Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 276 Giving birth to a cat

Chapter 276 Giving birth to a cat
Liu Xuanmiao's words stunned everyone. After a while, Xu Kaifeng said, "If there is really someone who can collect tears, this person is definitely not Lao Zhou, and it is probably not the hotel proprietress. Both of them are just ordinary people. If Who really has this ability must be a member of the Three-Eyed Clan that Lin Qing mentioned before. Is there anyone in this town who has the power of the Three-Eyed Clan?"

"If it is true, as Brother Xu guessed, that there is someone in this town who has the power of the three-eyed clan, then who is this person? Is he the owner of the tavern?" Lin Qing asked doubtfully.

"Xiao Liu, do you also suspect that you are the owner of the tavern?"

Hearing Li Dekai's question, Liu Xuanmiao nodded, "Yes, I do have suspicions about him. But it can't be confirmed yet. We have to wait until we meet others to know if it is him. By the way, which one of you still has it in your hands?" The kind of prop that can make people tell the truth?"

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said her words, everyone immediately knew her plan. Liu Xuanmiao was a little surprised that the person who stood up was Xu Kaifeng.

"I have truth stickers in my hand."

Seeing that the problem with the props had been solved and everyone had no more problems, they waited until dark before going to the tavern to confirm their guesses.

Just when everyone was about to go back to their own rooms, they bumped into Cheng Shan and his group on the way back to their rooms.

It's just that Cheng Shan and the others were in a bit of a panic at this time, not to mention blood all over their bodies, and even their clothes were stripped.

Fortunately, all the important parts were blocked, otherwise, he would be called a hooligan every minute.

Just when the two groups were about to pass each other, they were stopped by Cheng Shan, "Wait a minute, can we cooperate?"

Cheng Shan's words made Li Dekai smile, "Don't you think it's a little late now that you want to cooperate with us?"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Cheng Shan pondered for a moment and then said, "It's not too late, because I have a very useful information in my hand. Without this information, I'm sure you guys won't be able to pass this game."

The other party's words made everyone fall into deep thought. Seeing this, Li Dekai looked at everyone's expressions and then said to Cheng Shan, "You guys wait a moment. We will discuss it and then decide whether to cooperate with you."

Cheng Shan had no objection to Li Dekai's statement, but the four of them were all injured at this time, so they went back to the room to bandage their wounds.

If Li Dekai wants to cooperate with them later, he can go to Cheng Shan's room to find them.

After sending Cheng Shan and his party away, Liu Xuanmiao and the others returned to Li Dekai's room.

"Do you want to cooperate with them?"

Seeing Li Dekai's question, Xu Kaifeng thought for a while before saying, "I think we can cooperate. After all, information is the key to our customs clearance. If we can't pass the customs because of the lack of news, then we will lose more than we gain. Although It is said that if more than six people survive, a random elimination mode will begin, but the premise is that we must first clear the game."

Everyone agrees with Xu Kaifeng's statement. After all, the clearance rate of this game is very low. So far, they cannot guarantee that the final number of people who will clear the game will be more than six.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's cooperate with them. I'll call them over now."

When Li Dekai called Cheng Shan and the four of them over, those people had already bandaged the wounds. "How did you get this injury?"

Seeing Xu Kaifeng ask this, Cheng Shan smiled bitterly and said, "We were bitten by the white dog when we went to Lao Zhou's residence."

Cheng Shan's words surprised everyone. When they reacted, no one believed their words. "A dog can make you like this. Why don't we believe it? There are four of you!"

"Really, Brother Cheng didn't lie. There is indeed only one white dog in Lao Zhou's family. The problem is that the white dog can call his companions! When he calls, all the dogs around him come running. I made a rough estimate, There must be at least twenty dogs that just bit us. This is still a conservative estimate. If not, it is estimated that forty is possible." Qian Duodao.

"What on earth did you do? We have been to Zhou's house before, but we didn't make you so embarrassed?"

Hearing what Xu Kaifeng said, Qian Duo said with a guilty conscience, "We didn't do anything. We just chatted with Lao Zhou. Of course, the way of chatting may have been a little rough."

As soon as Qian Duo said these words, everyone immediately knew what they had done to Lao Zhou. They had taken action against Lao Zhou. No wonder those dogs bit them.

I have to say that they are not wronged by their current fate.

"Did you dig out any useful information from Lao Zhou's mouth?"

Hearing Li Dekai ask this, Cheng Shan smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't dig anything. Not only did I not dig, I was also bitten by a group of dogs."

"Then you just told us that you got important news. Where did you get this news? Are you lying to us?" When saying this, Li Dekai squinted in displeasure. Narrowed his eyes.

As soon as Li Dekai said these words, Qian Duo on the side said quickly, "I'm not lying to you, we really got useful information. Brother Cheng, it's time now, don't hide it, hurry up and talk to Li Dekai." Uncle, let them talk!"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Cheng Shan said, "You know the son of the hotel proprietress?"

"I know, he delivers our daily meals, how could we not know." Lin Qing said.

"The son of the innkeeper's wife has a little black cat. There is nothing wrong with having a little black cat. The problem is that he calls the little black cat his brother. According to the news we have received in the past few days, the innkeeper's wife came to this small town. Years later, a child was born, but the son died due to congenital defects. We suspected that the child was not born prematurely, but because the innkeeper's wife actually gave birth to a cat. The little black cat should be the innkeeper's wife's. Younger son.”

I have to say that this news shocked everyone, but the little black cat was only two or three months old, and the proprietress and the others had been here for more than two or three months. How could that black cat belong to the proprietress? Where is the younger son?

Regarding Liu Xuanmiao's question, Cheng Shan quickly gave an answer, "That's because for some reason, the little black cat doesn't grow long after it grows so big. Because I asked the residents of this town According to them, this kitten existed a long time ago, but for some unknown reason, it never grew up."

Cheng Shan's words made everyone fall into deep thought. After a while, Li Dekai said, "The news we got before was that this cat was born to Lao Zhou and the hotel proprietress, but why did two people give birth to a cat?"

(End of this chapter)

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