Chapter 106: Kill five hundred knights in one move!
Turpan is located northeast of Gaochang and is another route on the Silk Road.

Geng Qi did not choose this road at first because it was relatively far and there would be Turks looting on the way.

Everyone galloped forward on this desolate desert.

Two days later, Geng Qi, who was exploring the road at the front, reported: "The body of Tang Jun was found ahead."

After hearing this, everyone was greatly surprised and all galloped forward.

Yuan Shouwei asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Geng Qi said with stern eyes: "When I was exploring the road, I smelled a faint smell of blood and herbs. I also found traces of fighting along the way."

"Following the traces, I found the back of a sand dune. There were dozens of corpses there, and about twenty of them were Tang Jun."

"There were a couple of wheelbarrows overturned there. There were messy horse hoof prints all around."

When Yuan Shouwei came closer, he whispered again: "There is a trap, someone is ambushing not far away."

Yuan Shouwei's eyes flashed, and he rode up to Geng Qi, "Talking while walking."

Geng Qi said: "I looked at the scene carefully, and there were signs of an ambush in the sand dunes on both sides of the official road. There were at least 500 men and horses."

"And at the scene of the massacre, apart from the dead, there were only the hoof prints of less than a hundred horses."

Yuan Shouwei said coldly: "Are you saying that someone leaked our information?"

Geng Qi nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei's expression remained unchanged, "We are so fast that we don't have time to deliver the message to the enemy."

"There is only one possibility, and that is that someone used carrier pigeons to deliver the message in Gaochang City."

Geng Qi woke up and said, "Then shall we go over?"

Yuan Shouwei twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, "Go over and avenge your brothers. Find out the person who sent the message."

After saying that, he already rode forward and the accompanying troops followed closely with full of anger.

When they arrived behind the sand dune that Geng Qi mentioned, they saw that the scene was bloody and chaotic.

Dozens of corpses had been torn apart by coyotes and vultures, and were covered in bones. Moreover, due to the high temperature of the desert, the corpses emitted a strong putrid smell.

All the armor on the corpse had been stripped away, leaving only the underwear and the token around the waist. It was obvious that the enemy had no intention of concealing the identity of the deceased.

There were some broken swords, broken cars, and some scattered medicinal materials around the body.

Everyone looked at this tragic scene and fell into silence. Only the occasional "huihui" sound of the horse under the crotch could be heard.

Geng Qi was the first to react and said to Yuan Shouwei: "Taoist Master, bury everyone?"

Yuan Shouwei hummed and said to the corpses on the ground: "Brothers, my name is Yuan Shouwei."

"You died to save the people of Gaochang, I cannot let your sacrifice be in vain."

"You take a step slowly and watch with your own eyes as I avenge you."

Before he finished speaking, a group of ghostly cavalry appeared in everyone's sight behind several huge sand dunes in the distance.

All of them were wearing black clothes, black armor, black scarves covering their faces, and their clothes were ragged.

There was a white military flag embroidered with a ferocious wolf head. As the breeze blew, the wolf head seemed to come alive, looking at everyone with a ferocious face.


Everyone couldn't help but panic.

There are too many enemies, if there are 30 people, everyone can take revenge, but now there are so many enemies, everyone can only die.

Others cast reproachful glances at Geng Qi, apparently complaining that he was not good at spying on the enemy.

All this was seen by Yuan Shouwei. He said calmly: "I didn't ask Geng Qi to tell everyone." "You can just watch here and watch me solve them alone."

After speaking, he rode forward a few steps and stood in front of everyone with his head held high.

Solve it alone?

Those were four or five hundred fierce and brutal Turkic soldiers armed with weapons, not four or five hundred sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

By the way, how long are you going to kill four to five hundred sheep by yourself?
Everyone cast suspicious eyes on Yuan Shouwei's back.

Among them, only Geng Qi had seen Yuan Shouwei's skills. He clasped his hands on his chest and said confidently:
"I've seen Taoist Master's strength. Let's just wait and hunt down the defeated soldiers."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone heard a "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" sound breaking through the air.

Only to see that the Turkic soldiers on the opposite side had already fired the first round of arrow rain. After hundreds of arrows flew to the highest point quickly, the arrows at the top emitted a cold light and quickly flew towards the crowd.

Everyone instinctively dismounted, took out their bucklers, and protected their bodies behind them.

Only Geng Qi remained unmoved and just focused on Yuan Shouwei.

As the arrows flew down like a swarm of locusts, Yuan Shouwei also started to move.

Just watch him pull out the Xuanyuan Sword from his waist with a clang, and slowly wave it. At this moment, everyone can feel the fluctuation of spiritual power between heaven and earth.

In the blink of an eye, the spiritual energy in the air turned into an extremely huge disk, one white and one black, which was the Tai Chi diagram.

The arrows were directly crushed to pieces, leaving only countless pieces of dust slowly falling out. There was no arrow that could fall within ten feet of everyone.

When both the enemy and ourselves were shocked by the huge Tai Chi diagram in the sky, Yuan Shouwei had already stood up and dismounted.

Sword intent burst out all over his body, just like a Super Saiyan, and then a roar sounded: "Hidden Dragon Moves Mountains."

He thrust the Xuanyuan Sword into the ground until it had no handle.

Looking at the sand in front of him, it seemed as if a pot had been boiled, countless sword qi turned into earth dragons, arching a raised sand mark on the sand, rushing towards the Turkic people one after another.

The sound of 'rumbling' kept ringing, and the sword energy that galloped under the Turks, from bottom to top, directly lifted them into the air, including people and horses, and bit them into bloody pieces. Many people and horses Before he could even let out a scream, he was torn to pieces by the sword energy.

Blood rain fell all over the sky, turning the desert and the setting sun into blood red.

Kill five hundred riders in one move! ! !
The soldiers who were still making defensive postures behind Yuan Shouwei were dumbfounded. Is this really possible with human power?

And this time Geng Qi has already rushed forward, laughing loudly: "Come on, brothers, catch a few alive."

Only then did everyone react, get on their horses and rush towards the frightened Turks.

The surviving Turks had long been frightened by this scene. They sat on their horses dumbfounded and murmured to themselves:
"Devil, devil! God bless me, God bless me. God bless me."

No matter how Geng Qi and the others arrested him, he didn't even have the slightest thought of resisting.

Geng Qi selected a few relatively sober people and interrogated them one by one. After asking for clarification, he came to report to Yuan Shouwei:
"Taoist Priest, I've asked everything clearly."

"They are Turkic wanderers who mainly make a living by plundering."

"A barbarian found them the day before yesterday, gave them a large sum of money, and asked them to rob the Tang army."

Yuan Shouwei was a little surprised, "You said this is not a Turkic cavalry?"

Geng Qi shook his head, "No. And they didn't see the identity of the barbarian."

"But they said there was always a connection between them homeless people."

"I heard that Turkic wanderers around here are being hired."

"And there are several groups of wanderers gathered together, preparing to attack the Tang army coming out of Yumen Pass."

(End of this chapter)

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