Chapter 104 Gaochang, life hangs by a thread

Gaochang City is not big, and as he spoke, he had already arrived in front of a luxurious mansion, where the Prince Consort currently lives.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel a little funny. He thought that Qiao Shiwang was keeping a low profile. If it was Hou Junji, he should be living in the palace.

After waiting for the notification from the soldiers at the door, a burst of hurried footsteps was heard in a short time. Then the middle door of the mansion opened and a group of people walked out.

The person in front of him, with a face like a crown jewel and a slender figure, was none other than Prince Consort Qiao Shiwang.

The two parties exchanged greetings, and Qiao Shiwang invited them to sit down in the living room.

After both parties sat down, Yuan Shouwei took out Li Shimin's Zhu Yu and handed it to Qiao Shiwang.

Qiao Shiwang was also surprised when he looked at the content on Li Shimin.

He said with lingering fear: "When the locust plague broke out, I was working in Longxi. Now when I think of the overwhelming locusts, I am still frightened."

"Thankfully, Your Majesty had the foresight, otherwise the people of the Tang Dynasty would have suffered heavy losses."

"Since we have found the source of the locust plague this time, I, Qiao, will definitely assist you two with all my strength."

After finishing speaking, there was a severe cough.

Qiao Shiwang smiled apologetically at them, took out a handkerchief, covered his mouth, and stopped his coughing.

Yuan Tiangang didn't have much contact with Qiao Shiwang, so it was inconvenient to directly say that it was the result of divination, so he had to say it tactfully:

"Captain Qiao, the locust extermination is not urgent at the moment. Let's talk about Gaochang first."

Qiao Shiwang asked in surprise: "Gaochang? Everything is fine in Gaochang."

"Did you two get some military information that Tibet or Turks want to use troops against Gaochang?"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and said: "I see that the sky above Gaochang City is filled with black air, and Qiao Duweiyintang is darkened. I am afraid that something big will happen here."

Although Qiao Shiwang didn't have much contact with Yuan Tiangang, he knew his name in divination. He said doubtfully: "What big thing is going on? Please let the Heavenly Master explain it clearly."

Yuan Tiangang said: "This matter begins when Hou Junji returns to Chang'an."

Yuan Shouwei, who was standing next to him, had no choice but to cut off the conversation and said, "Captain Qiao, are there a few people in your city suffering from strange diseases, with symptoms of high fever, chills, and unconsciousness?"

Qiao Shiwang glanced at Yuan Shouwei in surprise, "To be honest with Taoist Master, it is indeed true. There is also a servant in my house who has this disease."

"When I was about to seek medical treatment, I discovered that all the doctors in Gaochang were out, and even medicines such as dandelion leaves and pachyrhizus could not be found."

"I also feel that this matter is a bit strange. I can only ask military doctors to treat them, but after all, there are not enough manpower. I am about to ask Yumenguan for help."

"This is not an ordinary disease, but a highly contagious rat infection. It needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the whole city." Yuan Shouwei explained the situation neatly.

Qiao Shiwang glanced at Yuan Shouwei with some distrust and said, "The Taoist master is serious. How can a small illness affect the whole city?"

Yuan Shouwei looked around, and when he saw the sunlight shining on the window lattice, making the window paper shine brightly, he already had an idea in his mind.

He walked over step by step until he reached a window next to the main hall at the entrance, changing the angle several times in succession.

Finally, under the sunlight, the strands of fine dust appeared in front of his eyes like a dream.

After letting Master Qiao watch this scene, he said:
"The air is actually made up of countless microorganisms, and we can produce a lot of these microorganisms when we sneeze or cough."

Seeing that Qiao Shiwang still didn't understand, he thought about the many temples in the city and then explained:

"In fact, Buddhists have a very good explanation of this kind of microorganism. One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi, not only describe the realm, but also a description of microorganisms."

"If this person is carrying a rat virus, when he sneezes, the rat virus can be spread along with these microorganisms to other people who are close to him." Just after explaining this, a servant came in in a panic. , "Sir, Butler Qiao suddenly vomited blood and fainted."

Qiao Shiwang couldn't help but become anxious, "Hurry up and send the military doctor over for diagnosis and treatment."

Before he finished speaking, he coughed violently again. He looked at Yuan Shouwei and wanted to say something, but he couldn't make any sound due to difficulty breathing.

In desperation, a mouthful of blood was spurted out, splashing on the bluestone in the living room, like a coquettish poppy blooming in full bloom.

Rat y started!

At this time, Yuan Shouwei also knew that it was not the time to be polite. He looked at Qiao Shiwang and said solemnly:
"I know medical skills, and two of my companions also know it."

"In addition, I brought three carts of traditional Chinese medicines such as light bamboo leaves and Danpi."

"Do you believe me and Yuan Tianshi?"

At this time, Qiao Shiwang was already slumped in his seat, and his consciousness began to become blurry.

He was like a fish forgotten on land, breathing hard with his mouth wide open, and reluctantly nodded to Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei grabbed his arm and injected a righteous and peaceful internal force into his body. Soon, Qiao Shiwang's symptoms were relieved.

Seeing that his condition had improved a little, Yuan Shouwei said:
"You need to isolate and rest now."

"And those who have come into contact with you or the housekeeper must also be observed separately."

"Besides you, who else is in charge in the city? Just call him and let me arrange everything. I will definitely give you a complete Gaochang."

Some of those who have fought on the battlefield are not decisive people.

Qiao Shiwang had already realized the seriousness of the matter, nodded in agreement without hesitation, and immediately summoned his deputy Sheng Xin.

Sheng Xin is in his 30s, not tall, but with a straight body and resolute eyes, he looks like a soldier at first glance.

After Qiao Shiwang explained the situation to him, Sheng Xin said immediately without any nonsense:
"Captain, rest peacefully and I will report daily progress to you in a timely manner."

Then he turned to look at Yuan Shouwei and the other two: "Sheng Xin fully cooperated with the two Taoist priests."

Yuan Shouwei breathed a sigh of relief and asked Sheng Xin to separate Qiao Shiwang into a room alone. He would later send Qiao Shiwang treatment medicine.

Then separate the housekeeper as well.

All people in the house who had come into contact with these two people were gathered in the lobby, first disinfected with strong alcohol, and then isolated separately.

Then a series of commands were issued:
1. Gaochang City can only be entered but not exited.

2. The General's Mansion will be closed for seven days, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

3. Order Shengxin to arrange manpower to immediately investigate the source of the rat.

4. Organize people who are good at knitting to mass-produce red, yellow, and green face towels. Later, he will go to the outside of the city to find girl Wu Fu to learn how to make face towels.

5. Empty an area in the city and set up separate compartments. Anyone who has the rat infection will have one room per person.

6. Let the army produce and collect quicklime in large quantities.

7. All areas in contact with rodent patients should be sealed and thoroughly disinfected with quicklime.

Gaochang, life hangs on a thread.

(End of this chapter)

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