Chapter 113 Five Elements Spell
"Zhongqing? He is still ill."

"Yuan Shouwei, I can help you on the side."

The implication is that I am much stronger than Zhongqing.

Tiangang, it’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that this matter really won’t work without his Zhongqing. Yuan Shouwei continued to pretend:

"I need to take advantage of it. Master Zhongqing has Quanzhen, and I want to take advantage of his Quanzhen aura."

Yuan Tiangang suddenly realized that even if I, Yuan Tiangang, had the ability to reach heaven, I would definitely not be as powerful as the entire sect of the Quanzhen Sect.

Yuan Shouwei then ordered Qiao Shiwang:
"While I'm drawing the talisman, Lieutenant, please don't act rashly or alert the enemy. Wait until I've finished drawing the talisman before handling everything."

Qiao Shiwang nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei went to the quiet room, thanked the guests behind closed doors, and devoted himself to drawing talismans.

On Zhongqing's side, he suddenly felt everyone's almost extreme enthusiasm.

Yuan Tiangang, Qiao Shiwang, and Sheng Xin came to visit him one after another, and they all sent him their most sincere blessings: I wish him a speedy recovery.

Even Wu Fu changed his cold demeanor and came over eight times a day to ask for help.

Zhongqing was frightened and flattered.

She lamented repeatedly that she had received so many people's attention just by doing some good deeds within her power. It was really well deserved.

And secretly vowed to be a good person, a pure person, and a useful person to society in the future.

Three days later, Yuan Shouwei was lying on the bed in the quiet room, blowing bubbles out of boredom.

Suddenly, a line of big characters floated across the sea of ​​consciousness: The disaster of Zhongqing has been eliminated, and the Five Elements Talisman will be rewarded.

Fire can restrain metal, metal can generate water, and water can restrain fire, so that fire is neither overpowering nor declining, so it can nourish earth and allow earth to biochemically produce normally.

Earth can restrain water, water can produce wood, and wood can restrain earth, so that earth does not overpower or decay, so it can nourish metal and allow metal to biochemically normalize.

Metal can overcome wood, wood can create fire, and fire can overcome metal, so that metal does not overpower or decay, so it can nourish water, so that water can biochemically function normally.

Water can restrain fire, fire can generate earth, and earth can restrain water, so that water is not overactive or weak, so it can nourish wood and allow wood to biochemically normalize.

Then five yellow talisman papers about one foot in size appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The first talisman paper emits a dazzling golden color. As the talisman paper flutters, the golden lines appear and disappear.

The second picture shows a dense forest. If you look carefully, you will find that the tree patterns of each tree are filled with densely packed talismans.

The third picture is a boundless sea. Every fluctuation of the sea is a spell.

The fourth picture shows a red sky, as red as cinnabar. In the flowing red, a spell can be faintly seen.

The fifth picture is the thousands of miles of yellow sand, with dense dunes scattered throughout it, and the dunes are covered with vivid sand pattern charms.

After seeing such a complicated spell, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

No wonder Yuan Tiangang said he didn't know how to spell. There were so many spells that a person could spend his whole life trying to figure out even one or two of them.

Thinking about the way Yuan Tiangang looked at him again, he realized that he was a little superficial.

But who let me have Tianji Tu to help me!
Who allowed himself to be a bastard!
Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel secretly happy, and then he began to learn the Five Elements Mantra in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, Yuan Shouwei had learned all the Five Elements spells.

But what he never expected was that this Five Elements Talisman was so comprehensive and involved all aspects of talismans.

That is to say, with the foundation of these five-element spells, even if he learns other spells, he can quickly learn by analogy, which also surprised him.

Now that the talisman has arrived, what are you waiting for?
Yuan Shouwei also jumped up from the bed, not caring about washing up. He came to the table with unkempt bare feet, waved his brush and started drawing.

That is also the way the pen moves, the dragon and the snake, the dragon and the phoenix dance.As he was about to start painting, there was a knock on the door. Yuan Shouwei, who was in high spirits, looked at the frightened pen tip and was inevitably a little disappointed.

It's like that.
He asked impatiently: "Who is it?"

"Fellow Taoist, I am Zhongqing." Someone at the door replied.

"Zhongqing, your body has recovered. Then go back and rest." Yuan Shouwei replied absent-mindedly.

Zhongqing outside the door was a little confused. He looked at the closed door and answered cautiously:

"Fellow Taoist, Miss Wu Fu said that after I recover, I will help you draw the Five Elements Talisman as soon as possible. Have you forgotten?"

Yuan Shouwei in the room slapped his forehead, wondering how he could end this trouble.

I was about to refuse, but I felt it wasn't appropriate.

You can't call someone Xiao Tiantian when you need her, and call her Mrs. Niu when you don't.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei also went over and opened the door.

Looking at Zhongqing, who had just recovered from a serious illness outside the door, and his face was still a little pale, he said:
"Come in, Zhongqing. I've been waiting for you."

After hearing this, Zhongqing walked into the house with great joy, puffed up his chest and said loudly:
"I have been looking forward to having the opportunity to save the world with fellow Taoists, and this time I finally got it."

"Tell me, what do I need to do?"

Yuan Shouwei had returned to the table at this time, picked up the brush and said:

"Just stand next to me and watch my painting."

Zhongqing, a man with strong ambitions and great ambitions
He looked at Yuan Shouwei who was lowering his head to draw the talisman, and continued to ask without giving up:

"Fellow Taoist, is this what I'm going to do?"

Yuan Shouwei said "Hmm".
"What do you think?"

"Oh, as long as you stand next to me, I can feel the majestic power of your body. In this way, the success rate of the spell I draw will be extremely high."

Zhongqing didn't believe it, but he didn't dare to resist Yuan Shouwei, so he could only stand there with frowning eyes.

When I saw Yuan Shouwei drawing spells like a copy machine, I suddenly felt happy: Fellow Taoist Yuan Shouwei really didn't lie to me.

In just one hour, Yuan Shouwei drew five hundred spells.

He rubbed his sore wrist, wanting to draw more, but found that the yellow paper was gone.

Zhongqing, who had been standing nearby without even daring to breathe, took the opportunity to stretch his sore legs and feet and said:

"Should I ask someone to get you some?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at the talisman in his hand and said:

"No, I thought about drawing a few more pictures. After all, I have to consider the success rate, but I didn't expect that all five hundred pictures would be completed."

"It stands to reason that three or five cards per person would be enough. Now each person can be given a hundred cards. Even if they are smashed, they can kill those monks."

Zhongqing next to him couldn't help but nodded secretly: "Obviously I also contributed a lot to such a high success rate."

Here Yuan Shou is packing up the talismans, while Zhongqing goes to inform everyone and gather in the hall for discussion.

Soon, everyone arrived in the hall and started discussing.

Yuan Shouwei first took out the charm, placed it on the table, and said:
"These are five hundred five-element talismans, all of which have been made."

Then I thought of Zhongqing standing pitifully at the table for an hour, and quickly added:
"It's all thanks to Taoist Taoist Zhongqing that all the charms I drew were successful. Taoist Taoist Zhongqing is indispensable."

Zhongqing felt happy.
(End of this chapter)

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