Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 112 5 Riding the Heaven-Suppressing Demon Slayer Formation

Chapter 112 The five-passenger heaven-suppressing and demon-killing formation
"The divination of the captain is a sign of great misfortune. At least twice, he is in danger of life and death."

After hearing this, Qiao Shiwang's expression became serious.
"This first life-and-death crisis was caused by rats. I have already experienced it. I don't know what the second crisis is? And where it should be. Please clarify, Taoist Priest."

At this time, after listening to Yuan Shouwei's words, Yuan Tiangang and Sheng Xin also stood close, waiting to hear Yuan Shouwei's interpretation of the hexagram.

"The first sentence, "Violation in the northwest leads to danger" refers to the fact that the two dangers of the captain came from this trip to the northwest. After surviving the rat yin, he faced another crisis."

Sheng Xin, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but smacked his lips. My captain was in such a miserable state. Hou Junji never experienced so many crises when he attacked Gaochang.

And my captain faced life and death several times just by guarding Gaochang. Gaochang is really a place surrounded by enemies and full of crises.

"Lihuo reaches directly to the outer sky. The Lihuo here refers to the Gaochang Palace. According to the five elements, its location belongs to the Lihuo position."

"It is also the location of a Buddhist formation. I will explain it to you in detail later."

When he heard about the Five Elements and Formation Eyes, Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but wonder, could this rat have something to do with these?
Just as he thought of this, he heard Yuan Shouwei read out the third hexagram:

"It is natural that heaven and earth are connected. These monks in Gaochang City have ulterior motives. This time the rat poison is caused by the formation arranged by these monks."

"To completely eliminate the problem, we must break this formation."

After hearing this, Qiao Shiwang did not think about his own safety, but said angrily:

"I just said that these monks were weird. When the rats first came, I begged them to cast a spell to save them."

"They pushed back and forth, saying that the magic power was low. They were the ones who created this mouse."

The people nearby felt a little angry when they thought that since they arrived in Gaochang, the monks had closed the temple door tightly and never left their homes.

After Yuan Shouwei waited for everyone's emotions to stabilize, he continued:
"This fourth line of hexagram involves Captain Qiao's life and death."

"The villain took advantage of the situation to eliminate the obstacles; we discussed breaking the formation, and Lieutenant Qiao was guarding the position near the city gate, but he was killed by the monk."

Then he said impassionedly, "I decided to guard the city gate in place of the captain."

"What do you guys think?"

His answer was silence.

Qiao Shiwang remained silent, Sheng Xin looked confused, and Yuan Tiangang was thoughtful.

Only Wu Fu looked up at this and that, and said to Yuan Shouwei:
"Don't you think it's a bit confusing? I think everyone doesn't quite understand."

After Wu Fu said this, Qiao Shiwang smiled brightly, a little embarrassed.

Sheng Xin glanced at Wu Yan with admiration and nodded repeatedly.

Even Yuan Tiangang showed a relieved expression and coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

Yuan Shouwei understood immediately. No one else understood it, but for the sake of face, they all had no choice but to remain silent.

He pondered his thoughts and spoke again:

"In that case, let's do it step by step. General Sheng, please ask someone to get a map of Gaochang City."

After others brought the map, he picked up the pen on the table and connected several large temples and palaces in Gaochang City.
Said: "Brother Tiangang, you are familiar with formations, let's see if this is the Buddhist "Five Vehicles Suppressing Heaven and Exorcising Demons Great Formation"?"

Yuan Tiangang, who was standing at the table, was already watching Yuan Shouwei's paintings with concentration, fearing that his lack of IQ would be exposed again.

After hearing Yuan Shouwei's question, he nodded deeply and said to the others:

"Everyone, you may not understand clearly, but you will understand after I do it like this."

He found something to cover up other parts of the map, leaving only the places where Yuan Shouwei had drawn, and said to everyone:
"Everyone, look at what Yuan Shouwei sketched out. Does it look like a human face?"

"And the palace is where the eyebrows are?" "The small temple at the city gate is where the mouth is?"

There is so much intelligence in his words.

When everyone heard it, no matter whether they understood it or not, they all looked like they were suddenly enlightened.

Yuan Tiangang coughed lightly and continued to show his erudition.

"This formation takes the earth's yin and the spiritual energy of all things, and gathers it into a large evil formation, which causes the air of heaven and earth to be blocked, and eventually the evil spirit is formed in the city, leading to the formation of rat yin."

Although what Yuan Tiangang said was very obscure, Yuan Shouwei still understood it. To put it bluntly, the air was not circulating and snakes and rats were running rampant, which resulted in rat yin.

Yuan Tiangang continued:

"Although various sects and formations have emerged one after another since ancient times, they remain unchanged."

"Just like this formation, the eyebrows are made of fire, the eyes are made of wood, the nose is made of gold, the mouth is made of earth, and the ears are made of water. If this formation has not been formed before, it is actually very easy to break, as long as the temple is demolished."

"But now that the evil spirit has become a reality, if you want to solve it, you must use the corresponding Five Elements Spell to solve it and eliminate the bad luck of these five formations. Just..."

Master Qiao saw that he was a little embarrassed and asked eagerly:
"Just what? Heavenly Master might as well say it clearly."

"For the sake of the people in this city, I will not hesitate even if it means taking my life, Qiao Shiwang."

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and said:

"It has nothing to do with you."

"The main reason is that drawing the Five Elements Curse requires extremely high talent. I am not good at studying and cannot draw this."

"It would be okay if my master or Master Quanzhen were here. It's just that water from afar can't quench the thirst for nearness."

As soon as he said this, both Qiao Shiwang and Sheng Xin showed desperate expressions.

Sheng Xing said excitedly:

"Master Tian, ​​are you really just watching this city full of people die?"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head bitterly, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Wu Fu say:
"Yuan Shouwei, you can do it, right?"

Everyone's eyes lit up involuntarily and they turned their attention to Yuan Shouwei.

Whether I can draw the five-element talisman depends entirely on Zhongqing's recovery. Yuan Shouwei looked at everyone's expectant eyes and nodded reservedly,
"I understand a little bit, but I need some time to prepare."

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but almost forgot about his journey. He grabbed Yuan Shouwei's shoulder and said with shining eyes:

"Yuan Shouwei, I didn't expect that you were not only a Taoist and a martial artist, but you were also involved in talismans."

"It's me who is superficial."

Yuan Shouwei was indifferent,
"Brother Tiangang is overly praised. The talisman is part of the Taoist inheritance, but it cannot be said to be a cross-border one."

Qiao Shiwang was also very pleasantly surprised,
"Taoist Priest Yuan Shou, whatever you need to draw the five-element talisman, I will have someone prepare it now."

"A quiet room, cinnabar, yellow paper, and some brushes are enough."

"Well, I still need Zhongqing to assist me."

Yuan Shouwei continued to be calm.

These words made Yuan Tiangang confused for a while.
(End of this chapter)

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