Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 275 Collecting Tears

Chapter 275 Collecting Tears
On the way to the tavern, the three of them happened to meet Xiaopang, the son of the hotel proprietress. At this time, Xiaopang was feeding a black fried kitten that looked to be only two or three months old.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and his group, Xiaopang was a little panicked for some reason, and subconsciously hid the black fried kitten behind his back.

Faced with this situation, few people said anything, but Xu Kaifeng raised his eyebrows pointedly at Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge.

"Why didn't you develop a relationship with the cat in the hotel room?" Before Liu Xuanmiao and the others could say anything, Xiaopang preemptively asked.

In response to Xiaopang's question, Xu Kaifeng said calmly, "I go out to wander around and take a breath of fresh air. I am always bored in the house and feel a little out of breath."

Having said this, Xu Kaifeng paused and then asked casually, "Are you feeding the cat?"

"Yes, not long after this kitten was born, its parents both passed away due to accidents, so I have always been feeding it."

"Oh, then go ahead and feed him! Let's go hang out in front."

It has to be said that children don't have much scheming, and they can't hide their thoughts. As soon as Xu Kaifeng said it, Liu Xuanmiao obviously saw that Xiaopang heaved a sigh of relief.

After a few people walked away, Xu Kaifeng said, "What do you think of what happened just now?"

Hearing Xu Kaifeng's question, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a moment and then said, "There is something wrong with the kitten."

"Why do you say that?"

"From the time we entered this town until now, except for the black kitten just now, we have never seen any underage cats. Almost all of them are adult cats. And you can also see the little fat guy's attitude just now. Here we are, there must be a ghost in that kitten, if there is no ghost, Xiaopang probably won’t behave like that.”

He Ge also agreed with Liu Xuanmiao's guess, "I can go and ask the people in town about the little black cat later."

After writing down this matter, Liu Xuanmiao and the others continued to walk forward. After walking for almost 500 meters, they finally arrived at their destination, in front of a closed shop on the street.

This time, Xu Kaifeng went up and knocked on the door without Liu Xuanmiao and the others saying anything.

Just after knocking, I heard a very grumpy voice coming from inside the shop, "Didn't you see the notice posted outside? It's closed during the day, come back at night!!!"

Seeing what the other party said, Liu Xuanmiao and the others noticed the notice posted in an inconspicuous place outside the door. It indeed said that it was closed during the day and only opened after eight o'clock at night.

"This boss has quite a temper. What should we do next?" Xu Kaifeng said.

"Go back to the hotel and meet up with Uncle Li and the others first to see if they have any news on the notepad."

When the three of them returned to the hotel, Li Dekai and the others also came back and were chatting in the hotel lobby.

Seeing that Liu Xuanmiao and the others were back, several people walked upstairs in a tacit understanding, and finally they went to Li Dekai's room.Of course, they did not forget to send the cat away from the room before chatting secretly.

"What do you think? Did you get anything from it?"

Hearing Xu Kaifeng's question, Li Dekai said excitedly, "Yes, we found another "mayor" besides Lao Zhou in this town. To be honest, that person is not a mayor, but in their town, he He is a very prestigious person, so basically everyone in the town listens to him. According to him, their town does have this notepad that records important events in the town, but this notepad disappeared a long time ago. .”

"Disappeared? Can you say why he disappeared?" Xu Kaifeng said.

"I asked, and according to the uncle, there was an earthquake in their town, which caused the ancestral hall for worship in their town to collapse. Since then, the notepad in their town has disappeared."

"You mean the clue is broken?" Liu Xuanmiao said.

"If the clues were lost, I guess Uncle Li wouldn't look like this. There must be other discoveries, right?" Xu Kaifeng said at the side.

Xu Kaifeng's words made Li Dekai laugh, "You really got it right. There are indeed other discoveries. Although the uncle said that the ancestral hall is indeed missing, according to the uncle, there is a person in their small town. There was a villager who didn’t know how old he was. His surname was Song, and he was known as Mr. Song. If you want to know what happened in this town, you can ask that person. So we went to Mr. Song’s residence without stopping.”

"But this Mr. Song may be too old and his words are a little confused. According to Mr. Song, they didn't live here before, but he remembers the specific place where they lived. Mr. Song also said that they are gods and they have divine power. , but Mr. Song’s family said that he was old and confused, that’s why he said such things. But I think this Mr. Song may be telling the truth, because his statement is consistent with what Lin Qing mentioned before about the three-eyed clan. Now I am more inclined to think that the notepad was destroyed by someone, just because they don’t want us to know what happened in this small town. "

Everyone still agreed with Xu Kaifeng's analysis.

After the two groups exchanged the information they obtained, Li Dekai said, "Cat, beggar, tavern, why are things getting more and more complicated. By the way, Xiaoliu, what exactly did you want to confirm when you went to the tavern before?"

"I want to confirm what the tavern is brewing from."

"Do you think there's something wrong with the wine in that tavern?" Li Dekai frowned and asked.

"I do suspect that there is something wrong with the wine in that tavern. The smell of alcohol on Old Zhou has not dissipated since we arrived in this town. Moreover, he collected so much protection money at that time, how could he spend it all in one night? , so I want to see if the wine in that tavern has any special effects."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Li Dekai fall into deep thought. He thought for a while and then said, "But if there is really something wrong with the wine in that pub, other people in this town are also drinking it, but the price of the wine they buy is normal. !There’s nothing unusual about it.”

"Then there is only one possibility. The wine that Lao Zhou drinks is different from the wine that other people in the town drink. I went to the tavern just to confirm whether that tavern only sells one kind of wine. Of course, other than that, There is another thing that I have never been able to figure out before, but now I seem to have some clues, and that is why the villagers in the town shed tears in their third eyes. I guess the villagers' tears have some special effect."

"The villagers' tears fell to the ground. Even if it has any effect, it is of no use!" Lin Qing said.

"And what if someone in town could collect those tears?"

(End of this chapter)

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