Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 225 2 Pillars

Chapter 225 Twelve Pillars
I have to say, this organization is interesting.

Other mechanisms may be activated when a blind cat encounters a dead mouse, such as the one on the second to third floors. But if the mechanism on this floor does not understand its principle and wants the blind cat to encounter a dead mouse, it will activate it. It's not necessarily successful.

After making sure that the stairs were strong enough, Li Dekai took the lead and walked up.

After confirming that there was no danger upstairs, everyone was allowed to go up.

The layout of the fourth floor is different from the previous first, second, and third floors. If the third floor is a arena, then the fourth floor is like an ancestral hall to worship ancestors.

Anyway, as soon as you go up, the first thing that catches everyone's eyes is the densely packed memorial tablets placed on the altar table.

Liu Xuanmiao roughly estimated that there must be at least two to three thousand tablets here.

It is precisely for this reason that more than half of the entire fourth floor is occupied by these tablets.

After carefully observing these tablets, Liu Xuanmiao discovered something particularly interesting, that is, the names on these tablets were all named Shen.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao was wondering where the mechanism on this floor was, she heard Xu Kaifeng, who was not far away from her, say, "There are so many tablets, maybe the mechanism is inside these tablets!"

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai, who had been looking around, said, "It's hard to say, let's take a look around first!"

With Li Dekai's words, everyone started to move.

While everyone else went to look for the memorial tablet, Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge went around to check.

Just as they were looking around, Liu Xuanmiao discovered something very interesting. There were many strange patterns painted on the columns used for support on the fourth floor.

Snakes of various shapes are painted on one of the columns, and various dogs are painted on the other.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao's first reaction was to count how many columns there were on the fourth floor, and then she discovered something that surprised her.

There are a total of twelve columns in the entire hall on the fourth floor. The most interesting thing is that each of these twelve columns has one of the twelve zodiac signs painted on it.

Liu Xuanmiao found out, and He Ge, who was smarter than her, naturally also found out.

But what Liu Xuanmiao didn't understand was why the twelve zodiac signs were painted on these columns. Is this a coincidence, or did the other party actually want to tell them something.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this, He Ge turned around and pointed at the tablets behind him and said, "Have you ever counted how many layers there are in those tablets?"

Hearing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao quickly counted, "There are 24 floors in total. Is there any relationship between the two?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao looking at him, He Ge said, "24, twelve, do you think these numbers are accidental?"

He Ge's words made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought. After a while, she said, "Isn't the password to clear the level located on these pillars and tablets?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this question, He Ge said, "There are nine out of ten chances, but I haven't figured out the corresponding relationship between them yet."

Just when Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge were thinking about it, the people who put all their efforts on the memorial tablet all withered and drooped their heads.

They turned these tablets around and pulled them out, but they did not let the mechanism be activated.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge staring at the pillar in a daze, Li Dekai asked with some confusion, "What are you looking at?"

After hearing Li Dekai's question, Liu Xuanmiao said, "We didn't look at anything. We were thinking about something. When we figure it out, we might know how to activate the mechanism."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai immediately went aside and stopped disturbing the two of them.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao thought He Ge had to think about it for a while, he heard He Ge say, "Count how many zodiac signs there are on each pillar." Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao quickly Do as he tells you.

After spending 10 minutes, I finally counted the number of zodiac signs on each of the twelve pillars.

On the pillar of the zodiac rat, there are a total of five rats with different shapes drawn on it.

There are nine pillars for the Ox zodiac sign, and three for the Tiger zodiac sign.

Seeing that Liu Xuanmiao had counted them all, He Ge immediately walked towards the direction of the tablet.

He Ge first went to the highest level of tablets, that is, the first floor, and saw him turning the fifth tablet from left to right.

Then after moving one level away, he went to the third level of tablets and turned the ninth tablet from left to right.

Next came the fifth level, where he turned the third tablet from left to right.

After turning all the tablets that should be turned according to this rule, I thought that the mechanism would be activated, but in fact, nothing happened.

Faced with this situation, everyone was confused.

"Where is the problem?"

Seeing Lin Qing ask this, Liu Xuanmiao looked at the various zodiac signs painted on the pillars, and then she discovered something very interesting.

Those pillars have odd numbers of zodiac signs painted on them. When you look at the zodiac signs at the exit, they are all to the right.

As for the pillars with even numbers of zodiac signs painted on them, when the zodiac signs on them are viewed at the exit, they are all to the left.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao still doesn't understand. It's not that He Ge made a mistake in the rules, but that some tablets are numbered from left to right, and some tablets are numbered from right to left.

Thinking of this, Liu Xuanmiao quickly told He Ge what he had discovered.

After listening to Liu Xuanmiao's words, He Ge immediately corrected the wrong transfer just as Liu Xuanmiao said.

This time, as He Ge was turning the last wrong tablet, there was movement on the roof of the fourth floor.

Everyone looked up and saw the stairs coming down.

Faced with this, everyone was also overjoyed. After all, after descending the stairs on this floor, they could go to the top floor.

But Liu Xuanmiao always felt that things were not that simple. Before she could stop everyone and ask them to wait, Mao Yingjun took the lead and walked up.

Seeing Mao Yingjun walking up safely, just when Liu Xuanmiao thought it was him who was overthinking, he saw Mao Yingjun, who had already gone upstairs, rolling down the stairs.

Faced with this situation, everyone was shocked.

He quickly went up the stairs and held down Mao Yingjun, who was still rolling down.

Thanks to everyone's timely action, Mao Yingjun had no major problems except for some minor scratches on his face.

After the person in charge, Mao Yingjun, came down and asked him to sit down on the ground, everyone asked him, "What's going on up there?"

When people asked this, Mao Yingjun smiled bitterly and said, "To be honest, I don't know it either. I just remember that someone kicked me down as soon as I stood up. As for whether it was someone who kicked me or someone else." I didn’t see anything else clearly at all.”

(End of this chapter)

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