Chapter 110

Immediately, that bloody man rushed out from behind the vehicle with a weapon in hand, roaring and rushing towards the Turkic man with red eyes.

These Turkic cavalry are originally a mob, unorganized and undisciplined. They can fight with the wind, but if they fight against the wind, they will be overturned in a matter of minutes.

The Turks were already frightened by Yuan Shouwei's killing. When they heard that the Tang army's reinforcements had arrived, they immediately fled like a swarm of bees.

Tang Bing was left chasing after him for a while, but he finally let out his bad breath.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had already exhausted all his energy after fighting in succession, and the last part of the light crossbow was only sustained by his energy.

At this time, watching the Turks being dispersed, suddenly everything went dark, and he lay straight back and passed out.

When he woke up again, he found that he was on top of a closed carriage.

There was thick cotton wool spread under her body, and there was a quilt on her body. Even the circle of her body was stuffed with quilts. It seemed that she was afraid that he would knock or touch her.

As the carriage moved forward, his body swayed slightly in the soft quilts, like an oversized baby chrysalis.

He listened to the official words of Tang Dynasty outside the car window, knowing that the danger had been lifted, and he should be going to Gaochang under the protection of Tang Jun at this moment.

He moved his body, only to feel that his whole body was stiff and every part of his body hurt.

He knew in his heart that this was the sequelae of losing strength, but he didn't take it seriously. He slowly used the internal strength in his body to recover.

After a week's walk, I felt that my energy had obviously recovered a lot. I stretched my legs and feet again, then I turned over and sat up, opened the car curtain at the back and looked out.

Behind him was a line of carriages, at least more than 20 of them. The carriages were piled with packages of various medicinal materials, and there was a faint scent of medicine.

The soldier Youzhen was driving the carriage behind saw him opening the door and couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Taoist priest, you're awake."

Yuan Shouwei looked at the soldier and smiled at him, "Wake up, it's okay."

The soldier was a young man with a baby face. After hearing Yuan Shouwei's words, he jumped out of the carriage excitedly and shouted to the front and back:
"The Taoist priest is awake, the Taoist priest is awake, the Taoist priest who saved us is awake."

After saying this, many people immediately stopped and gathered around to greet Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei also got out of the car and accepted everyone's greetings with a smile.

Geng Qi had already squeezed through the crowd and saw Yuan Shouwei asking repeatedly:
"Taoist Priest, are you awake? Are you okay? You scared me to death. If you are evil, how can I explain to Miss Wu?"

While speaking, his tone was already a little more choked up.

Yuan Shouwei patted his shoulder gently, "I'm fine, I'm just exhausted. I'll be fine after just a nap. Look." After speaking, he moved his legs and feet again.

Geng Qi's expression turned from sadness to joy, and he said with a smile: "I'll go find a doctor to take a look."

"Let me tell you, Daoist. Our doctors are particularly sufficient this time."

But Yuan Shouwei stepped forward and grabbed him, "You don't need to find a doctor for me. Find me something to eat and drink first. I'm almost starving to death."

Before he finished speaking, more than ten water bags and more than ten bag cakes were handed over to his eyes.
"Taoist Master, drink from me."

"Taoist Priest, eat my bag. I tell you that my wife baked it with her own hands and it is very delicious."

"Daozhang, I have baked buns here, you can have a few first, and eat more meat."

Yuan Shouwei took one of them with a smile, started eating and drinking, and asked questions while eating.

It turned out that after he fainted, the Turks were dispersed.Since then, no one has come to harass me along the way.

And he himself slept completely for two days and two nights. Several doctors looked at him and confirmed that he was just exhausted, so everyone felt relieved.

Geng Qi has recovered, while Zhao Yi is still sleeping on the carriage behind because he has been exploring the road and has consumed a lot of energy.

Now we have passed Loulan, and we can reach Gaochang in just one day.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei felt relieved. After eating and drinking, he returned to the carriage and continued to fall asleep.

There was silence all the way. When everyone arrived in Gaochang, Yuan Tiangang, Sheng Xin, and Wu Fu had already come out to welcome them.

Everyone looked at the carts of medicinal materials and the doctors couldn't help but smile.

Wu Fu's eyes were just searching the crowd. When he saw Yuan Shouwei smiling at her, he pushed through the crowd and came to Yuan Shouwei.

Looking at the ragged Yuan Shouwei, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he said softly, "You're back?"

Yuan Shouwei took her white little hand and said softly, "I'm back. Nothing happened at all."

"I'm back, just rest. I'll take care of everything."

Wu Yan gave a soft 'hmm', and followed Yuan Shouwei, unwilling to leave even a single step.

At this time, Qiuci also sent back a message that they also encountered an ambush and are currently investigating.

But with the influx of doctors and medicinal materials from Yumenguan, the rats were obviously under control, and everyone was effectively treated.Kucha's aid is not in a hurry.

First, the first infected person recovered from illness, and within a few days, all the people recovered.

The city of Gaochang was full of joy and laughter, and even Yuan Shouwei heaved a sigh of relief.

In the past two days, he had someone replace Zhongqing and isolate him by himself, just to prevent him from appearing in the divination situation again.

It's just that the reward has never arrived, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart, do he have to find a way to make Zhongqing suffer from the plague?
At this moment, Wu Fu walked in in a panic and said, "Yuan Shouwei, something bad has happened. Zhongqing is also suffering from the plague."

Yuan Shouwei's first thought was that he had learned a new curse skill without knowing it.

Then Wu Fu's second sentence made him realize the problem.

"The rat is here again!"

Only then did Yuan Shouwei realize that something was wrong, and quickly came to the place where Zhongqing was separated.

It was just that Zhongqing had fallen into a coma at this time, and his face was flushed, which was the symptom of rat yang.

He couldn't help but become anxious. After asking about Zhongqing's situation, he personally prepared Chinese medicine for Zhongqing. After watching him drink it, he watched him fall asleep with steady breathing before turning around and leaving with Wu Fu.

When he returned to the hall again, Yuan Tiangang, Qiao Shiwang, and Sheng Xin had already arrived at the hall.

When everyone was discussing how to solve the problem, Yuan Shouwei put forward his own point of view. He asked Sheng Xin what was going on with the investigation of the temples in Gaochang City?
Sheng Xin shook his head, but he didn't get any useful information, and he searched several times, but he didn't find anything special.

Seeing this, Master Qiao frowned and asked, "Taoist Master, do you think this matter has anything to do with them?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded and informed everyone of all the situations he encountered along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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