Chapter 107 Loulan Ghost Town
After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei took out the map from his arms and studied it with everyone.

This time Gaochang sought help from six places: Loulan, Dunhuang, Anxi, Turpan, Yumenguan and Qiuci.

This is already the case here in Turpan;
Loulan, Dunhuang, and Anxi have already sent letters to Loulan, Dunhuang, and Anxi asking them to go back.

So the place that currently needs assistance is Yumen Pass.

According to the news passed by Geng Jinzhong, they were taking the southeast direction of Gaochang: Dunhuang and Loulan all the way, which was the road Yuan Shouwei took for the first time.

The location of Turpan where Yuan Shouwei and the others were located was northeast of Gaochang.

If they want to be rescued, they have to return to Gaochang first, which will take another two days just like when they came.

It would take at least six days to travel day and night from Gaochang to Anxi, not counting their rest time.

It’s definitely too late to join forces!
But if they don't go, the support from Yumen Pass will definitely fall into the trap of the Turkic wanderers.

The people of Gaochang cannot get treatment and medicine, and they are bound to die.


All that matters now is time.

Looking at the sheepskin map in their hands, everyone fell into deep thought.

At this time, one of the ten people named Zhao Yi pointed at the location of Turpan, slid diagonally to the location of Dunhuang and said:
"Actually, there is a small road here. I have walked it once before. It can save at least half the time."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Isn't it difficult to leave?"

Before Zhao Yi could say anything, someone next to him said, "It's not that difficult to walk, it's a fatal road, and it passes through the Loulan Ghost Town."

What kind of terrifying existence is this Loulan ghost town?Why can't I always avoid this place?Yuan Shouwei raised his doubts.

Everyone turned their attention to Zhao Yi again. After all, he understood the situation best.

Zhao Yi said: "I heard a legend told by the locals in Loulan."

"A long time ago, Loulan was a large and beautiful castle. The men in the castle were handsome and strong, and the women were beautiful and kind.

With their hard work, people live a peaceful and peaceful life with ample food and clothing.

However, as wealth accumulates, evil gradually takes over people's hearts, and they begin to indulge in feasting, intrigue, plunder and even bloody fights.

In order to awaken people's conscience, Buddha turned into a ragged beggar and came to the castle and told people:
'I turned from a rich man into a beggar because of evil. You should take this as a warning! '

As a result, not only did it fail to work, but it was insulted and ridiculed by people.

In anger, Buddha turned the place into ruins. All the people in the castle were pressed under the ruins, wailing all night, hoping that Buddha would hear their late confession. "

There is no way to verify the authenticity of this legend, but just as Geng Qi said, no one dared to pass by Loulan Ghost Town at night, and no one who passed by came out alive.

"Then let's spend the day." Yuan Shouwei said directly.

Zhao Yi considered it and said:

"There are still two problems. 1. We are not sure about the time. The time in the Western Region is relatively long now, and it will not be dark until after midnight. But the journey along the way is difficult, and we are in a hurry, and we are afraid that we will arrive there at night. .”

"2. A horse can't walk that road at all. It must be a camel."

As soon as he finished saying this, no one spoke. It was useless to talk until the camel problem was solved.

Just when everyone was thinking hard and had no good solution, suddenly a sound of camel bells came from the wind.

After hearing this voice, everyone's spirits were lifted.
Yuan Shouwei looked at Geng Qi in confusion and said, "Isn't it because I'm hearing hallucinations?"

Geng Qi, who was listening attentively, shook his head and said happily: "It's a real camel bell, right on the official road." When everyone heard it, they were also very surprised and swarmed towards the official road.

From a distance, he saw a caravan speeding along the official road. Yuan Shouwei shouted: "Hey, stop for a moment."

It was a good thing that the caravan didn't listen. When he saw more than ten of them holding weapons and looking fierce, they immediately ran faster.

Yuan Shouwei also figured it out. His group indeed looked like horse thieves now.

He didn't answer at that moment, he just jumped up from his horse, took small steps, and hurried towards the caravan.

When the man at the back of the caravan saw Yuan Shouwei's reluctance, he immediately dropped two strings of copper coins and muttered something.

Yuan Shouwei didn't understand what they were saying, so he took the copper coins and threw them out like a rain of flowers under the influence of his internal energy.

Countless copper coins made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, stopped directly in front of the camel at the front, and plunged into the soil with a "puff" sound.

The galloping camel stopped suddenly, almost throwing the person on the hump off.

Seeing how fierce Yuan Shouwei was, the caravan simply stopped. They all took out their weapons, surrounded the goods, and looked at Yuan Shouwei warily.

Yuan Shouwei pulled out a free and easy figure in the air, passed over the crowd and landed on the ground, and said calmly:
"Hey, who of you in this mountain can speak Tang Dynasty?"

A man wearing a turban poked his head out from the crowd, looked at Yuan Shouwei's dress, and muttered in a low voice,
"Is the Tang Dynasty so involved now? Even Taoists are going to the Western Regions to rob?"

Yuan Shouwei heard what he said, pointed at him and said:

"You, come out. I am not a robber. I want to buy your camels. Urgent military affairs."

The Hu man reluctantly stood up and said far away from Yuan Shouwei:

"Master, we can't sell camels. We rely on them to deliver goods to us."

There was not much time, and Yuan Shouwei was too lazy to talk nonsense. He pointed to a sand dune beside the official road and said:
"Look there."

Immediately, everyone heard a dragon roar, and then Yuan Shouwei struck the hill with his palm. Many people felt the strong spiritual power fluctuations on his body.

There was just a bang, and yellow sand flew all over the sky. When the dust fell to the ground, the sand dunes had disappeared.


The caravan was immediately terrified by Yuan Shouwei's violent aesthetics.

It happened that Geng Qi came up and started talking to the group of people. In just a few words, he bought the camel.

It went so smoothly, I'm afraid Yuan Shouwei played a big role in the violent aesthetics just now.

The only bad thing is that they only have six camels.

After Yuan Shouwei hesitated for a moment, he asked the others to return to Gaochang first.

He, Geng Qi and Zhao Yi took two camels each and headed straight for Dunhuang.

It is said to be a small road. The sky is filled with yellow sand and the sea and sky are the same color. There is no trace of the road at all.

At this time, we can see how powerful Zhao Yi is.

Sometimes he looked up at the sky, sometimes looked into the distance, sometimes got off the camel and looked for a path on the ground, and sometimes took them in a circle.

Before I knew it, I had already walked two-thirds of the way.

During this period, they even encountered a sandstorm. Although it delayed their time for half a day, it was a near miss and they passed it safely.

(End of this chapter)

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