Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 4 Lord Duke

Chapter 4 Lord Duke
Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Lin Qing hesitated and then said, "Yes, it's very difficult. Of the twelve people, only five survived in the end. I still have those four, and the rest all died. "

Although Lin Qing did not clearly say who those four people were, Liu Xuanmiao immediately knew that he was referring to the foursome of Li Tong and Wen Mingxin.

Lin Qing originally wanted to say something, but before he could say what he wanted to say, he saw three men walking out of the castle.

The leader was a gray-haired foreigner wearing a tuxedo and a bow tie.

As for those following them, they were two younger foreigners with short blond hair dressed in the same clothes as him.

They were not shocked at all by the twelve black-haired foreigners in front of them. After calmly coming to them and bowing to them, the leading elderly foreigner said, "Everyone is here to attend the Duke's meeting." dinner party, right?"

Having learned from the past, the four newcomers were not in a hurry to take over.

Seeing this, Li Dekai didn't care, but stood up and said, "That's right."

Hearing what Li Dekai said, the elderly man smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself. I am the Duke's butler. My name is Andre. The dinner is about to start. Everyone, please follow me in!"

Seeing Andre say this, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Please lead the way."

After everyone followed Andre into the castle, after going through twists and turns, they finally arrived at their destination tonight, the dinner hall that Andre had been talking about.

The first impression of the entire hall is that of splendor and splendor, reflecting the exquisiteness and wealth of the owner's home everywhere.

I thought that since it was a dinner party, there would be a lot of people inside, but it turned out that except for the waiters in tuxedos, there were no other guests in the entire hall. The twelve of them were the "only" guests.

Apart from the fact that they were the "only" guests, which surprised everyone, what puzzled Liu Xuanmiao the most was that as soon as they entered the hall, they saw three tables placed on one side of the hall.

Each of these three tables has an electronic scale on the table, and each electronic scale has different pounds of pork belly placed on it.

The electronic scale on the first table showed the number of pork belly at five kilograms, the electronic scale on the second table showed the number of pork belly at ten kilograms, and the electronic scale on the third table showed the number of pork belly at ten kilograms. It's twenty pounds.

Faced with this situation, everyone was completely confused. After all, who in a normal family would release raw pork belly at a dinner party?And there are so many in one release.

Seeing everyone looking at the table, Andre said with a smile, "The guests seem to be very interested in this meat?"

Hearing what Andre said, Li Dekai said with a smile, "I'm a little interested. What is this meat about?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Andre hesitated for a moment and then said, "I shouldn't have told you originally, but since you asked, I will tell you!"

Hearing what Andre said, many people present twitched their eyes. You put your meat in such a conspicuous place. You shouldn't have told us. The 18K White Lotus doesn't even have your White Lotus!

Although there were all kinds of complaints in their hearts, no one showed any of it on the surface. "Our Lord Duke has been losing weight recently."

Andre's words surprised everyone. What does the Duke's weight loss have to do with the meat?Could this meat be cut from the Duke's body?
Before anyone could figure out the connection, Andrei continued to say, "So in order to motivate ourselves, our Lord Duke put these meats where he can see them everywhere to prevent him from eating too much. Please don't If you care too much, just pretend that the meat doesn't exist. Everyone, please wait a moment while I go ask the Duke."

After watching Andre leave, the hot-tempered Jiang Yinghan immediately said, "Put these three lumps of meat here, and you still ask us to pretend that these meats don't exist. Do you really think that we are dead people?"

Hearing what Jiang Yinghan said, Li Tong, who was with him and looked like he had a lip stud, immediately sneered and said, "In their eyes, we are not just dead people. Although we are not dead yet, we are already reserve troops in their hearts." Dead people.”

The words of the two of them shocked most people present.

Just when everyone was wondering what the purpose of these three lumps of meat was, everyone heard the sound of high heels clicking on the tiles.

The clicking sound was not obvious at first, but as time went by, the clicking sound became more and more obvious, as if it was moving in my ears.

Just when everyone was wondering where the sound of high heels came from, they saw the door of the dinner hall open.

The first person to catch everyone's eyes was Andre, and the one who helped him in was a flaming red-lipped beauty with blond hair and wearing a red European court dress.

Seeing this, what everyone still doesn't understand is that this great beauty is the so-called Duke.

No wonder Andre would say that the Duke wants to lose weight. After all, there is no woman in the world who doesn't clamor to lose weight, although the result may be that the more weight she loses, the more weight she will lose.

But there was one thing that everyone was puzzled about, which was why the Duke wanted to lose weight, because this magnificent Duke was not fat at all.

Liu Xuanmiao didn't know what it was like to be a boy. Anyway, in her opinion, the Duke's figure was very perfect. To put it simply, he was fat where he should be fat, and there was no fat at all on the places where he should be thin.

You have such a perfect figure, why do you still need to lose weight?
Liu Xuanmiao is not the only one who has such doubts. It can be said that many people present have such doubts.

The Duke was very satisfied with her performance.

After inviting everyone to sit down around the long table in the dinner hall, the Duke said, "Thank you for attending the dinner I hosted on time. Please don't restrain yourself and just eat whatever you want! When it's almost done, I'll Let me get down to business again. Of course, in order not to become a big fat man, I advise you to eat less. After all, I am worried about losing weight now. In your words, I feel good when I eat. Maybe it will end up in the crematorium afterwards."

After she said this, no one was interested in eating even the delicacies.

But the food is all here, so everyone has to eat some. After all, who knows if you don’t eat, you will violate the taboos of the game boss. After all, violating the taboos of the game boss will only lead to death.

The things the waiter brought were, in addition to a piece of steak with obvious bloodshot eyes, a vegetable salad, a piece of cheese bread with sausage, and French fries, fried chicken nuggets, fried chicken legs and bacon.

(End of this chapter)

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