Chapter 103 What a rule of the Tang Dynasty!

At this moment, they heard the coachman Lao Chen shouting outside the store: "Why are you, a monk, robbing our medicinal materials?"

After hearing this, several people couldn't help but looked at each other.

What's wrong with this monk? After eating the store's food, he still needs to eat the customers' food?

Geng Qi snorted coldly and walked out first, followed by everyone else.

Just look at the carriage and horse carriage on the side of the inn. One of the carts of medicinal materials has been stripped into a mess. Several large packages of medicinal materials have also been torn open. The monk is holding the medicine and looking at it.

Uncle Chen was sitting on the ground, trying to stop the monk's rude behavior.

Geng Qi rushed forward and kicked the monk. The monk was caught off guard and was immediately kicked down on top of the medicinal materials and plunged into the pile of medicinal materials.

He just heard him groan, pulled out his head, held it against the mess of medicinal materials, turned to look at Geng Qi, and punched Geng Qi in the face fiercely.

What a Geng Qi, he didn't dodge or dodge, he directly punched to meet him. There was only a muffled sound of "bang", and the two of them were separated at the first touch.

The monk's arms drooped unnaturally, and he unconsciously took two steps back.

But Geng Qihun remained motionless as if nothing had happened, just looking at the monk coldly, with an evil look in his eyes.

What a Geng Qi, he deserves to be a soldier of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Shouwei applauded everyone in unison.

The monk looked at the evil look in Geng Qi's eyes and knew that he had encountered a tough problem.

He rolled his eyes, pointed sideways at the medicinal materials and asked Geng Qi something, but his attitude was obviously much kinder.

Geng Qi first said a few words in a serious tone, and then took out the Yumenguan badge from his waist.

The monk's arrogance was immediately suppressed to the lowest level, and he lowered his eyebrows and asked something again.

Geng Qi hummed impatiently, and then the monk clasped his hands together in a Buddhist salute and wanted to leave.

But he was scolded by Geng Qi. Although Yuan Shouwei didn't know what he was talking about, seeing him pointing at Lao Chen, he also understood that he wanted compensation.

The monk was stunned for a moment, then reluctantly took out the bunch of copper coins he had just received and handed it to Lao Chen.

Old Chen looked at Geng Qi carefully, but he did not dare to accept the string of copper coins.

Geng Qi turned to him with a smile and said in Tang Dynasty dialect: "Old Chen, you take this money. If this monk hurts you, then he has to compensate. This is the rule of Tang Dynasty."

What a rule of the Tang Dynasty!

After hearing this, Lao Chen also responded loudly, took the copper coins, and straightened his back even more.

After the matter was settled, everyone went into the house and continued eating.

Wu Fu curiously asked what Geng Qi had said to the monk.

Geng Qi said, the monk asked where their medicinal materials were going to go?It is said that it is forbidden to send medicinal materials such as bamboo leaves and paeonol to the west during this period.

Geng Qi said that I am a soldier of the Tang Dynasty, and it is not your turn to arrange things, and then took out his waist card.

The monk was obviously a little timid and asked again: Are you going back to Yumen Pass?

Geng Qi snorted coldly as an answer, and the monk did not dare to ask for trouble.

The general process is like this.

At this moment, the innkeeper came over with a jar of wine in his hand and apologized to everyone, saying that he had delayed everyone's meal, and this bottle of wine was considered as apology.

Yuan Shouwei was a little confused when he heard Geng Qi say that medicinal materials could not be sent to the west.

Seeing the boss coming, he pretended to be casual and asked, "Boss, do these monks also treat doctors?"

The boss hunched over and said with a smile: "Probably not. However, the masters in the city have been collecting these medicinal materials such as light bamboo leaves and pachyrhizus recently."

"And they will stop anyone who goes west with these medicinal materials."

"But this is Datang's territory after all, so they didn't come blatantly." After the boss left, everyone already felt that something was wrong. After eating, they returned to Yuan Shouwei's room and called Geng Qi. Discuss together.

Yuan Tiangang did not hide anything from Geng Qi, and told him that there might be rats in Gaochang.

Just because Yuan Shouwei's reputation is not obvious, he said it was the result of his divination.

Everyone was wondering, could it be that the rat evil had already started in Gaochang?

Or maybe the monk has also figured it out and is preparing to save people?
After hearing this, Geng Qi sneered, saying that it is impossible for this group of monks to be so kind, and there must be other ulterior motives.

The plan for now is to rush to Gaochang as soon as possible. Once there, everything will be clear.

Everyone thought what he said was reasonable, and after discussing the itinerary, they went to rest.

After the 'Silk Road' arrived in Anxi, it divided into three roads leading to Gaochang.

Geng Qi directly chose the middle road, from Anxi to Dunhuang and Loulan, and then headed north to Gaochang.

The next day everyone got up early and rushed to Gaochang day and night.

On this day, when they arrived at Loulan, Yuan Tiangang looked at the high sun and decided to continue his journey without staying in Loulan City.

But Geng Qi stopped him and told everyone to stay here for the night.

It turns out that during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was an old Loulan City located northeast of here.

Later, for unknown reasons, Loulan City suddenly disappeared overnight.

Some people have visited, but those who went in never came out.

Slowly, Loulan City was rumored to be a 'ghost town', and no one set foot there anymore.

If they continue walking now, they will definitely pass near Old Loulan at night. In order to avoid accidents, it is recommended that everyone rest here for the night.

When Geng Qi mentioned the ghost town, Yuan Shouwei thought of the place that Wu Fu had predicted. Could it be the Loulan Ghost Town?
But considering Wu Yan's safety, he also gave up the idea of ​​visiting.

There was nothing else to do all the way.

The group finally arrived in Gaochang.

In the distance, the towering city walls of Gaochang can already be seen.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had already noticed something was wrong. He found that the sky above Gaochang City was faintly shrouded in a layer of black air.

He cast his gaze on Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Tiangang nodded slightly, apparently also aware of it.

He turned his eyes to Zhongqing again, and Zhongqing gave him a innocent and ignorant smile.

When they arrived at the city gate, they saw that the city gate was open, and many people were coming in and out. There were Tang soldiers guarding the door.

There are many potholes and newly repaired marks on the city wall, which are obviously the marks left by Hou Junji's last attack on Gaochang.

Other than that, no clues were found.

Yuan Shouwei was still not at ease. Thinking of what happened to Wu Fu and Zhongqing, he asked them to wait outside the city temporarily while he and Yuan Tiangang went into the city to visit Qiao Shiwang.

When they arrived at the city gate and revealed their identities, Tang Jun at the door learned that they were coming from Chang'an, and his words became even more enthusiastic.

The captain of the city gate even took the initiative to take the two of them to Qiao Shiwang's residence.

On the way there, while observing the passers-by on the road, Yuan Shouwei asked Chengmen Xiaowei if any strange things had happened in Gaochang recently.

Chengmen Xiaowei said that a few people got strange diseases and couldn't find a doctor to see them, and nothing else happened.

After Yuan and Yuan heard these words, they were secretly startled, and indeed something bad happened.

The two of them asked Chengmen Colonel about the specific situation, but Chengmen Colonel couldn't explain the details in too much detail.

(End of this chapter)

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