Chapter 111 Shaolin 72 stunt, lion roar skill
If there hadn't been a second rat attack, he would have just been suspicious.

Now that Shuy appeared for the second time, he was sure that these things must be related to the monks in Gaochang City, or at least they would be participants.

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang seemed to have some understanding. He looked at Yuan Shouwei and Qiao Shiwang and said:
"Yuan Shouwei, why don't you do some calculations for Captain Qiao? Maybe there will be an unexpected gain."

Qiao Shiwang couldn't help but be surprised. Ever since Yuan Shouwei and others came to Gaochang, he could vaguely see that Yuan Shouwei was the main one among them.

Especially after he woke up and heard that Yuan Shouwei was galloping to rescue Turpan and Dunhuang, he admired his strength even more.

When he heard that Yuan Tiangang asked Yuan Shouwei to do divination for him, he became a little curious. Could it be that Yuan Shouwei was a master of Taoism and martial arts?

It's not that I doubt Yuan Shouwei's talent, it's just that given his age, it would be great to have someone who is top-notch in both Taoism and martial arts.

Thinking of this, he thought about it and said, "Could it be that Tianshi and Daoist Yuan can be called a bright moment?"

Yuan Tiangang laughed after hearing this. He knew that Qiao Shiwang had some doubts about Yuan Shouwei, so he told what Yuan Shouwei had told him and Li Chunfeng in Chang'an.

After hearing this, Qiao Shiwang was no longer puzzled, looked at Yuan Shouwei and said, "It's Shiwang who is thinking too much, and I hope the Taoist priest will not be offended."

After all, it was my youth that caused the trouble. If I were to do fortune-telling in the future, I could make up the look of a white-bearded grandfather. Yuan Shouwei complained and said to Qiao Shiwang with a smile:

"Tianshi Yuan praised me, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, each has its own specialty."

After saying that, he took out his compass and told him the process.

Qiao Shiwang followed Shan Ruliu and put his hand on the compass.

The compass leads to the stars.

Heaven and Earth anomalies.

Qiao Shiwang and Sheng Xin were both martial arts practitioners, so they naturally felt the difference and couldn't help but look at each other. It seemed that Taoist Priest Yuan Shouwei was indeed no ordinary person.

After the compass needle settled, Yuan Shouwei looked at it intently, and couldn't help but feel nervous.

【bad omen】

[Meteor running black and entering the three stars, indicating that the general will have a bloody disaster]

It was obvious that this general was referring to Qiao Shiwang.

Could it be that the Turks are coming to invade Gaochang?
Yuan Shouwei murmured in his heart, and then turned his attention to the big characters that had appeared in the air.

【bad omen】

[Disaster: In danger, life is not guaranteed]

[Jie Gua Reward: Five Years of Martial Realm Cultivation]

[Resolve bad omens: Reward one of Shaolin’s 72 stunts, "Lion's Roar Kung Fu"]


We are with Captain Qiao now. If he is going to be in danger, I'm afraid we won't stay out of it.

And it doesn’t look like it’s necessarily a Turkic problem.

Looking at the reward, it seems to have something to do with Buddhism.

Yuan Shouwei became more and more confused. After adjusting his sitting posture, he once again cast his gaze on the Tianji Diagram that was slowly moving in the sky.

I skipped the first line and looked at the introduction of the Lion's Roar Kung Fu in the second line.

[The lion's roar skill, under the clear roar, is like thunder thundering for several miles, causing the enemy's liver and gallbladder to burst, and his heart to tremble with fear.It can calm and frighten souls, and has incredible power. 】

[Practitioners should not smoke and drink less.Smoke makes the breath disperse, and wine slows down the breath. I have never heard of any martial arts master being a smoker or a drunkard. 】

Haha, what I said is a bit wrong. I know that many legendary drunkards are masters.

Moreover, smoking and playing dirty are weapons for many middle-aged men to pretend to be sexy.

Yuan Shouwei cursed and turned his attention to the third line. At this time, the short movie had also started to play.

first screen.

Not far inside the Gaochang city wall, there is a dusty construction site. Many people are sweating and working hard, but they all look like people from the Western Regions.

About [-]% of the building has been built, and it can be vaguely seen that it is a small temple.

On one side of the construction site, several monks were holding a piece of paper and pointing at the paper and the temple.

Yuan Shouwei initially thought that what they were holding was architectural blueprints, but when he got closer, he realized that it was actually a formation diagram.On the top of the paper, the eight large characters of "Five Vehicles Suppress Heaven and Eliminate Demons" are particularly conspicuous.

The picture gradually zoomed out, and Yuan Shouwei saw it. Isn't this Gaochang City?

Moreover, there are already several completed temples standing in the city, all of which are much more magnificent than the temple built now.

Is this a temple built to ward off demons?
I have to say that these monks from the Western Regions are indeed rich.

Yuan Shouwei thought as he turned his attention to the second picture.

Inside a resplendent and exotic palace.

Behind the dragon chair at the top of the palace sat a thin man wearing a dragon robe. He was looking at the monks standing there with a smile on his face.

That man was clearly Qu Wenyi, who had been beheaded by Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty.

Just look at the flattering smile on his face and listen to the monks talking.

The monks were gesticulating and arrogant, obviously asking for something.

Qu Wenyi did not show any dissatisfaction, and nodded in agreement while listening.

After talking for a while, the leading monk took a few steps forward and came to the front of the dragon case.

He pointed to the ground and then to the top of the palace.

Qu Wenyi was obviously a little embarrassed this time and did not nod in time.

But when he saw the monk's expression change, he quickly nodded in agreement.

A weak king, a barbarian who doesn't look like a monk. Yuan Shouwei complained silently.

third screen.

Very familiar scene.

This is the hall where I am now.

He was holding a map of Gaochang City and drawing something.

On the map, I connected several temples to the Gaochang Palace.

It became the array picture "Five-Cheng Tian Tian Slayer Array" in the first screen.

Yuan Tiangang, Wu Fu, Qiao Shiwang, and Sheng Xin were listening to him with serious expressions.

After Yuan Shouwei finished speaking, everyone took their orders and left.

Is this going to break the formation?
It seems that this formation was responsible for the rat yin.

Yuan Shouwei already had concerns in his heart at this time.

The fourth screen.

Qiao Shiwang was guarding the small temple near the city wall. Under his feet was a bottomless black hole. A monk from the Western Regions with high eyebrows and deep eyes was sitting on a cloud of black energy rising up.

Soon all the soldiers died, leaving only Qiao Shiwang.

Qiao Shiwang used the Five Elements Talisman and killed many enemies. In the end, he was killed by the monk with high eyebrows and deep eyes, and died on the spot.

I understand, that’s how Qiao Shiwang died.

There is obviously something strange about that small temple.

There are two questions here:
The first one, I don't know much about this "Five-Cheng Heaven-Suppressing Demon-Eliminating Formation". It seems I can only wait and let Yuan Tiangang take a look.

The second one is the Five Elements Talisman held in Qiao Shiwang's hand.

In other words, I can only get the Five Elements Talisman after Zhongqing recovers. Obviously, the Five Elements Talisman is the key to breaking this formation.

At this time, the Tianji Diagram had slowly disappeared, and Yuan Shouwei also lowered his head and looked at the hexagrams in the compass.

[Violation in the northwest becomes dangerous, Lihuo reaches the sky beyond the sky, the sky and the earth are connected and the way is natural, and the villain takes advantage of the situation to destroy obstacles. 】

Looking at the hexagram words, Yuan Shouwei began to explain the hexagram words to Qiao Shiwang using a short movie combined with the Tianji Diagram.

(End of this chapter)

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