will ask the Cao and Yuan clansmen to send the supplies to the warehouse, and then send the relevant gift lists to the study for my king to review." .

By the way, how many people from the other tribe came?
In addition, where are Yuan Biejia and Cao Zhubo now? "

At this end, Xiaobing said: "Your Highness, Yuan Biejia is supervising the blacksmiths making farming tools! There are more than 100 people from Yuan Biejia's house!"

On the other end, the soldier also said: "Your Highness, Lord Cao Bo is in Dongguang County! 100 people from Lord Cao's Bo family are here too!"

This, so many people?
This is miserable!There is no room for anyone in the mansion!

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he said to the soldier: "Go and call Yuan Biejia." - He planned to ask Yuan Biejia to arrange a place for his people to live!
After thinking about it for a while, Liu Bian said to the soldier again: "You also made a hard trip to Dongguang County to inform Mr. Cao that someone is coming from the Cao family, so Mr. Cao will come and pick him up!"

"Here!" The two soldiers took orders, turned around and left.

Watching the backs of the two soldiers performing their respective tasks, Liu Bian stroked his hands, looking forward to and welcoming the relatives of the Yuan and Cao families - "Shall we take a rest first?" He happily suggested to He Miao and Xun You , and later go with him to greet the new distinguished guests.

After realizing it, Liu Bian sighed: When did He Miao and Xun You act as his temporary guards?
It's all because He Xian and other guards were not good at martial arts and were injured... Oh!

Shaking his head, Liu Bian refused to think too much: Anyway, He Xian waited for the guards and his life was not in danger. As long as he waited patiently for a few days, He Xian waited for the guards to recover and return to his side again and continue to protect him. hour……

He Miao and Xun You didn't know Liu Bian's plan.At this time, both of them bowed their hands and agreed with Liu Bian.

As a result, Liu Bian, He Miao and Xun You sat in the room and waited silently for the arrival of the distinguished guests.

When I was young, someone came outside the door and reported: "Your Highness! People from the Cao family are here!"

Was the first person to come here actually from the Cao family? ——I thought the Cao and Yuan families would arrive at the same time?

That's not bad.

By staggering the arrival, Liu Bian could get enough contact opportunities.

"Second uncle, Mr. Xun, let's go take a look?" Liu Bian suggested.

Xun You is an aide to his uncle He Jin, so he is not considered an outsider?

Therefore, Liu argued that it didn't matter if he called He Miao "second uncle"?

"Dare you disobey me?" He Miao and Xun You responded respectfully.

Then, Liu Bian and his party went to the warehouse and met the Cao family——

Taking a deep breath, Liu Bian calmly watched the young Cao family in front of him actively carrying supplies, and felt that his mind went blank...

oh oh!

Liu Bian's heart was roaring: Cao Cao!You are so awesome! !You actually called all the most outstanding military generals in the family... Listen, listen to what the other party is saying:
"Uncle Yuan Rang! Uncle Miaocai! Just let me carry these bags of rice! I'm not a child anymore, don't underestimate me!"

"Ang'er, don't make trouble! Don't mess around. You are obviously the youngest among us!"

"Brother Xiu, you are only half a month older than me!"

"Even if it's half a month, I'm older than you! I'm your brother!!"

"Brother Zilian, look at Brother Xiu, he always teases people with clichés!"

"Brother Zilian, I am half a month older than Brother Ang. Shouldn't I be the elder brother?"

"This... why are you quarreling with me? - I'm still a few years older than you. I'm the elder brother among brothers!"

"What are you arguing about? What's there to argue about? Don't forget that this is the palace of Prince Bohai. Don't you want to show off your image? What if His Highness sees it?"

"Zixiao, stop talking, I seem to have discovered..."

"Zihe, what did you find?"

"Look...look at that-"

Opposite, there is a young military general, who should be in white, but wearing armor and armor. He is six inches similar to the one named "Zi Xiao", but his body is a little thinner than Zi Xiao. He has a faint air of elegance, and even more More of them are elegant and calm, gentle and polite, but less of a military commander's spirit.

"Huh?" The guy named "Zihe" also took a look and suddenly froze.

...Blinking his eyes, Liu Bian could clearly see that the man was quite young, perhaps because he hadn't grown out yet. He was tall and tall, but tall and straight, with a wheat complexion, a mustache, and a dense but short beard. He has a set of medium-quality dark gray helmet and armor, with piercing eyes and a calm and prudent look on his face, but his behavior is impetuous.

Without changing his expression, Liu Bian calmly looked around at the other Cao generals - wrong!It's the Cao family.

At that time, he reluctantly recognized the other person through his name.

However, before he could open his mouth, he heard a boy who was about his age surprise and say:
"You! It's you! Are you Your Highness?!"

Raising his eyebrows, Liu Bian looked around and saw the guy named "Ang'er" with a look of surprise and awe on his face. He looked over with bright eyes and an expression full of admiration. He took the initiative to raise his hand and said loudly:

"My surname is Cao and my name is Ang. I have met His Highness!! Are you His Highness?!"

Liu Bian: "..."

For a moment, Liu Bian didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Liu Bian's first thought in his mind was: Time is like a butcher's knife!At this time, Cao Ang is really at a lively and active age, and he is completely different from the evaluation of the future city defender and filial son, right?
As Liu Bian's guard, He Miao shouted with a straight face: "Bold, you are rude to His Highness!"

After hearing this, the young man named Cao Ang was shocked, and hurried over, apologizing: "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm new here, I don't know the rules, please forgive me, Your Highness."

Raising his hand, Liu Bian stopped He Miao's scolding and said to Cao Ang with a straight face: "Remove the word "small". "

"Ah?" Cao Ang was stunned for a moment, then changed his words without thinking, "——Your Highness?"

"Yeah~" Liu Bian nodded, slightly satisfied.

"Cao Min Cao Ang pays homage to His Highness!!" He saw that Cao Ang adapted very quickly and bowed to him decisively, which shocked him, "——My father's surname is Cao and his name is Cao. Cao Min is his father's eldest son!" "Get up. ."He said.

Then, Cao Ang stood up and stood still.

It was as if he had heard about him before, so Liu Bian could tell at a glance: Cao Ang was very curious about him, and he was not reserved at all when he spoke - Cao Ang said:

"I heard from my father earlier that His Highness is very independent and ambitious, but ordinary people still don't believe it... Now, I followed my uncles all the way from my hometown to Bohai County, and I saw the scenery in Bohai County. It is really different from other places."

With his heart moving, Liu Bian asked: "Where else? - How about elsewhere?"

"It's messed up elsewhere! How can it compare to Bohai County!" Cao Ang said without even thinking about it. In his words, he praised Liu Bian so much that Liu Bian couldn't believe it. "Your Highness doesn't know, many places are in There is a famine! There is obviously food, but people always starve to death. What is the reason?
The most irritating thing is: everyone only needs a little bit of food to survive, but those who have food do not receive food. They would rather have the food get moldy than give away a little bit to everyone!
Moreover, many counties are experiencing severe droughts and plagues!
Compared with Bohai County, Bohai County has almost become an ideal hometown!
I can't see any natural or man-made disasters here!Even if the residents of Bohai County live a little poorly, their spirits are impressive, but they are very fulfilling!Everyone is busy, but they can live in peace and stability. This shows that His Highness's achievements are so high that the grassroots really admire them! "

Hey, hey, Cao Ang spoke with certainty, like a chatterbox, with endless words, Liu Bian was taken aback when he heard it, and wanted to laugh, but tried his best to hold it back.

Liu Bian thought: Really? ——Am I really as good as you say?
In his ears, Liu Bian heard Cao Ang say again: "Your Highness! You are so powerful! Can I follow you?! I want to serve a wise master like you! Can you promise me?"

Liu Bian: "..."

After coming back to his senses, Liu Bian stared at Cao Ang silently, feeling that he couldn't resist Cao Ang's familiarity and initiative, and was so blocked that he couldn't speak anymore——

How to do?
Do you want to agree?

But...but, the current Cao Ang is too young, about the same age as him, how can he help?

Sighing, he was speechless for a moment and wanted to ignore Cao Ang's request!

Xu Shi saw through his embarrassment, and another member of the Cao clan raised his voice:
"Ang'er, come back! You scared His Highness!"

After hearing this, Liu Bian's head was full of black lines. He glanced at the person casually and said casually: "Who is that person?"

"That's Caomin's Uncle Yuanrang!" Cao Ang replied, patted his head again, and hurriedly said, "Your Highness, Caomin hasn't introduced your clan brothers to Your Highness yet?" Before Liu Bian could speak, Cao Ang spoke quickly:

"Uncle Yuan Rang's surname is Xiahou and his given name is Dun. He is famous in the countryside for his courage. Although his martial arts skills are mediocre, he is quite interested in farmland irrigation..."

"Ang'er!" Over there, Xiahou Dun was quite dissatisfied after hearing the comment that "although my martial arts skills are mediocre", "My martial arts skills are mediocre, do you want to come over and give me a few moves?"

On the side, someone burst out laughing, reached out and patted Xiahou Dun on the shoulder, and said jokingly: "Yuan Rang, Yuan Rang, what do you want me to say? - Isn't it too bad for you to compete with a kid?" Are you bullying someone? If you have the ability, why don’t you compete with me?"

"Wonderful talent!!" Xiahou Dun gritted his teeth and glared at his companion.

Without losing the opportunity, Cao Ang pointed his finger there, and quickly said: "Xiahouyuan, whose style name is Miaocai, is the same as Uncle Yuanrang, and he is also a descendant of Xiahouying in the Western Han Dynasty!"

"Hello? Ang'er?!" Xia Houyuan was taken aback. He never expected that Cao Ang would be extremely loyal to His Highness when he met His Highness. He actually introduced the Cao family to His Highness.

Cao Ang said with a smile: "Uncle Miaocai, can't you be angry? We just came to Bohai County, and His Highness doesn't recognize anyone, so we are not allowed to introduce him to Him?"

Xia Houyuan pursed his lips and was speechless.

Simply, Xia Houyuan gave Xiahou Dun a wink.

Xia Houyuan and Xiahou Dun quietly moved the supplies.

Seeing this, He Miao and Xun You quietly agreed with each other and did not stop Cao Ang's approach.

"Your Highness." Cao Ang got excited, turned his attention again, and turned to the other side, "This is brother Cao Ren Cao Zixiao! This is Cao Chun Cao Zi and brother! Brother Zixiao and brother Zihe are brothers!
This is Brother Cao Xiu!This is Brother Cao Hong!The two of them have not yet reached the crown and have not yet taken the title! …”

It took Cao Ang a while to introduce the important Cao family members present.

Liu Bian felt dizzy after hearing this——

That's not the case!

However, he suddenly heard a series of names. If Liu Bian hadn't been so impressed by Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren, Cao Chun, Cao Hong and Cao Xiu, most people would not be able to remember so many names.

Duoduoer, duoduoer, they are all generals of Cao!
The future is expected!

So, Cao Cao spent all his money, right? !

He was so excited inside, but Liu Bian had to maintain his calm appearance. He nodded to Xia Houyuan and his party one by one, as if he had said hello to each other... But this caused Cao Ang's dissatisfaction!Cao Ang said loudly:
"Your Highness!!"

Liu Bian looked towards Cao Ang.

What, what's wrong?
Cao Ang said: "Your Highness, won't you entertain me?"

Liu Bian was stunned: Where did you start talking about this?

But I heard Cao Ang say: "Your Highness, when ordinary people come to seek refuge, shouldn't they be treated warmly? Why..."

Liu Bian said with a tiger face: "Aren't you here to support Bohai County? - Put the supplies away first, finish the work, and then I can entertain you according to the situation?"

"Yes, that makes sense!" Cao Ang blushed and took a step back, "The grass-roots people were so excited that they forgot about carrying supplies when they saw His Highness... The grass-roots people will move the supplies now!"

After that, Cao Ang quickly ran to the cart, stretched out his hands, hugged a bag of rice, and walked tremblingly to the warehouse - "Is it okay?" Liu Bian looked left and right, and felt that The bag of rice will fall from Cao Ang's arms!
Fortunately it was an illusion.

Even though Cao Ang was involved in the transportation, his movements were shaky and dangerous, but Cao Ang really performed well and transported the materials into the warehouse one after another...

Quietly, Liu Bian took He Miao and Xun You to watch.

Later, before Cao Ang and others had put away the supplies, Liu Bian suddenly heard Cao Cao's voice - Cao Cao said:

"I've seen my lord! Why is my lord here?!"

Turning around, Liu Bian saw Cao Cao arriving in a hurry.

"You..." Liu Bian was also surprised, "Master Cao, you came so fast!"

Isn't it?
Under normal circumstances, it would take an afternoon to drive from Dongguang County to Nanpi County!Who would have known...who would have known that Cao Cao would arrive in only about two hours!Thinking about this, Liu Bian said:

"Master Cao, how did you do it? I mean within two hours."

Cao Cao's expression did not change, he cupped his hands and said: "My lord, I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed! It's my eldest son and I who write letters regularly. Recently, I received a letter from the eldest son, saying that the clan members will come today! So..."

(End of this chapter)

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