Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 141 opened up

Chapter 141 opened up
On the way back, they met the ranch owner who came out to feed the sheep.

When he saw them, the ranch owner was like a mouse seeing a cat. He immediately turned around and disappeared in front of them as quickly as possible.

Faced with this situation, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Are we so terrible?"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao glanced at him and then said, "Isn't that scary? Don't you have some idea in your heart?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge all looking at him, Li Dekai quickly explained, "I really wasn't like this before. It was all because of games that made me like this."

Li Dekai's panicked look made Liu Xuanmiao smile, "No need to explain, we all understand. Okay, let's go back quickly! Otherwise, all the cattle will run away."

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao say this, Li Dekai breathed a sigh of relief.

When the three men returned to the place where they had grazed the cattle, five or six of the cattle had indeed escaped.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao and the others did not bother to look for it, but found a sheltered place and sat down.

There is a reason why they are so calm. First of all, they have found all the personal zodiac taboos of the three of them so far. Secondly, they already know what the punishment will be if they lose. It is precisely because of this that they will be afraid of herding cattle. Winning or losing is no longer so important.

"There are currently six people left. Do you think there might be someone from the other party among the six of us?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then said, "It's hard to say, it may be there or not, but no matter it is there or not, just don't be careless. As the saying goes, be careful and you will sail forever."

Liu Xuanmiao's words were agreed by Li Dekai, "Yes, you can't be careless in the game. If you are careless, you may have to stay here."

After saying this, Li Dekai sighed and then said, "How on earth can we pass the game? Tomorrow is the last day. If we can't figure it out by six o'clock tomorrow night, then the six of us will have to Stay here."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao teased him, "What are you afraid of? Aren't I and He Ge keeping you company? If you look at it this way, you have actually made money."

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said these words, Li Dekai immediately said, "Bah, bah, you can't say such depressing words. We must not give up until the last moment. If we don't think about other people, we must also think about our own family!"

Just as the two were joking, He Ge, who had been silent until now, suddenly stood up.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was a little puzzled, "What's wrong, He Ge?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and Li Dekai all looking at him, He Ge said, "I want to search the Evil God's yurt."

He Ge's words surprised both Liu Xuanmiao and Li Dekai, "You're not joking!"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, He Ge glanced at him and then said coldly, "Do you think I am someone who can joke?"

Li Dekai laughed at He Ge's words, "You really don't seem like a joker, but we searched her residence under the eyes of the evil god, don't you think we are a little too arrogant?"

"It's quite arrogant, but He Ge would make such a proposal, which shows that he is sure that we can escape safely, otherwise he would not have said the proposal just now."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge thought for a while and then said, "Okay, then I will accompany you for a walk."

Since Liu Xuanmiao had no way to enter the Evil God's yurt, only He Ge and Li Dekai finally entered.

The appearance of He Ge and the others was completely beyond the evil god's expectations, and precisely because of this, she acted very shocked. "Why are you here?"

Seeing what the evil god said, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Let's see you! Confinement period must be very hard!"

Although it is not clear why Li Dekai asked such a question, the evil god replied cautiously after considering it for a while, "Fortunately, the reason you came to me today is not just to visit me, is it?"

The evil god's words made Li Dekai smile, "Smart, I am indeed not just here to visit you. We are here today to ask you a question."

Seeing Li Dekai say this, Xie Shen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't show anything on the surface, "What do you want to ask me?"

Seeing that the other party said so, Li Dekai didn't show politeness to her, and asked her, "You said you are the wife of the ranch owner, but as far as I know, Wu Yun seems to be the wife of the ranch owner!"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, the evil god didn't panic at all. She said calmly, "Who did you know this from? It's not true at all. Maybe it's because I don't often appear in front of people. Shang Wuyun is the only woman in this ranch besides me and my six daughters, which led to other people’s misunderstanding.”

"Is it really?"

Li Dekai's question was very meaningful. Many people present heard it, and the evil god naturally heard it too.

"Of course it is. If you don't believe it, you can call the ranch owner and Wu Yun, and we can confront each other together!"

Seeing what the evil god said, Li Dekai smiled and said, "That's no need. In fact, there was something I forgot to mention just now."

"whats the matter?"

Hearing the evil god's question, Li Dekai said proudly, "The one who told me that you are not the ranch owner's wife is none other than the ranch owner. Do you have anything else to say now?"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Xie Shen said angrily, "No more."

"Okay, since you have nothing to say, it's our turn to ask you, who are you and why are you trapped in this yurt and unable to move?"

Seeing that Li Dekai knew this, the evil god really hated the ranch owner.

At this time, she was glad that she had not told that idiot all her plans before, otherwise, she would have had no choice but to accept her fate.

"Who am I? Didn't that idiot tell you a long time ago? I am an omnipotent god."

As soon as the other party said this, Li Dekai sneered and said, "An omnipotent god? Since you are omnipotent, why are you still trapped in this yurt? Can you explain to me?"

Having said this, Li Dekai paused for a moment and then continued, "Although I don't know what your identity is, you definitely have nothing to do with God. God, if you are really like this, then God probably has nothing to do with other people." There’s no difference, okay, stop talking nonsense to her and search this yurt quickly!”

As soon as Li Dekai said these words, the evil god immediately said, "How dare you!!! If you dare to search my yurt, I will let you survive and die."

Not only did Li Dekai not take the opponent's danger seriously, he also mocked the opponent and said, "I'm really scared. Do you think I'm not fully prepared? Do you think I dare to come to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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