Chapter 102

After asking passers-by, the four of them led their horses directly to the General's Mansion.

After arriving at the General's Mansion, there were naturally soldiers on guard to report, and after a short while, a strong man in hard attire strode out to welcome him.

After seeing Yuan Tiangang, he laughed loudly and saluted: "Master Tian, ​​Geng Jinzhong has been waiting here for a long time."

Yuan Tiangang also laughed loudly, slapped Geng Jinzhong, and introduced Yuan Shouwei to them.

It's just that the matter is top secret, so I just say that the three of them are my fellow Taoists, sent by His Majesty to run an important errand.

Naturally, Geng Jinzhong didn't ask any more questions. He invited everyone into the living room, seated the guests and hosts separately, and asked if they needed any assistance from him.

This Geng Jinzhong is also a descendant of Zhonglie, and his ancestors are the descendants of Geng Gong, one of the thirteen soldiers who guarded Yumen during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

During his tenure in the capital, he was known for his wisdom and bravery, and he was a close friend of Yuan Tiangang.

Three years ago, he took the initiative to invite Ying to guard Yumen Pass.

When he first arrived, Yumen Pass was just a simple fortress. Under his deliberate management, it not only became the only way to pass through the "Silk Road".

In addition, 13 castles were set up on the left and right sides, which not only allowed soldiers and their families to live in, but also protected against foreign enemies and handled transactions and accommodation for merchants traveling back and forth.

It has become an important hub of Datang on the 'Silk Road'.

Since Geng Jinzhong took the initiative to bring it up, Yuan Tiangang would naturally not be polite.

According to Yuan Shouwei's instructions, he first asked him to arrange a guide for him to take his group to Gaochang.

Yumenguan and Gaochang had to communicate with each other by flying pigeons every ten days to deal with military, commercial, and agricultural affairs. The contact was very close, and Geng Jinzhong naturally agreed.

In addition, based on the results of divination, Yuan Shouwei concluded that the outbreak in Gaochang was most likely caused by rat poison, so he wanted Geng Jinzhong to help purchase several carts of medicinal materials, cotton cloth, and hemp rope.They pay market rates.

Although Geng Jinzhong was confused, he naturally didn't ask questions that he shouldn't have asked, so he agreed and immediately sent someone to take care of it.

While talking, it was already noon, and Geng Jinzhong hosted a banquet in honor of several people.

During the dinner, the matter of Hou Junji was discussed, and Geng Jinzhong was also very sad, saying that he firmly did not believe that the general would rebel.

It was only when Yuan Tiangang mentioned the "postwar psychological syndrome" that Geng Jinzhong suddenly realized it.

After thinking about it carefully, he told them that Hou Junji's personality was indeed very different before and after he went to war, and he could really feel it.

He also said that among them, some soldiers actually had similar symptoms, but they were all resolved by him.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but wonder how he solved it.

It's actually simple to say. Although Geng Jinzhong didn't understand what 'post-war psychological syndrome' was, he could see the symptoms of the soldiers.

After thinking of many ways, he finally found that the veterans who settled here never had such a manic situation.

Basically it appears on newly recruited soldiers or single soldiers.

So he tried his best to form families for these soldiers, and if other conditions were not suitable, he tried to take over the families of these soldiers and settle here.

So far, in the past year, although there have been small-scale wars from time to time, there has never been a situation where soldiers became manic.Yuan Shouwei's eyes lit up when he heard this. Geng Jinzhong's method was good. Although it was not suitable for people on the battlefield, it was very suitable for soldiers stationed in various places.

He suggested that Geng Jinzhong report this suggestion, and Geng Jinzhong naturally knew it.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

Yuan Shou had already prepared what they wanted, enough for three large cars.

They bid farewell to Geng Jinzhong and left Yumen Pass, led by military scout Geng Qi.

After leaving the pass, everyone felt that their eyes suddenly opened up, and their minds felt relaxed.

Wherever you look, yellow sand is all over the sky, as if it is connected to the sky and the earth. The sea and sky are the same color, with occasional green poplar trees and cacti dotted among them.

There is a winding official road in the middle of the yellow sand leading to the distance. From a distance, it looks like a ladder to the sky.

How can I not recite a poem in this situation?

Yuan Shouwei immediately opened his mouth and chanted:
"The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, and there is a lonely city of Wanren Mountain. Why should the Qiang flute complain about the willows, the spring breeze does not pass through the Yumen Pass."

After he finished reciting in a mellow tone, he quickly turned to look at his companions, waiting for their compliments.

But it turned out that none of them had any reaction and were still immersed in the magnificent scenery.

Only the scout Geng Qi saw what Yuan Shouwei meant, rubbed the back of his head and said, "Taoist Master, I am a rough man and I didn't understand what you meant."

Seeing Yuan Shouwei's disappointed eyes, he quickly added: "But I have already heard it, it rhymes, it rhymes."

Yuan Shouwei, who was a high-ranking and low-ranking man, had no choice but to shout: "I am a high-ranking and low-ranking man. I am leaving!" Then he galloped towards that place.

Because I had the medicinal materials with me, the speed was not very fast. After walking for about three days, I arrived at Anxi City.

After arriving here, you will find that the number of Tang people has suddenly decreased, and they have been replaced by foreign people wearing various costumes, especially merchants.

There are also various buildings, which can be said to be very beautiful, but most of them in the city are temples.

Fortunately, Geng Qi is following him. Although he is a rough guy, he is quite talented in languages ​​and can talk to all kinds of people here.

This also made everyone secretly glad that they had brought Geng Qi with them, otherwise, even the most basic communication would have been a problem.

Under his leadership, everyone found an inn with a better environment to stay.

After finishing cleaning up, while eating downstairs, they saw something strange.

I just saw a ragged monk with a ferocious appearance, sitting in the middle of the hall, drinking heavily and eating meat. The juices overflowed, his body was covered with oil, and his mouth made a squeaking sound.

Such an embarrassing eating appearance would never be seen in Chang'an. Even a beggar would be much more gentle than him.

It stands to reason that this kind of appearance must be accompanied by discussions from the surrounding people who eat melons, but people in the hall come and go without paying more attention to the monk, obviously they are used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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