Chapter 115 God, is that a golden dragon?

Wu Fu looked at the will-o'-the-wisp in the distance and said in a deep voice:
"Zhongqing, use a few more water talismans to extinguish the will-o'-the-wisps in this palace."

Zhongqing responded in a panic, and tremblingly picked up the talisman in his hand and started to recite the incantation. However, due to nervousness, he recited it several times without success.

Seeing this, Wu Fu took out a handful of water talismans from his arms and sprinkled it out as he uttered a spell.

Just watch those talismans rise in the wind instantly, covering the sky above the entire palace, turning into torrential rain, directly dousing all the will-o'-the-wisps completely, leaving no trace left.

When everyone saw this, they let out a long sigh of relief.

Zhongqing also calmed down at this moment, and said to Wu Fu with a guilty look on his face:
"Miss Wu, blame me for being too timid."

But his heart was like beating a drum. He was really afraid that Wu Fu would give him a water talisman to kill him.

But he never expected that instead of condemning him, Wu Fu comforted him and said:

"It's your first time on the battlefield, and you can't avoid being afraid."

"It's okay, just be more careful next time."

After saying that, he stepped forward in the mud and water with long strides.

Zhongqing was immediately moved by this move, and he hurriedly chased after him, taking the initiative to stand in front of Wu Fu.

Ahead is the main hall of Gaochang Palace: Zhengxin Hall.

This architectural style is completely different from that of the Tang Dynasty. From a distance, the appearance of this palace is more like an arc-shaped revolving restaurant.

And this is also the location of Li Huo in the "Five Vehicles Heaven-Suppressing Demon-Slaying Formation".

Inside the Hall of Zhengxin, there were countless will-o'-the-wisps flickering, and then they emitted light, and it could be seen that there were more than twenty monks holding weapons in the hall, waiting in full force.

There were many will-o'-the-wisps surrounding them, but they could not cause any harm to them.

But behind them, where the emperor should have been, stood a huge pillar, reaching to the top of the hall, with will-o'-the-wisps constantly radiating from their bodies.

Zhongqing rushed over immediately, and as the spell sounded in his mouth, a water talisman was already thrown out.

Seeing this, Wu Fu who was behind him said without hesitation:

"Arrange and attack."

They are all good men of the Tang Dynasty who have been on the battlefield for a long time. After the initial shock, they all quickly entered a fighting state.

After listening to Wu Fu's words, he had already completed erecting his shield, drawing his sword, and shooting in one go.

Looking at the monks on the opposite side, they all let out strange screams, and with the will-o'-the-wisps around them, they fiercely rushed towards everyone.

Wu Fu keenly discovered that the will-o'-the-wisps on these monks could block arrows.

In other words, when the arrows were about to hit them, they were immediately burned and melted by the will-o'-the-wisps.

Among them, two monks could only hide behind the others because the will-o'-the-wisps on their bodies were extinguished by the water talisman thrown by Zhongqing, and used the weapons in their hands to call arrows.

Wu Fu didn't want to let the soldiers get hurt again, so he took out a handful of water charms from his arms and threw them at the monks.

The heavy rain falls with countless rules.

Zhongqing next to him looked at him and was speechless.

If you put this talisman outside, a piece of it would be worth a thousand dollars.

When I arrived at Wu Fu's place, it was as cheap as toilet paper, so I squandered it casually. I have to say, it felt good to have a big benefactor behind me.

Zhongqing looked at the dozen or so talismans in his hand and secretly sighed: The layout is too small.

Then he gritted his teeth and threw out a water talisman.The soldiers naturally discovered this situation and fired several rounds of volleys, watching the monks scream and fall to the ground.

Then they formed a formation and slowly marched towards the enemy. As they wore heavy armor and slowly approached the enemy, they were followed by ruthless crushing and the screams of the monks one after another.

Wu Fu, who had been rushing at the front, looked up at the huge Lihuo Pillar in front of him. Without any hesitation, he poured out another spell, dousing the will-o'-the-wisp completely.

Lihuo Zhu also collapsed to the ground under the wash of heavy rain.

Everyone felt a bit of joy as they felt the constant vibrations under their feet.

It is so comfortable to fight with Miss Wu Fu. This battle is so easy. As long as there are endless spells, everything can be done.

Just when they thought of this, they saw that the dead monks at their feet suddenly shriveled up, as if they had been sucked dry by invisible demons.

It was so weird that everyone hurriedly left the corpses to avoid being affected.

At this time, Wu Fu could clearly feel the spiritual energy fluctuations in the air, and couldn't help but turn his attention to the source of the spiritual energy fluctuations, the Lihuo Pillar that had fallen down.

As the spiritual energy gathers, the fire pillar is slowly shrinking, apparently coming to life.

Wu Yan would give it a chance to fight back, and another spell was thrown out.

In the pouring rain, a roar shook the entire hall, and a half-man, half-pillar monster stood up in the heavy rain.

Its upper body could be vaguely seen as a humanoid holding a demon-conquering pestle, while its lower body was still a pillar. It was obviously interrupted by Wu Fu during its transformation.

What a strange woman who doesn't play cards according to the routine, you can't even get her legs out of the blow, and you don't know how it will attack Zhongqing and continue to complain silently.

The monster had a ferocious expression on his face, and he swept the demon-subduing pestle at Wu Huan.

The momentum was fierce, and wherever it passed, it directly blasted out several huge pillars in the hall and many soldiers who had no time to dodge.

Wu Fu nimbly dodged away, stamped his feet fiercely, and screamed,
"Yuan Shouwei, come out."

Immediately there was a clear dragon chant, and a golden dragon of more than ten feet suddenly appeared behind Wu Yan, and glanced at the monster with its big eyes like a millstone.

Flying up in the air, it bit the monster's head fiercely, and between shaking its head and tail, it swallowed the monster.

Then there was another dragon roar, slowly dissipating in the hall, and turning into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

This is?

As the golden dragon appeared, a huge pressure came. Everyone felt that their knees were weak and they couldn't help but kneel on the ground. It was not until the golden dragon disappeared that the majesty slowly disappeared.

Zhongqing looked at everything in front of him and stammered:
"Oh my God, what did I just see?"

Wu Fu stood still with his sword and said breathlessly:
"Yuan Shouwei drew the dragon talisman for me to save my life. Is it useful?"

It turned out that when Wu Fu came, Yuan Shouwei was still a little worried. After thinking for a long time, he drew some dragon attracting charms for Wu Fu, which could draw out Wu Fu's hidden dragon aura and defeat the evil spirits in the world.

Of course, the spell itself has many restrictions. For example, if you have a dragon spirit with you, you will lose one point of the dragon spirit after using it once.

After a short rest, Wu Yan continued to make arrangements:
"Zhongqing, send a signal that the formation here has been broken."

"Leave 200 people to guard, and give me the rest to support Yuan Shouwei."

As for Yuan Shouwei, he led his soldiers into the small temple, only to find that he had entered the enemy's trap.

I saw eighteen monks covered in golden light standing in various places in the small temple.

Yuan Shouwei was attacked violently as soon as they entered, and suffered heavy losses.

(End of this chapter)

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