Chapter 114

Yuan Tiangang's eyes almost popped out of his head. He looked at the thick stack of spells on the table and muttered to himself:
"This is to prepare those monks to be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell, and they will never be reincarnated."

Qiao Shiwang next to him said harshly:

"According to the inhumane practices of these monks, if they are sent to the eighteenth level of hell, they will be spared lightly."

"Everyone, the rats in the city have become more and more powerful these days, when is the right time for us to do it?"

Wu Fu said:

"How about tonight?"

"General Sheng, aren't those monks still there?"

Sheng Xin replied:

"They are all in the temple, probably waiting to collect their bodies for us."

Everyone quickly agreed on this time, and then began to follow Yuan Tiangang's arrangements and prepare to break the formation.

Yuan Tiangang looked at everyone present, nodded and said:

"I already have a preliminary deployment here for everyone's reference."

"The imperial palace is the eyebrow, which controls Li Fire. Water can suppress fire. Yuan Shou brought a hundred five-element water talismans and five hundred soldiers to extinguish Li Fire.

The northwest temple is the eye, which dominates wood, and metal can overcome wood.I will bring one hundred five-element gold talismans and five hundred soldiers to destroy Yimu.

The southwest temple is the ear..."

After Yuan Tiangang finished explaining the main deployment in one breath, he took a sip of tea and continued:

"But there are three problems here. The first is Captain Qiao's safety. According to Yuan Shou's calculations, he definitely cannot defend to the southeast, otherwise his life will be in danger."

"As well as Wu Fu and Zhong Qing, the overall strength is weak. We must also consider it as appropriate."

"The third one is time. We must activate it at the same time to completely eliminate the evil spirit."

After Yuan Tiangang finished speaking, Qiao Shiwang opened his mouth and said:

"Let me tell you about the monitoring of the temple these days."

"Of these five locations, there are no monks guarding them in the palace on the surface, but secretly they are visited by monks every day. They use a secret passage in a private house outside the palace. The total number of people will not exceed thirty."

"There are about 100 monks in each of the other large temples. Five hundred soldiers plus so many talismans are enough to eliminate them."

"There are less than 20 people in the small temple in the southeast. I believe that Taoist Yuan's calculations are good, but as long as I am careful, it should not be a big problem. In addition, after you are done, you can also support me in time. So I insist that the position is not Change."

Yuan Shouwei pondered for a moment and then said:

"Let me change it for Captain Qiao."

"In addition, I only need fifty soldiers, and the rest of the support will be given to Wu Fu and the others."

"Wu Fu has a water spirit bead. In fact, it is most suitable for her to go to the palace."

"No." Wu Fu, who was sitting at the end, immediately said:
"I have no problem with you replacing Captain Qiao."

"But you are going to the most dangerous place, and you are not bringing so many people with you. It is too risky, and I firmly disagree."

Qiao Shiwang and Sheng Xin all opened their mouths to stop him, but Yuan Tiangang remained silent because he had enough confidence in Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shou understood everyone's good intentions. After thinking about it, he silently sacrificed his dragon domain.

In an instant, a blue sea filled the entire hall.

Except for Wu Fu and Yuan Tiangang, everyone else could not help but be shocked.

We were just chatting about business in the living room, why did we suddenly arrive at the beach?
If we were going to celebrate on vacation, we would have to wait until the enemies were completely eliminated.

Yuan Shouwei was floating in the air, looking at the horrified people on the sea and said: "Everyone, this is my domain. To put it simply, I am immortal here."

"That small temple is only about twenty feet in size, and my domain can just fit it in."

Zhongqing has seen this dragon realm, but seeing it and being there are two completely different concepts.

He looked at the rolling sea under his feet, looked at himself floating on the sea, and said fearfully:
"Fellow Taoist, please accept your magical powers. I agree with whatever you say."

Seeing that everyone understood what was going on, Yuan Shou put Longyu away.

In an instant, the sea area disappeared, and everyone returned to the living room. Thinking back to the scene they just saw, they couldn't help but feel frightened.

They are all well-informed people, but they have really never heard of a situation like this in this field and immortality.

They all showed an expression that I didn’t understand, but I was greatly shocked.

Yuan Shouwei nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Is that so decided?"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Ultimately, the attack area everyone is responsible for is:
Wu Fu was in charge of the palace;

Yuan Tiangang was in charge of the northwest temple;
Sheng Xin was in charge of the west temple;

Yuan Shouwei is in charge of the small temple;

Qiao Shiwang is in charge of the East Temple.

In the middle of the night, wait until the demon is at its peak to start attacking. Although the attack is a little more difficult, it can completely wipe out the demon in one fell swoop and avoid future troubles.

After everyone discussed it, they all made preparations.

Yuan Shouwei also took advantage of this time to draw some more charms and secretly gave them to Wu Fu, which made Wu Fu feel happy.

At midnight, it was pitch dark inside and outside Gaochang City, and not a single star or moon could be seen in the sky.

As far as the eye can see, there is endless blackness, as if a huge sea bowl is covering Gaochang City.

Even some thin dogs that usually only dared to roar at midnight fell into silence.

Suddenly, a faint firelight lit up in the open space in the center of Gaochang City, and then there was a flash of sparks.

Then a shrill scream was heard, and a rocket soared into the sky. When it climbed to the highest point,
With a bang, a gorgeous firework burst out, lighting up the darkness of the entire Gaochang City.

Through the light, it was seen that many places in the city had begun to attack the temple, and the sound of fighting suddenly filled the entire Gaochang City.

At the Gaochang Palace, soldiers had already opened the city gate. Under the leadership of Wu Fu, everyone rushed into the palace with shouts.

But when they looked up and saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but gasped: Is this a palace or a ghost town?
I saw that everywhere I looked, there were flickering will-o'-the-wisps, flickering bright and dark, sometimes near and sometimes far away. At the same time, countless vengeful spirits murmured: Help me, help me.
The soldier at the front took two steps forward involuntarily and raised his hand to touch a dark will-o'-the-wisp.

Just hearing a scream that pierced the eardrums, the will-o'-the-wisp rushed to the soldier's body, instantly igniting the soldier's entire body.

The soldier let out a miserable scream, his body glowed with pale fire, and he staggered towards the camp.
"help me, help me"

Pao Ze, who had a good relationship with the soldiers, was about to step forward to rescue him, but was grabbed by Wu Fu, who shouted at the same time:

"Erect shield, defend."

Then a five-element water talisman was thrown out of his hand. The talisman rose in the wind. In a moment, it turned into a majestic heavy rain, carrying countless rules, and extinguished countless will-o'-the-wisps with a bang.

The flames on the soldier's body were extinguished by the heavy rain, and he fell to the ground with a bang, leaving only a charred corpse.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but gasped: evil, vicious will-o'-the-wisps.

(End of this chapter)

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