Chapter 116 The second form of Xuanyuan Sword!

Yuan Shouwei hurriedly directed the soldiers to surround them tightly, and threw out more than ten fire talismans one after another, surrounding everyone in the middle of the flames, barely blocking the attack.

Yuan Shou came out with his sword and fought with the monks, but he found that whether he was attacking or defending, he had to face eighteen people at the same time.

Could it be that this formation is the legendary Eighteen Bronze Men Formation, but why didn't they see them holding spatulas, iron pots, rolling pins, etc. Yuan Shouwei complained while fighting hard.

Feeling quite helpless, he had no choice but to throw out the fire talismans one after another.

Unexpectedly, in this formation, the monk's recovery speed was extremely fast. Although he was badly burned by the fire talisman, with the blessing of the formation, he quickly recovered as before and continued to fight with Yuan Shouwei.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, you will treat me as hellokitty.

The anxious Yuan Shouwei directly sacrificed himself to the dragon domain and used his trump card again, trading injuries for injuries and lives for lives to see who among us can outlast the other.

The scene was so tragic that it was like a large-scale fight scene.

Many soldiers looked through the firelight and covered their eyes, unable to bear to look directly.
The beating was so brutal. Wasn't this just a punch in the face?Is the comparison about who is more rough-skinned and thick-skinned?
I don’t know how long it took, but when many soldiers looked a little drowsy, they heard Yuan Shouwei in Dragon Domain shout angrily:
"Blast me."

Then there was a sound of the ground shaking, and the eighteen monks were directly blasted out of the dragon domain by Yuan Shouwei, and fell to the ground softly, like eighteen pools of mud.

Yuan Shouwei also took over Longyu, with only a pair of underwear left on his body. Looking at the monks lying on the ground, he said proudly:
"Hmph, hit me and I'll kill you all."

After saying that, he threw a few fire talismans on the main hall of the temple.

Along with the crackling sound of the flames, the temple shook violently.

With a "bang" sound and bursts of smoke rising, the temple collapsed.

But what I never expected was that there was a deep pit underneath it, and the temple fell into it without even making a sound.

Then I saw endless resentment rushing out from inside like a substance.

In the center of the grievance, a monk sat with a ferocious face, holding lotus seals with his hands, and shouted at Yuan Shouwei:
"Qiao Shiwang, I want you and everyone in Gaochang City to die, right? Who are you?"

The monk saw that the person in front of him was not Qiao Shiwang through the firelight that filled the sky, and he felt a little angry for a moment.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the resentment that seemed to be substantial, and his always relaxed expression became serious.

It turns out that the center of the Five-Cheng Heaven-Suppressing Demon-Eliminating Array is here, and these grievances are obviously the source of the rats in the city.

He could feel that if this mass of resentment was allowed to rage in Gaochang City, there would not be a single living person in the city.

And the reflex his body gave him was: Run away, run away quickly, you are no match at all.

Can you escape?

What to do with the hundreds of soldiers behind us?
What should the people of Gaochang do behind them?
What should Wu Fu do?
Since there is no way out, let's fight to the end.

Yuan Shouwei raised the Xuanyuan Sword and roared:
"I am your ancestor." He rushed forward fiercely.

The monk looked at Yuan Shouwei who was rushing forward, and smiled contemptuously, "Since I haven't seen Qiao Shiwang, I will use you as a memorial to the five-stage heaven-suppressing and demon-eliminating array."

The lotus seal in his hand was pinched one after another, and the mass of resentment under him also changed. It looked like a large cicada with more than ten valves all over its body, constantly spraying out resentment.

The cicada pupa is covered with fleshy buns, and every wrinkle on the fleshy bun is a wailing ghost.

Soldiers who died in battle and civilians who died of illness all let out silent roars and rushed towards Yuan Shouwei.

Before the resentment came close, Yuan Shouwei already felt as if he was in an ice cellar, and his whole body seemed to become stiff.

With a 'click' sound, the Xuanyuan Sword also fell from his hand.

The resentment had arrived, and Yuan Shouwei had no time to pick up the Xuanyuan Sword at this time. He suppressed the stiffness in his body and took out the Five Elements Fire Talisman and threw it at the resentment without any intention of hurting the enemy, just to protect himself.

'Bang, bang, bang,' a large number of fire symbols were ignited, forming a wall of fire, barely delaying the attack of resentment.

Yuan Shouwei also took a deep breath and used his internal energy to relieve the cold and stiff feeling on his body.Then he took out the spirit-fixing needle and stabbed it towards the resentful spirit with a 'whoosh' sound, hoping to pin the enemy on the spot.

I saw that the spirit-fixing needle was directly inserted into the big mouth of the resentful spirit and disappeared without even causing a wave.

It’s over, these grievances are not spiritual bodies, and there is no spirit-fixing needle.

Seeing the Buddha's head rushing towards him again, Yuan Shouwei gritted his teeth, used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and rushed towards the monk on the Buddha's head.

Just die, it's enough to fight for it.It seems that it can only be enough.

Just when Yuan Shouwei was in danger of life and death, the Xuanyuan Sword that fell on the ground suddenly bounced up automatically and stuck straight between him and the resentful spirit like a meteor.

It's like a forcibly inserted third party.

Then golden light rose up all over his body, covering Yuan Shouwei and the resentful spirit.

Yuan Shouwei suddenly felt like he was soaking in a hot spring. On the other hand, under the golden light, the resentful spirits on the opposite side let out bursts of wailing, and the black resentment melted away like white snow in spring.

When it saw that the momentum was wrong, it abandoned Yuan Shouwei and rushed towards the soldiers on the ground.

Faced with such a terrifying existence, no one could resist. The soldiers shouted and began to flee.

But the one who was running slowly was immediately captured by the resentful spirit into the valve, and disappeared without even letting out a scream.

Yuan Shouwei was in a hurry and reached out to pick up the Xuanyuan Sword suspended in the air.

But on top of the Xuanyuan Sword, the scene suddenly changed, showing an endless cold pool, with a dragon leaping out of the pool, and the evil waves behind it flying into the sky.

As the pond and the dragon disappeared, four big characters appeared on the Xuanyuan Sword: "The cold water turns into a dragon." '

This is?

This is the second form of Xuanyuan Sword!

Yuan Shouwei grabbed the Xuanyuan Sword and felt that every move of the flying dragon was imprinted in the depths of his consciousness.

Yuan Shou was so happy that he raised the Xuanyuan Sword, like a golden-armored god coming to the world, and struck hard at the resentful spirit beneath him.

The resentful spirit instinctively sensed the danger and turned around to hide in the black hole.

Why would Yuan Shouwei give him this opportunity? He shouted majestically:
"Nie Yi, where are you going!"

Before he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Sword had already struck the resentment, first splitting the monk in half.

The poor monk didn't even get a name, so he died a tragic death.

Immediately afterwards, four loud thunderous sounds were heard from the body of the resentful spirit:





Suddenly it fell apart.

Accompanying it to split open are the countless resentful spirits, at this moment under the golden light of Xuanyuan Sword,
The ferocious expression gradually became calm, and a smile slowly appeared, slowly dissipating between heaven and earth.

When everything dissipated, a cicada pupa the size of a fingernail, red in color, and as thin as a cicada's wing suddenly condensed in the air.

The thing seemed to have intelligence, spinning around in mid-air, and flew towards the southwest with a 'swish' sound like a meteor.

(End of this chapter)

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