Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 117 If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy

Chapter 117 If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy
Yuan Shouwei jumped to stop him, but saw that the cicada pupa had disappeared.

The trouble is yet to come.

Yuan Shouwei remembered the direction in which it disappeared and prepared to deal with it after finishing his business.

He turned around and was about to arrange for the soldiers to launch rockets when he heard a soft voice:

"Yuan Shouwei."

Then there was a gust of fragrant wind, and a hot and delicate body broke into his arms and hugged his waist tightly.
"Yuan Shouwei, are you okay?"

Yuan Shouwei heard his ribs making an overwhelming "click, click" sound: Are you trying to strangle me to death?

Yuan Shouwei opened his mouth wide, blushed and said:

"Auntie, auntie, be gentle. You are about to strangle me to death."

Wu Fu reluctantly let go of his arm, wiped some oil on Yuan Shouwei's plump chest muscles, and asked:
"Are you really okay? I saw from a distance that the resentful spirit was about to swallow you up, but it scared me to death."

Yuan Shouwei felt the temperature of her fingertips with his chest muscles, and suddenly felt warm even in his heart.

Confidently said:
"Don't worry, it's just that I'm playing hard to get."

Looking at Wu Fu's disbelieving eyes, he knew that his pretense was not perfect, so he quickly added:
"If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy. Just play hard to get."

Only then did Wu Fu believe it, and his surprise turned into joy.

At this time, soldiers had already fired rockets to tell everyone that the battle here was over.

Soon, the other three places also sent out signals that the battle was over.

All the participants in the city let out a long sigh of relief, and finally broke the damn big formation.

The people who were troubled by the plague felt their blood flow and their pain disappeared instantly.

Many people who were awakened and went out to check felt lightened physically and mentally, as if something that had been placed on them had disappeared, and they felt inexplicably relaxed and happy.

Looking up at the starry sky, I saw that the originally dark sky turned out to be a bright moon with bright stars.

Feeling around you, the sounds of insects and frogs began to sound one after another.

it's over!
Covered in blood and holding a halberd, Qiao Shiwang raised his hand to look at the sky and murmured to himself:


The next day.

When the first ray of sunlight shines on Gaochang City in the morning.

The whole city also began to slowly wake up.

The peddler carrying the vegetable basket started to yell loudly as he walked down the street.

The small shop selling breakfast also opened for business, selling butter tea and baked buns.

A man from the government, Tiao Lang, set up a carriage and started collecting garbage from house to house.

Even the serious faces of the soldiers patrolling the streets had a hint of softness, and they rarely greeted the neighborhood leaders.

Many patients also got up from the bed and stood at the door, greedily smelling the scent of the morning sun, and moving their bodies that were stiff from lying down for a long time.

All the people fell into an inexplicable joy, and they didn't know the reason, but they just vaguely felt that the city was suddenly injected with vitality.

There are many devout Buddhists who want to see if there is a gatekeeper at the long-closed temple. They want to thank the compassionate Buddha for hearing their prayers and saving them.

Only to find that all the gates of the temples in the city were replaced by soldiers, and they could only give up in resentment.

General's House.

Although he rested very late yesterday, Yuan Shouwei, who was accustomed to going to bed early and getting up early, had already finished his morning classes.

After he came up with something new, he also began to prepare to receive this reward.As his consciousness turned, a piece of golden paper appeared in his consciousness.

Automatically without wind, the three big characters on the top of the paper are particularly eye-catching: "Lion's Roar Kung Fu".

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but think of the scene in "Kung Fu" in which the Little Dragon Girl and his wife held a big bell and fought off the evil god of fire cloud.

I couldn't help but rub my hands excitedly, wondering if this "Lion's Roar Skill" could reach that level.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and began to carefully observe his own "Lion's Roar Technique".

"Lion's Roar Skill" is divided into three layers:
One layer, bleeding from seven orifices;

Second floor: flying sand and rocks;
Level [-]: Both body and soul are destroyed.

This technique is good. Imagine that the enemy and our armies are facing each other.

Just when everyone was at war with each other, I stood in front of the two armies, facing thousands of troops. I smiled slightly, and suddenly there was a "ouch" in my voice, and all the enemies were scared to death.

As the saying goes, while talking and laughing, the rapist will be wiped out in ashes. This is definitely the best weapon to pretend to be sexy. Yuan Shouwei was lustful and pleased as he continued to look down:
Choose a place with many cypress trees, a quiet environment and fresh air at Yin time in the morning.

First, move your head, waist, hands and other joints at will for a few minutes, then face south to north, sit cross-legged on the ground, head straight and body flat, Baihui and Huiyin points form a vertical line.

The eyes are slightly closed, the tip of the tongue lightly touches the palate, and all distracting thoughts are eliminated.

Then, exhale thick air from the mouth. After repeating this for 81 times, meditate for 10 minutes, then get up and walk back and forth several times to complete the exercise.

If you practice for 3 years, you can get a small success:

Remember: Those who have practiced for less than [-] days have not yet established their foundation. Sexual life is strictly prohibited.
When he saw this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but grit his teeth in joy.

This taboo certainly does not exist for me.

I do think so, but first there must be a woman.

Wu Fu is still too young.Well, it seems that it cannot be generalized. In fact, she is already quite big in some places.

Although she often flirts with me, if you ask me to attack a 14-year-old girl, I really can't do it.

Let’s wait another two years and see.

After thinking about it, Yuan Shouwei quickly started learning. After a while, he had completed learning "Lion's Roar Kung Fu".

After finishing studying, he felt his throat was itchy, and he always felt uncomfortable without shouting.

Just when he was thinking of finding a remote place to try the power of the Lion's Roar Kung Fu, he heard a maid at the door shouting:
"Daoist, my captain invites you to go to the front hall to talk."

Yuan Shouwei said "Hmm" through his nose and said casually: "Okay, I'll go over now."

The moment he opened his mouth to speak, he felt as if there was a thunderclap in his ears.

The tables, chairs and benches opposite him all rushed out of the door with a whooshing sound under the huge impact of the sound waves.

The doors and windows rattled first, and after he finished saying the last word 'go', he was finally overwhelmed, and with a 'bang', they all flew out.

A little maid at the door was wearing myrobalan (underwear), her hands were folded on her chest, her face was earthy, she was looking at Yuan Shouwei tremblingly, her clothes had flown away with the door and window.

Go, what an embarrassing scene. This is obviously because he is not familiar with the technique. Yuan Shouwei wanted to explain something, but when he thought of the scene just now.

Quickly shut up, smiled at the little maid, and gestured for a practice movement.

The little maid understood instantly and said with a blush, "Xiao Mei understands what the Taoist Master means."

"If Taoist Master likes it, Xiaomei will come back in the evening."

After saying that, he twisted his waist, turned around and ran away shyly.

Is that what I mean?Alas, it's all because of this charm that has nowhere to put it. Yuan Shouwei looked at the little maid who was going away, but got up helplessly, found a face towel to put on, and then went to the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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