Chapter 226
Seeing what Mao Yingjun said, everyone looked at each other and then Li Dekai said, "Is there anyone with better skills?"

After Li Dekai said these words, He Xiaohui immediately stood up and said, "Let me go and take a look."

Everyone was a little surprised that He Xiaohui stood up, after all, he didn't look like he was particularly skilled.

But since he has come forward, it means that he must have a deep knowledge, and it is precisely because of this that he will take the initiative to stand up.

Thinking of this, Li Dekai said to him, "Pay attention to safety."

Seeing Li Dekai say this, He Xiaohui nodded.

Before going upstairs, He Xiaohui took off his glasses and gave them to Miao Qingqing for safekeeping, and then went up the stairs.

Seeing this, everyone still doesn't understand. They are not short-sighted at all.

As soon as He Xiaohui went up the stairs, everyone heard the sound of thunder.

Then with a loud noise, He Xiaohui also rolled down the stairs.

Compared to Mao Yingjun who rolled down in a somewhat embarrassed manner, He Xiaohui stood up on his own after rolling halfway.

Seeing him walking down, everyone quickly gathered around him and asked, "What is going on up there?"

Hearing Li Dekai's question, He Xiaohui said, "To be honest, I don't know. There was no light at all on the fifth floor. It was dark all the way. I was attacked after I went up, but who exactly attacked me?" I can’t tell what it is, it doesn’t feel like a human being.”

Seeing He Xiaohui say this, everyone's expressions became more solemn.

After all, it was almost 05:30, and it was not long before dark. If they couldn't get to the fifth floor within half an hour, something bad would happen to them at night.

Just when the atmosphere at the scene was getting a bit solemn, Miao Qingqing, who was holding He Xiaohui's glasses, said, "The village chief only said that we should go to the fifth floor before dark. Does that mean that even if we only have one foot?" Entering the fifth floor is actually considered entering the fifth floor.”

After being reminded by Miao Qingqing, everyone suddenly realized, "That's right! In fact, as long as we have two feet to enter the fifth floor, we have achieved an achievement. We don't have to go inside, right?"

Seeing what Song Lili said, Song Jinchen on the side said, "If it goes like this, as long as each of us gets a beating, it will actually be considered as completing the task, right?"

After hearing what Song Jinchen said, Li Dekai on the side said, "Yes."

"Since the mission can be completed in this way, then what are you waiting for! Hurry! Otherwise, it won't count if you wait until it gets dark and you go up again."

Seeing what Mao Yingjun said, Li Dekai said, "Xiao Mao is right, everyone should hurry up! After all, we don't have much time."

Seeing that even Li Dekai said that, Song Jinchen took a deep breath before walking up.

After Song Jinchen went up, the remaining people also started to go up one by one.

Seeing that everyone else present was finished, and only he and He Ge were left. Liu Xuanmiao was about to go up, but was stopped by He Ge, "You come up with me."

Seeing He Ge say that, others including Liu Xuanmiao were very surprised.

But no one said anything else. After all, they also wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in He Ge's gourd.

After Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge walked up, He Ge was the first to walk up.

After He Ge entered, everyone only heard the sound of things falling to the ground. As for He Ge himself, he was not kicked out like the previous people.

Just when everyone was wondering how He Ge did it, they saw He Ge reaching out and pulling Liu Xuanmiao in.

Seeing that He Ge had no intention of going inside, Liu Xuanmiao asked him with some confusion, "Aren't you going inside?"

"There's something wrong inside, let's go down!"

Liu Xuanmiao was puzzled by He Ge's words, but in the end Liu Xuanmiao still chose to listen to He Ge.

Seeing them walking down safely, others immediately surrounded them. "What's going on up there?"

Hearing Li Dekai ask this, He Geyan said concisely, "I don't know."

"You just stayed up there for so long, didn't you go check it out?"

Seeing Gu Tinghang ask this, Liu Xuanmiao said calmly, "It's dark up there, and we didn't bring any candles or flashlights, so how could we go check! We just stayed up there for a while."

"What about that thing that attacked us? Didn't that thing attack you?"

Upon hearing Xu Kaifeng's question, He Ge said, "It's an attack, but I've already dismantled that wooden man."

He Ge's words puzzled everyone, "Wooden Man, you mean the one who attacked us is a wooden man?"

Seeing Xu Kaifeng ask this, He Ge nodded, "Yes."

"Then if you demolish the wooden man, does that mean there is no danger on the fifth floor?"

Hearing Mao Yingjun's question, Liu Xuanmiao sneered and said, "If you don't want to die here for no reason, you can go up and have a look."

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao say this, Mao Yingjun immediately became honest.

"Is it dangerous up there?"

"Yes, it is indeed very dangerous. It is precisely for this reason that I didn't dare to go inside with He Ge just now."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Li Dekai fall into deep thought. He thought for a while and then said, "Okay, since everyone has entered the fifth floor, the mission is completed. Let's go down!"

After saying this, Li Dekai took the lead and walked downstairs.

Seeing Li Dekai leave, no one dared to stay here anymore. After all, although this place seemed normal, it always gave people an eerie feeling.

It's not obvious when you stay with a group of people, but if you stay here alone, it's really scary.

When Liu Xuanmiao and the others went downstairs, the village chief with a pipe was already waiting there.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and his group coming down, he first counted the number of people present, and then asked everyone, "You didn't go up to the fifth floor?"

Hearing the village chief's question, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Go up."

Li Dekai's words made the village chief's face turn very ugly. He looked at everyone viciously and then said, "Let's go!"

After saying this, the village chief walked forward.

Seeing this, everyone was very confused and didn't understand why the village chief behaved like this.

When the group returned to the ancient building where they lived before, all the lights in the building were already lit.

"Go back! Someone will bring you food shortly."

Seeing what the village chief said, everyone returned to their rooms.

After returning to the room, Liu Xuanmiao discovered that something was wrong with his room.

The first thing she suspected was that someone had sneaked into her room while she was away, but when she saw the table in the room, she found that the mark she had accidentally made was missing.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao was puzzled.

Did someone secretly change her desk while she was away, or was their room secretly changed?

(End of this chapter)

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