Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 116 Name on the note

Chapter 116 Name on the note
After listening to Liu Xuanmiao's analysis, Jin Lina suddenly realized, "What you said makes sense."

After saying this, Jin Lina paused for a moment and then said, "If the other party really wants to sow discord between us players, I think we may not be the only ones who received this note."

"Let's go to He Ge and his friends."

After saying this, Liu Xuanmiao walked towards the door. Seeing this, Jin Lina quickly followed.

When Liu Xuanmiao led Jin Lina to He Ge and Xu Kaifeng's yurt, the two of them were discussing with a piece of paper.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and the others arriving, Xu Kaifeng immediately said, "Did you also receive a note?"

Hearing Xu Kaifeng's question, Liu Xuanmiao handed the note over and asked them, "Whose name was written on the note you received?"


Although he had been prepared for it, Liu Xuanmiao was still surprised when he heard his name from Xu Kaifeng's mouth, "Mine? Can you show me what it says on it?"

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said this, Xu Kaifeng immediately handed over the note in his hand.

The content on the note was no different from the one Liu Xuanmiao and the others received. The only difference was that Su Yiyi was replaced by Liu Xuanmiao.

"Interesting, why not call everyone together! I want to know what the notes received from other people look like."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Xu Kaifeng nodded and said, "I'll go gather everyone."

Xu Kaifeng was very fast, and he gathered everyone together in less than 5 minutes.

"Everyone must have received such a note!"

Hearing Xu Kaifeng's question, everyone looked at the reactions of those around them before someone said, "Well, I did receive it."

"Can you tell me what's on your note?"

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, everyone hesitated. Finally, Li Dekai took the lead and said, "The content of our note is to let us be careful about you."

After Li Dekai set an example, the next three people, Chen Jun, Su Yiyi, and Ma Huihui, also stood up and spoke out the contents of their notes.

The content on Chen Jun's note was to tell him to be careful about Li Dekai, the content on Su Yiyi's note was to tell her to be careful about He Ge, and the content on Ma Huihui's note was to tell her to be careful about Lin Qing.

After everything was said, Xu Kaifeng said, "What do you think of this matter?"

Seeing Xu Kaifeng ask this, Li Dekai took the lead and said, "I think someone is deliberately sowing our relationship secretly and making us suspicious of each other, in order to achieve the goal of making us commit suicide."

As soon as Li Dekai said this, Lin Qing and Su Yi immediately agreed, "I think so too."

Seeing that Chen Jun and Wang Meng remained silent, Xu Kaifeng smiled and asked them, "Chen Jun, what do you think?"

Hearing Xu Kaifeng's question, Chen Jun said slowly, "It may be that someone wants to make us suspicious of each other as Uncle Li just said, but there is also another possibility, that is, paper There’s something really wrong with those people on the strip.”

Seeing what Chen Jun said, Xu Kaifeng did not rush to refute him, but said calmly, "What Chen Jun said is not unreasonable. Does anyone else have different opinions from these two opinions?"

Seeing that no one came forward even after he said it several times, Xu Kaifeng said, "Don't worry about the truth of the matter. Anyway, let's not be suspicious of each other, otherwise, we may be fooled." I fell into the trap of the mastermind behind the scenes, do you have any objections to my proposal?" Seeing Xu Kaifeng say this, everyone expressed that they had no objections.

After everyone dispersed to their respective yurts, Liu Xuanmiao asked Jin Lina, "What do you think of the "questionable" list just now?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Jin Lina thought for a moment and then said, "There's something strange about that list. I wonder if you've noticed it."

Seeing Jin Lina say this, Liu Xuanmiao asked curiously, "Where?"

"Of the six people on that list, five are old players, and only Su Yiyi is a new player. This is what I find strange. At present, I have three guesses. One is that this list is just an accident, and the other is that Su Yiyi is a new player. There is a problem with Yiyi, as for San, Su Yiyi is actually an old player, she lied to us."

Jin Lina's words made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought. She thought for a while and then said, "Actually, there is a fourth possibility, that is, someone deliberately added her name to the list in order to make us suspect Su Yiyi. .”

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Jin Lina thought for a while before saying, "What you said is also reasonable. By the way, you spent a whole day with Su Yiyi today. How likely do you think she is an old player?"

"Based on her performance today, I think there is less than [-]% chance that she is a veteran player. But if her acting skills are good enough, then this judgment is not accurate."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Jin Lina thought for a moment and then said, "Can you think of a way for me to be paired with that Su Yiyi tomorrow?"

As soon as Jin Lina said these words, Liu Xuanmiao knew her plan, "I'll try my best!"

Afraid that the situation last night would happen again, this time Liu Xuanmiao and Jin Lina still slept in shifts.

In the first half of the night, everything was normal. It was not until Jin Lina lay down and Liu Xuanmiao was on duty that problems began to occur.

Not long after she fell asleep, Jin Lina was so startled that she wanted to go outside. Based on the experience last time, Liu Xuanmiao immediately stepped forward and gave her two big mouthfuls.

Liu Xuanmiao's two big mouths didn't hit her in vain, they basically woke up Jin Lina immediately.

When she saw herself standing on the ground, Jin Lina immediately realized what had happened, "Why did I get tricked again, this thing must be looking for me alone!"

Hearing what Jin Lina said, Liu Xuanmiao immediately began to look at Jin Lina.

Then she discovered a cartoon zombie sticker that was only the size of a little finger on the back of Jin Lina's neck.

"I found a cartoon zombie post about the size of your pinky finger on the back of your neck. Did you post it yourself?"

Liu Xuanmiao's words shocked Jin Lina. When she realized what was on her neck, she immediately said, "I didn't put it on it, can you help me take it off?"

Seeing Jin Lina say this, Liu Xuanmiao immediately took off the sticker.

"Look, this is the note I just mentioned."

Following the direction Liu Xuanmiao pointed, Jin Lina immediately saw the small sticker, "How could this thing get on my neck? I obviously didn't put anything on my neck!"

Seeing what Jin Lina said was categorical, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then said, "Is it possible that the fact that you were attacked two nights in a row is actually related to this zombie post?"

(End of this chapter)

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