Chapter 5 A lot of snacks
It has to be said that except for vegetable salads and bloodshot steaks, these are all high-calorie foods.

Although the food looked very "appetizing", no one started to eat immediately. It was not until the first crab eater, Jiang Yinghan, took the food into his mouth that everyone started to eat.

To be honest, Liu Xuanmiao really has no interest in this kind of steak with obvious bloodshot eyes. As for the cheese sausage bread, that is also her favorite. She has never liked anything related to cheese since she was a child.

As for French fries, fried chicken nuggets, fried chicken legs and bacon, if it was normal, she might still want to try them, but today she really has no appetite.

After picking and picking, the only thing left to eat was the vegetable salad.

I have to say, their vegetable salad is quite delicious.

When everyone had almost eaten, the Duke, who had been watching them with interest, finally spoke, "Everyone has almost eaten, right?"

Hearing what she said, everyone looked around at other people before someone said, "Well, it's almost time to eat."

The person who said this was none other than Li Dekai, who had always pretended to be a good guy.

"Now that everyone has finished eating, let's get down to business! I invited you here today just to ask you how to successfully lose weight."

Seeing the Duke asking this, everyone was really surprised, because they didn't expect that the Duchess invited them here just to ask this question with them.

There are many ways to successfully lose weight, but no one present said anything because they were all afraid of violating the taboo of the game boss.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Dekai thought for a while and then said, "There are many ways to lose weight. I wonder which one do you want, Lord Duke?"

Hearing Li Dekai ask this question, the beautiful Duke smiled and said, "Of course the results are obvious, there is no need to go hungry."

Seeing the Duke say this, everyone fell silent. The effect was obvious and there was no need to go hungry. This was obviously telling them that diet and exercise were directly eliminated.

But how can one successfully lose weight without dieting or exercising?

Is it a weight loss pill?But where can they get weight loss pills here?

Seeing that everyone was silent for a long time, the beautiful Duke smiled charmingly and said, "Why is there no such way to lose weight?"

Seeing that the Duke said that he had been watching him at this time, Li Dekai thought for a while and then said, "No hunger, no diet, and the results must be obvious. I can only think of one way."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, the Duke smiled and asked, "What is it?"

"Cut the meat, just cut off any fat piece."

I thought that Li Dekai's words would make the Duke unhappy, but in fact the Duke did not. Instead, he said with a smile, "It makes sense, but I'm afraid of pain! So it's impossible to cut the flesh, even in this life."

Seeing the Duke say this, everyone had a headache. This won't work, that won't work, what can I do?

Of course, in addition to this, everyone is more worried that if they don't come up with a weight loss plan for the Duke at the dinner table, one of them will die!

If this is the case, who will the boss of the game choose to be the one who died in vain?Just as everyone's brains were spinning crazily, they heard the Duke say with excitement, "With all of you, haven't any of you figured out a suitable way to lose weight for me? In fact, if you think about it carefully, my request It’s not high either!”

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, she pretended to be disappointed and said, "Okay! Since you can't think of it, I won't embarrass you. Andre, take them down to rest! I believe they will definitely think of it tomorrow. Got it.

Although the Duke looked very disappointed, her eyes were frighteningly bright.

As long as everyone present was not stupid, they already had a premonition that someone would die tonight, but they were not sure whether it would be them or someone else.

Although they were very uneasy, everyone still followed Andre out of the dinner hall.

After turning around at least three times, Liu Xuanmiao and the other twelve finally arrived at the residence prepared for them.

Since there are twelve of them, two people are assigned to live in the same room.

This caused Liu Xuanmiao to be a little embarrassed, because there were a total of five girls present, and except for her, the remaining girls all knew each other in pairs, which meant that Liu Xuanmiao was destined to live under the same roof with a boy.

Regarding this, Liu Xuanmiao was very calm. Her first choice was Lin Qing.

Lin Qing's simple and careless nature was the first reason why she chose him. Of course, apart from this, the more important reason was that she wanted to ask Lin Qing about his last game.

But before she could speak to Lin Qing, Lin Qing was snatched away by Li Dekai.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was also very angry. She didn't know if God was taking pity on her. She didn't expect that the cold and good-looking He Ge would be left in the end.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao was overjoyed. After all, he could see such a face every day when he woke up. Even if he died without completing the game in the end, he could die in peace.

Compared with Liu Xuanmiao's happiness, He Ge still looked cold, so for a while, Liu Xuanmiao couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy. Of course, she preferred that He Ge was unhappy.

There are six rooms in total, two of which are facing each other, and the room Liu Xuanmiao and his friends live in is at the end of the corridor. Like them, Li Dekai and Lin Qing also have rooms at the end of the corridor.

Although the entire castle gave people an eerie feeling, the rooms arranged for them were still large.

The room was about 50 square meters, and the two beds were also very large. In addition, Liu Xuanmiao found that there was a lot of food in the whole room.

There are snacks hidden almost everywhere you stay, including under your pillow.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao asked He Ge, who had been looking at the room with his hands crossed since he entered the door, "What do you mean? Is it because he was afraid that we would be hungry in the middle of the night, so he put some food in the room? So many snacks?"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge looked at everything coldly and then said, "If you don't want to die on the first night, it's best not to touch those snacks, no matter how hungry you are."

Knowing that He Ge was kindly reminding him, Liu Xuanmiao quickly smiled and said, "Don't worry, even if I bite myself, I won't eat these snacks. By the way, Li Dekai said before that everyone has their own zodiac taboos. , and he also asked me to find clues, how to find this clue?"

(End of this chapter)

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