Chapter 101 Only the Dead Can Be Heroes
Yuan Shouwei vaguely thought of something, and then looked up at the second vertical line of the Tianji Diagram in the sky:

[Five Elements Talisman: Taoist inheritance, the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and if used properly, they are infinitely powerful].

Yuan Shouwei nodded secretly. This reward is not bad, and it is also in line with Zhongqing and I's Taoist status.

I just don’t know if this reward is easy to get.

He turned his attention to the short movie in the third row, focusing on it intently, fearing that he might miss something.

first screen.

The four of them rode horses slowly, and he was obviously talking continuously. Wu Fu and Zhong Qing were listening beside him. In terms of attitude, Zhong Qing was obviously more attentive.

Second screen.

It was in a room. Judging from the decoration inside, it should be an inn. Zhongqing was sitting at the table, facing the oil lamp, holding a notebook and writing something. Yuan Shouwei took a closer look and saw that it was a prescription, and it was written in Hu Qingniu's medical book. prescription.

Yuan Shouwei immediately understood that the two of them were studying "Hu Qingniu's Medical Book", and it seemed that Zhongqing was very interested in it.This is a good thing.

He couldn't help but want to give Zhongqing an appreciative look, but when he thought of the accident that happened during the divination just now, he stopped this risky behavior.

But when he saw the third scene, he couldn't help but be surprised.

This is in a city. It is obviously not the architectural style of the Tang Dynasty. It is full of exotic customs, and you can see many temples in the distance.

This is Gaochang!

Yuan Shouwei has done a lot of research on Gaochang in the past few days, so he can see it at a glance.

At this moment, Zhongqing is commanding the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to treat some foreigners and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.
These people have fever, chills, chills, and severe headaches. The symptoms vary.

Zhongqing's face gradually turned red after being treated. As his back shook violently, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground sluggishly.

Zhongqing is saving people!
This scene shocked Yuan Shouwei. He didn't expect that Zhongqing, who was full of problems, would have such a shining side.

He quickly turned his attention to the fourth picture.

He only saw himself and Wu Fu visiting Zhongqing and encouraging him. He even re-prescribed a medicine list for Zhongqing and made a decoction. After drinking the medicine, Zhongqing's spirit obviously recovered a lot.

The screen is over.

Yuan Shouwei kept raising his head. After a few seconds, he made sure that he had not missed anything, and then slowly lowered his head.

Glancing at Zhongqing, who was still pale, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Looking at the hexagram words again, he understood it completely.

Wu Fu and Zhongqing were doing the same thing, but the origin of this thing still starts from "Hu Qingniu Medical Book".

Although it was a bit confusing, according to Yuan Shouwei's IQ, he figured it out quickly.

But Zhongqing at this meeting didn't understand the meaning of his eyes, and asked anxiously: "Fellow Daoist Wuwei, am I not going to come back this time?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled, "No, you should have become a hero."

After Zhongqing heard this, he sat down on the ground with an ashen face and muttered: "It's over, who can become a hero? It's a dead person."

Yuan Shouwei was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and explained with a smile: "There is something wrong with my speech. Come, I will explain the hexagrams to you and you will understand."

"[The sudden enlightenment of my strengths is revealed, my face is filled with joy, my face is filled with joy, I can hang a pot to help the world, and I can overcome difficulties with enthusiasm and kindness]"

"Mao Sai suddenly discovered his strengths. This hexagram means that you have found a skill that you like very much and can reflect your talent. As for what this skill is, I will tell you later."

"I'm so happy to tell you the truth. I taught you a lot of relevant knowledge. You are very happy to hear it."

"Xuan Hu helps the world and diseases are connected. The momentum you choose is medical skills. On the way to the Western Regions, you learned a lot of medical knowledge and saved many people. But in the end, you were also infected by the patient."

"Overcoming difficulties with enthusiasm and kindness. Good people are rewarded. In the end, not only the people's illnesses are cured, but your illnesses are also cured."

After hearing this, Zhongqing got up and said a little excitedly: "You said that not only did I not die, but I became a miracle doctor?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded, "Well, generally speaking, that's what it means."

Zhongqing said with admiration: "Friend Wuwei, you can actually predict that I like medical skills. This is a dream of mine when I was a child. I have never mentioned it to anyone."

"Your divination is really unpredictable."

Yuan Shouwei quickly stopped him, "Stop, stop, let's get down to business. Since you really like medical skills, I will tell you something first."

Wu Fu next to him said in confusion: "Yuan Shouwei, I didn't hear that you have medical skills?"

Yuan Tiangang, who was next to him, took over and said, "Yuan Shouwei knows some Qihuang techniques. We have discussed it together before."

"But the Queen's illness has gone beyond the scope of normal diagnosis and treatment."

Wu Fu nodded doubtfully.

In the brain-filling world, Brother Yuan, do you think he is the existence of nanbowan? Yuan Shouwei glanced at Yuan Tiangang with grateful eyes,
"Brother Yuan is right. I have inherited some prescriptions for treating diseases and saving lives from my master."

"I can sort it out during this period of time. Wu Fu, I suggest you also learn it. After all, this is the result of divination."

After hearing this, Wu Fu and Zhong Qing both nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei turned his head to look at Yuan Tiangang at this time, and said with a smile: "Brother Yuan, they both have finished the calculation, how about I do the calculation for you too?"

I thought in my heart: The rewards obtained by divination for these two people are good. If I perform divination for Yuan Tiangang again, I should get a good reward.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Tiangang shook his head and said: "Before I came, I went to Brother Li to do some calculations. The result he gave me was that you and I have the same fate."

"There's no need to calculate it again."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei felt a little disappointed, but he didn't force himself.

The four of them whipped up their horses and headed northwest.

The current situation in the entire northwest can be said to be full of powerful enemies and complicated.

The northernmost Turks are divided into East and West Turks; those who are constantly in conflict with the Tang Dynasty are the East Turks, who believe in shamanism;

To the west of East Turkestan is Gaochang, which is the only place that the Silk Road must pass through.

In the past few years, Gaochang has always provoked troubles against Datang's caravans, causing Datang to suffer considerable economic losses. This is also the reason why Datang finally destroyed him.

After Gaochang and further to the west is the Kingdom of Qiuci, which is also the only place that the Silk Road must pass through. Although there are some small movements from time to time, it has not had much impact.

As for Tuyuhun in the southeast of him, he had already been frightened by the Tang Dynasty, and his shit was gone.

To the south, Tibet is stationed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is a very powerful opponent and believes in the Yongzhong religion. However, it currently has no direct conflict with the Tang Dynasty.

To put it simply, as long as Yuan Shouwei and the others leave Yumen Pass, they will be surrounded by enemies on all sides, so it is not too much to be careful.

After leaving Chang'an, passing Lanzhou, passing through Wuwei, Zhangye, and Jiuquan, we traveled for more than half a month, and finally arrived at Yumen Pass on this day.

Looking from the pass, one can see a castle in the distance, with people coming in and out, making it quite noisy and lively.

When we get closer, we can only see that the city gate is guarded by Tang troops. There are half and half Tang people and half Hu people passing by, and the main ones are camel caravans.

After entering the city gate, I saw that although the city is not big, it may only be four or five kilometers in radius.

However, the Tang Dynasty buildings such as General's Mansion, Zhaozhong Temple, Longwang Temple, Mawang Temple, Guandi Temple, and Empress Temple are still intact.

Moreover, there are an endless stream of inns, pubs, and markets, making it extremely lively.

(End of this chapter)

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