Chapter 105

Seeing Yuan Shouwei's methodical arrangements, Qiao Shiwang flashed a hint of admiration and left on his own initiative.

After these basic works are ready, it is time to enter the prevention and control stage.

Yuan Shouwei asked: "General Sheng, how many people are there in Gaochang City?"

Sheng Xin cupped his hands and said: "The current population is 2, plus 3 soldiers and merchants, the number is nearly [-]."

Yuan Shouwei then asked: "How many military doctors are assigned to the army?"

Sheng Xin said impressively: "According to the 3000 people, one imperial physician and one veterinarian, plus the medicine boy and the acupuncture boy, there are ten people in total."

Yuan Shouwei frowned, "Ten men versus thirty thousand is far from enough. Where are the other doctors in the city?"

After a moment of silence, Sheng Xin said: "I'm afraid someone is behind this matter. We just discovered that the doctors and medicinal materials in the city are missing."

Yuan Shouwei sighed, "There must be a conspiracy. I did bring a doctor and medicinal materials, but with such a large population, it can only be said to be a drop in the bucket."

Sheng Xin immediately said: "Taoist Master, I will now arrange a team of meticulous personnel to investigate the disappearance of the doctor and the medicinal materials."

"In addition, the carrier pigeon flew to several surrounding cities to ask for help."

Yuan Shouwei said: "That's all we can do."

He suddenly remembered the incident of the monks detaining medicinal materials in Anxi City, and asked again:

"General Sheng, are all the monks in Gaochang City here?"

A trace of disdain appeared on Sheng Xin's face, "They are all there, and some people have gone to the monastery to ask for help. They have closed their doors and don't care whether the people live or die."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei then ordered: "When you ask people to investigate, you should also check the temple carefully."

He also warned: "When calling for help, tell them to send more soldiers to increase protection."

"I'm afraid the support these cities can provide is limited, so our focus is still on asking Yumen Pass for help."

Sheng Xin already understood the meaning from Yuan Shouwei's tone, and nodded in agreement with a solemn expression.

Yuan Shouwei then took him out of the city.

Wu Fu and the others didn't know that so many changes had taken place in the city at this time, and they were still waiting in place.

When they saw Yuan Shouwei and the others approaching with solemn expressions from a distance, they felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

As soon as Yuan Shouwei came over, he arranged: "Wu Fu, how many face towels are there left?"

problem occurs!
Wu Yan replied without hesitation: "There are about a hundred."

"Take them all out and give her the production method." Yuan Shouwei pointed to a person beside Sheng Xin and said.

Then he said to Sheng Xin: "General Sheng, when we are dealing with affairs, we must wear a face mask to protect ourselves."

"If you don't have a face towel, you should also cover your mouth and nose with cotton cloth." Sheng Xin agreed.

After Yuan Shouwei waited for Wu Fu to finish the matter, he called her and Zhongqing aside and told them about the situation in the city.

He also told the two of them what he meant. Because of the divination, he didn't want them to risk their lives, so he was boiling medicine outside. As for treating the sick in the city, he and the city left it to him. Just ask the imperial doctor.

"I want to go into the city with you, and we will die together." Before Yuan Shouwei finished speaking, Wu Fu had already stopped him and said decisively, with a hint of tenacity on his soft face.

"I also want to go to the city with you. Since I am studying medicine, I should save lives and heal the wounded." Zhongqing also said immediately.

Yuan Shouwei didn't expect this to be the case, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't moved.

The situation was urgent, and he did not show any pretense. He warned, "Okay, let's go into the city together. However, we must take good protection." He called everyone together again, and after everyone added a lot of details, Everyone in Gaochang City began to operate in an orderly manner.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, five days have passed.

Yuan Shouwei and the others could only sleep less than two hours a day. There was no other way, they were needed everywhere in the city.

Yuan Shouwei relied on his strong internal strength and was able to do nothing serious, but the others really couldn't hold on any longer.

And there are no longer enough medicinal materials, which is the most deadly thing.

The strangest thing is that no support from all aspects has arrived.

Not to mention anything else, Turpan, which is closest to Gaochang, should have arrived two days ago, so something must have gone wrong.

Yuan Shouwei was at the place where the medicine was boiled, thinking while watching people boil the medicine.

At this moment, Sheng Xin hurried over, holding a small piece of writing paper in his hand, looking at Yuan Shouwei with red eyes and saying:
"Dao Zhang Han, something happened to the messenger from Turpan City."

Yuan Shouwei took the note and said, "Time is urgent, so just say it directly."

Sheng Xin licked his chapped lips and said hoarsely:

"Their letter asked if the support staff had arrived. Counting the days, they should have arrived two days ago."

Yuan Shouwei said with the same hoarse voice:

"Where are those who went to Qiuci, Loulan, Dunhuang, Anxi, and Yumenguan for help?"

Sheng Xin said quickly: "I have already replied to the letter, and I will be leaving soon."

Yuan Shouwei said: "Except for Qiuci and Yumen Pass, people from other places told them to go back and stop supporting them."

Sheng Xin quickly understood what Yuan Shouwei meant and couldn't help but shudder.
"Dao Zhang Han, you mean they were ambushed?"

Yuan Shouwei frowned tightly and said, "Yes. This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against Gaochang City. Someone wants to kill all the people in Gaochang City."

He picked up the gourd on his waist and took a sip of water before saying, "When I was in Anxi, I met a monk collecting medicinal materials such as light bamboo leaves and pachyrhizus."

"Our support may cause problems. Qiuci is to the west of Gaochang, so the chance of being ambushed will be smaller. I will personally go over to handle the support from Yumen Pass."

Sheng Xin immediately said: "Okay, I will gather a team of [-] for you."

Yuan Shouwei shook his head, "No, manpower is tight now, just give me a team of ten people."

He paused and then said: "I'll go to Turpan first to check the situation. Maybe we can pick them up."

Sheng Xin cupped his hands at Yuan Shouwei and said, "Taoist Master is compassionate and compassionate, and his righteousness is unparalleled."

Then he opened his mouth and said, "Ten teams, too few."

Yuan Shouwei said, "I want a ten-man team mainly to lead the way and spread the word."

"Even if there is an enemy situation, 500 people are not a problem for me."

In the past few days, Sheng Xin had also discovered that Yuan Shouwei was an outstanding martial artist and had wonderful moves. Knowing that he was not lying, he agreed.

Yuan Shouwei took a short rest and then said goodbye to Wu Fu and others.

Wu Fu and Yuan Tiangang both told them to be careful.

Yuan Shouwei nodded in agreement, then led Geng Qi and a team of ten people to ride out of Gaochang City.

(End of this chapter)

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