Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 97: Both seek help from the family

Chapter 97: Both seek help from the family

Therefore, will you leave all your affairs in Dongguang County and temporarily return to Nanpi County to pick up your eldest son?

Liu Bian thought silently, and couldn't help but raise his face and lectured: "Master Cao, for leaving his post without permission, what crime should he be punished for?!"

With just this sentence, the expressions of all the generals present changed.

Xia Houdun wanted to refute, but Xia Houyuan held him back!Looking at Cao Ren and Cao Hong again, their faces were ashen, not to mention Cao Chun and Cao Xiu, who also looked at each other with a trace of panic on their expressions.

"My lord, there is a reason why I left my post without permission..." But Cao Cao cupped his hands without changing his expression, "The kilns in Dongguang County are very efficient, and they fired a lot of green bricks! I thought Dongguang County has enough, so I removed some of it and transported it back to Nanpi County myself - if Your Highness doesn't believe it, please go outside the mansion to find out!"

Raising his eyebrows, Liu Bian looked at Cao Cao unexpectedly: Is that okay?Are you not afraid of danger?

Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, Cao Cao's words immediately made the Cao family heave a sigh of relief.

After thinking for a while, Liu Bian said: "Okay! I am very curious and want to see how many bricks you transported."

After that, Liu Bian came to make a quick appraisal: He really went to the house with Cao Cao and others to take a look!
Then I saw an open space outside the house. I don’t know when, there were countless carts parked, all of which were loaded with green bricks——

Looking around, Liu Bian roughly counted, there were tens of thousands of green bricks!
Enough to build several more mansions!

After stroking his palms, Liu Bian was amazed and sighed: "How many kilns are there in Dongguang County now? Are there only two?"

Look at the efficiency and quality, it really makes people drool!
I really want to expand!

As if reading his mind, Cao Cao said: "My lord, although there are only two kilns in Dongguang County, the number is small, but the important thing is to have unified professionalism and not to interfere with the local powerful families and powerful people..."

Cao Cao spoke vaguely, but Liu Bian understood.

A brief summary: Cao Cao has the final say in both kilns in Dongguang County.

Therefore, whatever Cao Cao ordered to be fired, the two kilns must go all out——

This is actually more efficient than the four kilns in Nanpi County!

Therefore, in just a few days, Dongguang County produced a large amount of green bricks, enough for Nanpi County to squander at will... Ahem!It’s fair use!

Therefore, Cao Cao took Qingzhuan back to Nanpi County——

As for whether he took the opportunity to neglect his duties or something, it's hard to say!

In short, Cao Cao's outrageous incident was easily resolved when Cao Cao personally brought a large number of blue bricks to atone for his sins.

With his eyes curled up, Liu Bian asked He Miao to send someone to send a message to Liu Bei first and let Liu Bei decide whether to keep these blue bricks.

Secondly, Liu Biancai said: "Master Bo, I have misunderstood you, please forgive me."

Cao Cao walked down the slope and said quickly: "Lord, how dare I?! In fact, it is my lack of care that caused your lord's misunderstanding... From now on, I will govern Dongguang County well and never let you, lord, disappointment."

Liu Bian nodded, finally willing to let him go, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay! Knowing that you are busy with many things, I will not disturb your clan members... It is rare for the other party to come to Bohai County, Lord. No matter how busy you are, Bo, you still have to find time, why don't you go entertain your clansmen?"


After listening, Cao Ang's voice sounded first.

"Ang'er, why are you here?" Cao Cao looked at Cao Ang in surprise, "How old are you, why did you come to Bohai County!"

Cao Ang blinked and retorted: "Father, if I didn't come, wouldn't I know that there is a Nanpi Administrative Office in Bohai County, and there is a His Highness living in this Nanpi Administrative Office, and this His Highness is the same age as the child!"

"Nonsense!" Cao Cao glared and shouted in a low voice, "How can you compare with my lord!"

"Lord?" Cao Ang gasped, "Father, you actually serve His Highness? Even the children want it!!"

"...Huh?" Cao Cao looked dumbfounded, as if he didn't expect his eldest son to choose this approach!After a long while, Cao Cao lowered his face and shouted:
"Have you learned your lessons well? You are so young, but you don't know the world. Are you just having fun because your mother is not here?! - What kind of person is the master, how can he accept you as his right-hand man?! Just give up on this as soon as possible !”

"Father!" Cao Ang wailed with his head in his arms, and suddenly turned his gaze to Liu Bian... Cao Ang asked pitifully, "Your Highness, can I serve you?"

Liu Bian: "..."

Liu Bian's first thought was: Oh, this acting is really bad. Cao Cao plays a bad role, while Cao Ang plays a white face. At the end of the song, does Cao Ang want to follow me?

Liu Bian's second thought was: Cao Ang, Cao Ang, you are too young, what can you do? ...More than you, I want to recruit the generals behind you! !

Liu Bian said nothing.

Liu Bian stared at Cao Ang calmly and didn't say a word for a long time.

"Your Highness?" Liu Bian didn't say anything, but Cao Ang urged him eagerly.

Rubbing his forehead, he struggled and said: "Just a few more years!"

Cao Ang's eyes were red, and he said loudly, "Your Highness, are you trying to drive me away?!"

"My king..." Liu Bian was embarrassed. It's not true to admit it, but it's not true to deny it. "No one is driving you away?"

"Then, can I stay?" Cao Ang immediately turned from worry to joy, "Then I will follow His Highness!"

Liu Bianhu made a face and couldn't help but remind: "I have to ask your father about this -"

Turning around, Liu Bian was about to say something to Cao Cao, but he saw that Cao Cao had already escaped and went to the generals.

Then he saw that all the Cao generals were overjoyed and greeted him enthusiastically: "Brother, how are you doing in Bohai County? Why do I feel that you have lost a lot of weight, brother?" "Brother, we have brought enough supplies this time. , I believe Bohai County can still sustain it for a while!" "Brother, I heard that you have been appointed as the magistrate of Dongguang County? Congratulations!"...

Come on, all the Cao generals are busy walking around Cao Cao, it seems that Cao Cao is the only one in their eyes... This makes Liu Bian very bitter: Deer!According to this situation, this group of Cao generals will probably go to Dongguang County with Cao Cao!

Think about it: Dongguang County is now in dire straits, and Cao Cao has been serving as the magistrate of Dongguang County for a while, but he is a bare magistrate without a single helper. Shouldn't he ask for help from the Cao family?But……

But, Cao Cao, Cao Cao, have you ever noticed that most of your people value martial arts over literature, and are military generals? !

It's okay if you don't recruit a few civil servants. What's the point of bringing a group of generals to Dongguang County?
Is it possible that you want to train troops? ——Strive to vigorously train the civilians of Dongguang County into a volunteer army? !
After taking a breath, before he could figure out what was going on, he saw Cao Cao commanding a group of Cao generals and asking them to go back to their homes and warehouses to put all the supplies properly.
Then, a group of Cao generals really honestly put goods of different sizes into the warehouse one after another.

During this period, Cao Cao said without losing the opportunity: "My lord, can you allow me to settle this group of people in Dongguang County? My lord also knows that I have almost no friends in Dongguang County, and it is a headache to deal with some trivial matters..."

Deeply, Liu Bian looked at Cao Cao deeply and thought: Ha!Knew it!Sure enough, you want to take these generals away!

Not reliable!

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be you, Cao Cao, who will introduce them and then present them to my lord with both hands?How...

He grimaced and watched everyone carrying supplies enthusiastically. Just as he was about to say something to praise, he suddenly heard Yuan Shu's voice, saying:

"Your Highness! What happened?!"

A roar from the ground startled Liu Bian.

Liu Bian almost thought that the house had been robbed?
Looking for fame, Liu Bian saw Yuan Shu and Shi Yue walking in tandem.

Yuan Shu and Shi Yuehou consciously saluted Liu Bian.

Liu Bian said no courtesy as usual, and then said: "There is no need to make a fuss about Yuan Jijiu, it's just someone from Lord Cao's family who came and gave a little something -" At this point, Liu Bian heard another person say:
"Your Highness! I have brought a living person here, and I want to hand it over to Your Highness for His Highness to play with."

It's Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao said nonsense.

Narrowing his eyes, Liu Bian turned around and saw a young boy on each hand of Yuan Shao. The young boy was extremely cleanly dressed and looked like a young man from aristocratic family. Looking at the face, he was about [-]% similar to Yuan Shao. It's too easy for people to guess: Are those two young boys the children of Yuan Shao's family?

Before Liu Bian could speak, the two young boys let go of Yuan Shao's hands and ran to Liu Bian. They bowed and saluted: "Your Highness, I am Yuan Tan, my father's eldest son." "Your Highness, my name is Yuan Xi is Yuan Tan's younger brother." Another young boy said with a smile.

"Both of you, please get up." Liu Bian said, sighing silently in his heart: What is this called?
How dare you come to the Yuan family, just two young boys? ——No supplies?

No, no!
The soldier previously reported that supplies are coming!

Moving his lips, Liu Bian wanted to ask about supplies, but he felt that it was too rude to ask people in public.

Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi quietly squeezed towards Liu Bian and pushed Cao Ang away... With bright eyes, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi said in unison:

"Your Highness, please allow me to serve you as my master from now on? - Your Highness, how old are you?"

The last sentence is very redundant.

Liu Bian looked at Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi funnyly, and asked instead, "What about you?"

Yuan Tan said: "I am 14 years old this year!"

Yuan Xi said: "I am 13 years old this year!"

Not to be outdone, Cao Ang said: "I'm almost 13 years old!"

Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi ignored Cao Ang at all.

With a smile, he said: "Cao Ang and I are similar in age..."

Cao Ang was so excited that he shouted loudly: "Your Highness - no! It's the lord!! So I am the same age as the lord?!"

Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi's expressions were not very good.

Yuan Tan said: "Your Highness, do you hate me?"

Yuan Xi said: "Father, His Highness does not want to accept us."

After blinking, Yuan Xi looked at Yuan Shao with an expression that looked like a snitch, which made people laugh and cry.

However, Yuan Shao did not fight in a group, but said: "Do I need my father to teach you this?!"

The thin body was suddenly shaken, and Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi walked through the passage without any guidance: "——Wow!"

Well, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi burst into tears in public.

"You... don't cry, okay?" Liu Bian's head is big and full of bumps, "In a few years-"

Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi cried louder.

Silently, Liu Bian said: "Okay."

Just these two words made Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi feel happy.

Wiping away the tears on their faces, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi said in unison to Liu Bian:

"Meet, meet His Highness—wrong! It's the Lord!!"

Liu Bian: "..."

Tired, Liu Bian thought: Just be happy.

Anyway, just think of raising a few more people?It’s not a big deal…

Just when he thought of this, Liu Bian saw a strange soldier coming and said: "Your Highness, Liu Sheren is here."

Liu Bei?

What a good day it is today, everyone is in action.

After gathering his composure, Liu Bian said, "I haven't invited Uncle Wang to come over yet."

After a while, Liu Bei came.

Moreover, Liu Bei also came with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei and saluted Liu Bian.

Liu Bian excused himself and asked, "Uncle Wang, what's wrong?"

While Liu Bei was observing the bickering among the three or four children on the other side, he glanced at the group of young generals in front of him, and finally turned his attention to Liu Bian - of course, this process was so fast that no one else noticed it!Liu Bei said:
"Your Highness, you sent someone to inform me that a large number of blue bricks are under my control, is that true?"

"That's right." Liu Bian glanced at Cao Cao and asked with a smile, "Have you thought about where to build it? - The commercial street can't be delayed any longer!"

"Your Highness, this is also the reason why I came." Liu Bei said, "Your Highness, there are many blue bricks, why not consider expanding the Bohai Prince's residence? - Now, if there are a few more people, or even a dozen people, living in the mansion, Why don’t you come down?”

The speaker has the heart, and the listener has the heart!

Liu Bian had to admit that he was moved.But……

However, when he expands his mansion... he seems to be a corrupt official, and will his life be beaten up by everyone? ——Shaked his head, Liu argued:
"Next time definitely."

"No need." Liu Bei said, "The blue bricks are enough. His Highness can really expand the mansion without affecting others... After all, the common people of Bohai County admire His Highness very much? I believe everyone will not be angry."

Frowning, Liu Bian did not dare to agree, and said: "As the King of Bohai, I should think about the people and advocate frugality. How can I do a lot of construction?"

Liu Bei was speechless and couldn't answer the question for a while.

At this time, the three teenagers around Liu Bian also had different reactions.

Yuan Tan said: "My lord, let's expand the mansion! Anyway, the green bricks are enough!"

Yuan Xi said: "Lord, I also want to live in a big and comfortable busy guard..."

Cao Ang said: "My lord, to expand the mansion, don't we need to send more people? If we improve the treatment of these people, I don't believe that we can't stimulate the enthusiasm of the common people."

"Well said!" Liu Bian's eyes lit up, he was amazed, and finally felt that Cao Ang was quite clever.

Cao Ang's face was red and excited, and he buried his face in Cao Cao's arms. He did not forget to urge Liu Bian, urging:
"My lord! How about expanding the mansion? Anyway, it's not a big deal..."

First time, second time familiar, I heard Liu Bei say: "Your Highness, there is something I have always wanted to say, but I am embarrassed to tell you... In fact, it is time for our mansion to be expanded. It is a small matter to live in a few more people. Is it possible? Your Highness, don’t you want to build another county magistrate’s office to facilitate the registration of account books?”

What else could Liu Bian say? ——Waving his hand, Liu Bian said: "Okay, it's up to you to expand!"

"Your Highness is wise!" "My lord is wise!"

Everyone praised him without hesitation.

In fact, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi surrounded Liu Bian and barely managed to praise Liu Bian.

The praise made Liu Bian's head full of black lines.

This scene was seen by Yuan Shu.

He glanced at Cao Cao and then at Yuan Shao. Yuan Shu expressed his heartache: They were both asking for help from their families, so why is there such a big difference? ——Brother Yuan Benchu, have you agreed not to serve His Highness as your master?

Why did you send your two sons to His Highness?
Thanks for trusting you, am I a step too late now?

(End of this chapter)

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