Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 140 A Little Familiar

Chapter 140 A Little Familiar
Having said this, Li Dekai paused for a moment before continuing, "It is precisely because of this that she put so much effort into misleading us so that we cannot know what the method is to clear the game."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then asked the ranch owner, "Why do you have to call her Evil God? Did you just call her that in private, or did she ask you to call her that?
Although it was unclear why Liu Xuanmiao asked, the ranch owner still answered honestly, "She asked us to call her that."

Seeing what the ranch owner said, Liu Xuanmiao said to Li Dekai and He Ge, "If that's the case, then it's hard to say whether the guy living in the yurt with the red cloth strip at the door is an evil god! Are you sure she is You can’t leave that yurt, right?”

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, the ranch owner nodded, "I'm sure, she has tried, but when she wants to go out, she will be blocked by something like a barrier."

"That zombie sticker was given to you by your so-called evil god, right?"

Liu Xuanmiao's words made the ranch owner nod his head, "Yes, she did give it to me."

After all the questions that needed to be asked, Li Dekai let him go.

Of course, before the ranch owner left, Li Dekai did not forget to threaten him.

After confirming that the ranch owner would not lie, Li Dekai let people leave.

After everyone left, Li Dekai said, "How is it? Did you two find anything?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Liu Xuanmiao hesitated for a moment and then said, "Not yet, let's go back and herd the cows first!"

Li Dekai and He Ge had no objection to Liu Xuanmiao's proposal, so the three of them went back to herd the cattle together.

They were lucky today. They had been walking for more than an hour, but to their surprise, they didn't lose a single cow.

After seeing that the cows were almost done eating, everyone began to inspect the cows at the scene, and this time a total of two fake cows were found.

Pouches embroidered with zodiac signs were found in the stomachs of two of the fake cows.

The note inside the purse with the sheep embroidered on it says that you cannot enter the yurt with the red stripe at the door.

As for the note inside the purse embroidered with a dragon, it said no riding.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was also overjoyed, because she was assigned the zodiac sign of Sheep.

"Sure enough, my personal zodiac taboos are similar to what I guessed, but who does this dragon belong to?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai said, "I don't know."

"Then do we need to tell the people in the other group?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this, Li Dekai thought for a while and then said, "Let's just say it! Let's do this! You two will keep an eye on these cows here first, and I'll go to the other group for a walk."

As soon as Li Dekai said these words, Liu Xuanmiao immediately said, "No, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. How about the three of us go together!"

Knowing that Liu Xuanmiao was worried about him, that's why he suggested this. After thinking about it, Li Dekai said, "Okay, then let's go together, three of us!"

When Liu Xuanmiao and the others went to Xu Kaifeng's group, Xu Kaifeng, Lin Qing, and Li Xue were catching cattle all over the world.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and the others coming, he didn't bother to entertain them.

It wasn't until 10 minutes later that the cow was caught, and Xu Kaifeng came over and said, "Why are you three here? The cow won't let go!"

Hearing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Let go! But there are more important things than herding cattle, so we came over." Xu Kaifeng was startled by Li Dekai's words, "What's going on!"

"We just discovered the personal zodiac taboos of the players who were assigned the dragon zodiac sign, so we wanted to come over and tell you."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Xu Kaifeng was very surprised, "Actually, we just discovered the zodiac taboos of players who were assigned the horse zodiac sign."

"You speak first or I speak first?"

Li Dekai's words made Xu Kaifeng laugh, "Who said it's not the same thing first? The zodiac taboo for horse players is not to pull grass from the pasture."

After seeing what Xu Kaifeng had said, Li Dekai said, "The zodiac taboo for dragon players is not to ride a horse."

As soon as Li Dekai said his words, Xu Kaifeng said happily, "It was almost! I almost got it yesterday."

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, everyone still didn't understand. Xu Kaifeng's zodiac sign was dragon.

"But you just said that you almost succeeded yesterday. What do you mean?"

Hearing Li Dekai ask, Xu Kaifeng said, "Yesterday we were halfway through herding cattle, and then one of the cattle suddenly ran away, and then I wanted to chase it. Then someone suggested that I let me ride a horse to chase it. I was scared at the time. When I came back on horseback, all the cows had disappeared, so I didn't agree to the other party's proposal. Now that I think about it, if I had really agreed to the other party's proposal, I would have gone to the West to see the Buddha by now."

Xu Kaifeng's words made everyone else present fearful. After all, they almost wouldn't be able to see Xu Kaifeng today.

"By the way, do you have any clues about clearing the game?"

Seeing Xu Kaifeng ask this, Li Dekai said, "If I had a clue, do you think I might still stand here with you and have sex?"

Li Dekai's words made Xu Kaifeng smile, "That's true."

Speaking of this, Xu Kaifeng paused for a moment and then continued, "I have cleared several games, but there has never been any game like this one where I have no clue at all. Now I am doubting, what should we people do?" We won’t all be lost in this game!”

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai said calmly, "It's not the end yet. It's still a little too early to say this. Okay, is there anything else? If not, we will go back first."

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Xu Kaifeng hesitated and then said, "Actually, before you guys came, I had been to the yurt where the evil god was."

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai was a little puzzled, "Why did you go there? Did you go in to confront the evil god?"

Li Dekai's words made Xu Kaifeng shake his head, "I didn't meet her face to face. I just looked at her outside for a while. I don't know if it was my imagination! I always felt that the evil god looked familiar."

Xu Kaifeng's words made everyone a little puzzled, "Does it look familiar? Is it possible that the evil god looks more like someone you know?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Xu Kaifeng thought for a while and then said, "It's possible."

"Is that why you went to the Evil God's yurt?"

Hearing Li Dekai ask, Xu Kaifeng nodded, "Yes, of course, apart from this reason, I want to see if I can find other clues."

Just as he was talking, he saw Lin Qing and Li Xue driving the cattle back. Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao and the others did not waste their time. After saying hello to Lin Qing and Li Xue, Liu Xuanmiao and the others I went back alone.

(End of this chapter)

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