Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 117 Too Lucky

Chapter 117 Too Lucky
Liu Xuanmiao's words were exactly what Jin Lina was thinking, "But there's one thing I still haven't figured out, and that is how did this thing get to my neck?"

Seeing what Jin Lina said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then said, "Who did you come into contact with on the first day you came here?"

"I haven't been in contact with anyone! You should be able to tell that I'm not that kind of extrovert."

Jin Lina's words made Liu Xuanmiao deep in thought. After a while, she said, "If this is really the case, then everyone will be suspicious."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Jin Lina thought for a moment and then said, "You have no suspicion. If it was really you who did it, you wouldn't have woken me up when I was attacked."

"Don't say it too early. Who knows when I will be dropped. You have to be vigilant to everyone, especially those who usually have more contact with you."

Having said this, Liu Xuanmiao paused for a moment and then asked Jin Lina, "By the way, did you hear the sound of the flute just before you were attacked like last time?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao looking at her, Jin Lina said, "I heard it. In fact, when I heard the sound of the flute, I already realized that something was wrong, but the sound of the flute was very magical. Later, I only had one thought left. Yes, just follow the sound of the flute."

What Jin Lina said made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought, she thought for a while before she said to Jin Lina, "Interesting, really interesting!"

After what happened, Jin Lina was not in the mood to go to bed.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was not polite to her, and went to bed to catch up on her sleep.

When Liu Xuanmiao woke up in the morning, it was already dawn.

After lazing on the bed for a while, Liu Xuanmiao got out of bed.

I thought there would be players out this morning, but I didn't expect that when we gathered after breakfast, everyone was there.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

There is a reason why she reacted like this, because based on her experience in the first two games, it is generally normal for players to be eliminated every day.

But now they have all come to the third day of this game, and still no player is out. After ruling out the possibility that their group of players is really lucky, there is only one possibility, that is, some of them are very lucky. Maybe they were replaced like Chen Jun and Wang Meng the next day.

Just when everyone present had their own secrets, Li Dekai suddenly stood up.

"There is something I have thought about over and over again and still feel I need to tell you."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Chen Jun immediately said, "What's going on! Why are you still so mysterious?"

Li Dekai ignored Chen Jun's words. He said to himself, "Xiao Jin was possessed by an evil spirit last night. She had to go outside after saving her life. If Xiao Liu hadn't stopped her in time, we don't know what would have happened to Xiao Jin." ."

As soon as Li Dekai finished speaking, Chen Jun immediately said, "This is what you want to tell us!"

Seeing the disgust on Chen Jun's face, Li Dekai said calmly, "I haven't finished talking yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

Li Dekai's words made Chen Jun curl his lips, but he didn't say anything more.

"After Xiao Jin woke up, Xiao Liu conducted a detailed examination of her whole body, and then found a zombie sticker only the size of her little finger on the back of Xiao Jin's neck. It was certain that this sticker was not put by Xiao Jin herself. That is to say, someone put a sticker on Xiao Jin's neck when she was not prepared. I told everyone about this today. I just want everyone to be more vigilant and not to be put on a zombie sticker without knowing it." Li Dekai said this. When he said it, the old players were relatively calm, but the new players seemed to be in a state of shock and started talking immediately.

"I think the top priority is to find out the guy who secretly puts zombie stickers on people. Otherwise, I guess everyone won't have the time to do other things and will just focus on guarding against others." It was no one else who said this. , it was Su Yiyi who had always been very active.

Although the other newcomers did not speak, it could be seen from their expressions that they agreed to Su Yiyi's proposal.

"Everyone agrees with Su Yiyi's proposal, right? If everyone agrees, then we will search everyone present and their residences. Does anyone have any objections?"

Seeing that no one stood up to object, everyone began to be searched.

I have to say that this search was really eye-opening for Liu Xuanmiao, because she saw many strange props from other veteran players.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao was staring at other people's props with envy and hatred, he heard an exclamation from Li Xue who was searching Ma Huihui over there.

Seeing this, everyone subconsciously looked in the direction where they were.

What was in Li Xue's hand surprised Ma Huihui, "This is not mine. This zombie sticker is really not mine. You believe me."

Seeing what Ma Huihui said, Su Yiyi said angrily, "The zombie sticker was found in your pocket. You said the zombie sticker was not yours. Who were you lying to? You really thought we were two hundred and five people here!" "

Su Yiyi's words made Ma Huihui very angry, "If this zombie sticker was really mine, do you think I would be stupid enough to put this zombie sticker into my pocket? I'm not stupid, how could I put it so openly? The evidence is placed in such an obvious place, I suspect that someone deliberately framed me."

"It's not impossible."

Xu Kaifeng's stand was somewhat unexpected, "I think it's better not to fight among ourselves at the moment. Maybe this is the purpose of the mastermind behind this, just to make us suspicious of each other."

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai thought for a while and then said, "What Xiao Xu said makes sense. It's better not to be suspicious of each other first, but to think about how to get that person to show up on his own initiative."

As soon as Li Dekai said this, Chen Jun on the side immediately sneered and said, "Show yourself? Uncle Li, what are you dreaming of? The guy behind the scenes must be in our group. If you If it were that guy, would you still show up after learning about our plan?"

Seeing what Chen Jun said, Li Dekai smiled and said, "What you said makes sense, but if this doesn't work, how can we find out that guy?"

"Don't look at me, I don't know either."

Hearing what Chen Jun said, Lin Qing on the side said sarcastically, "So you don't know either! I just saw what you said and thought you had come up with some good idea."

Just when the scene was a little awkward, Xu Kaifeng stepped forward in time to resolve the embarrassment, "I thought of a way to catch that guy out."

As soon as Xu Kaifeng said these words, Su Yiyi on the side immediately said, "What can I do?"

Seeing Su Yiyi asking this question, Xu Kaifeng said calmly, "Sister Jin, you heard the sound of the flute before you were attacked, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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