Chapter 109 The Shadow of Buddhism

Seeing this, Yuan Shou did not hesitate, he raised the Xuanyuan sword, and chirped it into five, six, seven or eight yuan.

However, not a drop of blood was spilled from the body of this spiritual demon. Instead, as the surrounding spiritual power fluctuated again, the body slowly dissipated.

Everything has calmed down.

The feeling of heart palpitations also disappeared.

The three of them all looked at each other, knowing that this place was not a place to stay for a long time.

It's not that the three of them are afraid of death, Yuan Shouwei is not strong enough.

Mainly due to the fear of the unknown, no one knows how many crises are hidden in the endless darkness.

Everyone hurriedly got on the camels, with Yuan Shouwei leading the way and Zhao Yi guiding the way behind. Everyone continued to move forward cautiously.

Yuan Shouwei always had the feeling that someone was watching him in the darkness, but when he turned around to look, the sense of spying disappeared, as if there was a sharp edge on his back.

Fortunately, there were no major accidents along the way. When the sky dawned, the three of them finally walked out of Loulan Ghost Town.

The moment he was sure to walk out of the ancient city, Zhao Yi seemed to feel a little unreal. He looked at the rising sun in the east, and then turned to look at the apparently silent ghost town behind him.

He pinched his thigh hard to confirm that this was not a dream.

He couldn't help shouting loudly: "Taoist Master, Geng Qi, we are out."

"We actually walked out of Loulan Ghost Town alive."

By the time he got to the next part, his voice was filled with sobs, and the big man put his hands on his face and cried bitterly.

Geng Qi also felt loose all over, as if his body had fallen apart and was swaying on the camel.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei helped the two of them off the camels and found a sand dune for them to have a good rest.

He himself looked at the dilapidated and strange ghost town in the distance and fell into deep thought.

The initial sound in the ghost town was actually caused by the wind blowing through the holes in the cliff, and it would not have any impact on people.

But later on, Buddhist Sanskrit sounds were added. Where did this sound come from?
Where did that spiritual body similar to the Western Devil come from?
I'm afraid there really are some secrets in Loulan City.

Plus the Buddhist story Zhao Yi said.

Yuan Shouwei vaguely felt that everything he had experienced recently had more or less the shadow of Buddhism.

He felt that he had begun to slowly come into contact with the truth.

At this time, Geng Qi and Zhao Yi's emotions had also calmed down, and the three of them continued on their way. After more than a day, they finally arrived at Dunhuang City.

When they entered the city, they revealed their identities and met Qin Song, the guard here.

Qin Song was also surprised after seeing the tired three people.

Both parties exchange information.

After Qin Song received the homing pigeon message from Gaochang, he withdrew his support and strengthened control in the city.

During this period, he also discovered a situation: all the Turkic wanderers in the surrounding area had disappeared.

Based on the situation in Gaochang, he also knew that something was fishy. However, due to his small number of troops, he could only maintain the security of the city.

After the support from Yumen Pass arrived, he took the doctors and medicinal materials and asked them to go to Gaochang together.

And gritted his teeth and sacrificed a hundred-man team to join the supporting team.

Now comparing it with the information Yuan Shouwei and the others got, everyone immediately understood.These Turkic wanderers must have gathered somewhere, preparing to deal a heavy blow to the support at Yumen Pass.

And now the support from Yumen Pass has left Dunhuang for a day.

I don’t know what their current situation is, it can also be said that their life or death is uncertain.

Hearing this, Yuan Shou held up his tired body for the three of them and stood up again to rush to support.

Qin Song wanted to transfer a team of 20 members of his personal guard to them, but Yuan Shouwei refused.

He just asked him to find nine horses, one person and three horses, and the horses were resting and the people were resting, and they rode quickly towards Loulan.

As they galloped along the road, they discovered a problem. There were few pedestrians on the official road, and the atmosphere in the caravan was tense, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

From time to time, scattered Turkic wanderers whizzed past.

Yuan Shouwei picked up a few wanderers and asked them, and learned that they were doing a big deal. Since they were all minions, they didn't know what it was.

All we know is that we need to meet between Dunhuang and Loulan.

Yuan Shouwei and the others immediately understood that this big deal was most likely the support of Yumen Pass.

At the moment, he was also beating his horse and whip like crazy, running wildly all the way.

After running for another two hours, all the horses were sweating profusely and panting. From a distance, they saw dozens of Turkic cavalry on war horses blocking the official road.

Seeing the three people rushing towards them, they didn't even bother to say a word, and more than a dozen wolf-fang arrows were shot out.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he jumped up on his horse, like a roc spreading its wings, rolled up the arrows, threw them back.

Suddenly, several Turks were hit by arrows and fell under their horses screaming.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei was also embarrassed. He pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword and with a 'Hidden Dragon Moves the Mountain', he smashed dozens of Turkic wanderers blocking the road into a pulp.

Then he got on his horse and rushed forward. Geng Qi and Zhao Yi also took out their swords and followed closely.

In less than a moment of burning incense, they heard a strange sound of Turks charging into battle, which was constantly mixed with screams.

Wherever they looked, there was a group of dark Turkic soldiers, wearing tattered armor and riding horses of various colors, forming an encirclement. They were roaring and charging forward in turn. There were at least 2000 men and horses.

Through the gaps in the crowd, it was vaguely visible that it was Tang Jun who was being attacked.

Just look at the Tang army linking the camels and vehicles together, and the people hiding in it, fighting these cavalry to the death.

Screams came one after another in the encirclement, followed by large areas of blood spraying and a strong smell of blood in the air.

Several of the shields had been torn open by Turkic cavalry.

A close call!
Yuan Shouwei galloped forward, and when he was within his attack range, he had already pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword from his waist the moment he dismounted. As soon as he landed, he had already used the 'Hidden Dragon Moving Mountains'.

With a bang in his ears, he tore a hole in the Turkic encirclement.

Looking at Yuan Shouwei again, his whole body's spiritual power fluctuated, and his sword energy burst out, as if it were real.

One after another, the sword energy was fired desperately. After clearing the enemies in front of him, he immediately spread out his Lingbo Microsteps, like a ghost, to bombard the enemies on the left and right wings.

In a short time, half of the enemy had been lost.

Geng Qi and Zhao Yi yelled in Tang dialect and Turkic from behind: "Brothers, our large army has arrived. Kill all these Turkic people!"

The Tang army in the encirclement was refreshed after hearing this, and saw that the Turkic cavalry suffered numerous casualties and their formation collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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