Chapter 118 Female sex is just a cloud to me

At this time, everyone else had already arrived, sitting in the hall chatting with smiles on their faces.

After seeing Yuan Shouwei, Yuan Tiangang asked in surprise:
"Yuan Shouwei, this rat has passed, why don't you take off your scarf?"

I really want to take off the hijab, but I'm afraid if I take it off and open my mouth to speak, you will be like a little maid. Yuan Shouwei looked at him helplessly and pointed to his throat.

I picked up the pen and paper on the table and wrote a few words: I am so tired that my throat is hoarse.

Wu Fu stood up immediately, "Then I'll make some medicine for you."

In order to stop it, Yuan Shou continued to write: It's okay, just rest for two days.

Only then did everyone feel relieved.

Qiao Shiwang looked at Yuan Shouwei wearing a scarf, and his heart was filled with gratitude:

Taoist Priest Yuan Shouwei took the blame for me. He is so strong and yet he is so tired.

If I had been in that position, my life would have been at risk.

Yuan Shou is the Taoist Priest, I must repay you well.

He smiled gratefully at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Everyone is here, let me tell you what happened yesterday."

Qiao Shiwang attacked the East Temple yesterday. Those monks were also brave and fearless of death and swords and guns.

Fortunately, he used the Five Elements Wooden Talisman to open up the situation and finally captured the East Temple.

Sheng Xin and Yuan Tiangang's situation was similar to his, and they won the battle with the help of the Five Elements Talisman.

When it was Yuan Shouwei's turn, Yuan Shouwei tilted his head and thought for a while, and then wrote on the paper: It's the same as your situation, no danger.

Yuan Tiangang smiled and said:

"I got up early today to observe the sky. The haze in Gaochang City has disappeared, and the five elements are smooth. This rat problem has been completely solved."

Sheng Xin continued:
"The people are now living and working in peace and contentment, and all order in the city is being restored in an orderly manner."

"After the yin is over, there are still many things that need to be arranged in the follow-up, and I will have to rely on you more when the time comes."

Everyone responded with a smile.

All matters have been discussed,

Qiao Shiwang then gratefully said to everyone:

"Without everyone, Gaochang City would definitely not be able to be saved. I have already written a memorial to Your Majesty and begged you for rewards."

Then he turned to look at Yuan Shouwei:

"I would also like to thank Taoist Priest Yuan Shouwei. Without you, I am afraid that Qiao would have died."

"So I specially prepared a special gift for Yuan Shouwei, two beauties from the Western Regions."

"It is said that these two beauties grew up eating human milk, so their beauty can be described as stunning."

After saying that, he clapped his hands.

Following his applause, two graceful women from the Western Regions wearing veils walked in from the door.

Qiao Shiwang said in a deep voice in Western dialect:

"Take off the veil."

The two women followed the instructions, raised their Hao Hao jade wrists, and gently took off their veils, revealing their beautiful faces as white as snow.

The two of them have eyes like stars, exuding all kinds of charm all the time. They have a curvy figure, a thin waist and a straight hip. They are both fat and thin in their graceful places. Their slender waists are so full that they are a beauty in the world.

Eating human milk?I thought these two women would be at Hou Junji's place, but I didn't expect that they were still in Gaochang. Just when Yuan Shouwei thought of this, he heard Qiao Shiwang say:

"I found these two women when I captured the East Temple. I heard they were used by the monks to temper their Buddhist hearts."

"After much thought, only Taoist Master, who is among the best among people, can be worthy of such a stunning beauty, so I decided to let Taoist Master stay."

"Does the Taoist think it's okay?"

These two beauties were staying in the temple. If I had known, I would not have changed with them.You, old Qiao, are so incompetent that you sent me to the house secretly, so I accepted it half-heartedly.

But now Wu Fu is watching there, what do you want me to say? Thinking of this, Yuan Shou couldn't help but glance at Wu Fu secretly.

But Wu Fu didn't look at him, but looked at the two women up and down.

After reading it, he turned to look at Qiao Shiwang and said, "These two women are indeed stunning in the world. Captain Qiao is interested."

Then he looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Brother Yuan Shouwei, what do you think of these two women?"

There was a hint of murderous intent in the words.

What do I think?I feel good.But I just finished learning the lion's roar technique.

It's better to find a reason to let them stay in Lao Qiao's house. After I finish my business, I can come over and pick them up. Yuan Shouwei thought of this.

Then he lowered his head and started writing quickly. After he finished writing, he let everyone watch.

"Captain Qiao, my heart is as calm as water now. Female sex is just a cloud to me."This matter will be discussed after everything is settled. '

Before anyone else could speak, Wu Fu took the lead in clapping.

"I knew that Yuan Shouwei, the Taoist priest, is a person who is dedicated to the Tao."

"Since he doesn't want these two people, then I will make the decision for him."

"Come here, please send these two women to the Prince's Mansion in Chang'an. Just tell them that they are gifts from Taoist Priest Yuan Shouwei and I to the Prince's brother."

Yuan Shouwei.
After the two women left, Yuan Shouwei turned his grief and anger into strength and wrote quickly on paper and pen again:
"Captain Qiao, something happened in Gaochang City, but there are still two things that need to be investigated."

1. Who contacted the Turkic wanderers and asked them to intercept and come to Gaochang for support?

2. Which cities are the monks intercepting medicinal materials, and who is the mastermind behind them? '

Qiao Shiwang nodded solemnly and immediately made arrangements.

After saying this, Yuan Shouwei turned around angrily and left. As soon as he returned to the yard, he heard Wu Fu speaking in a pinched voice from behind:

"Yuan Shou is my elder brother."

He turned around and was speechless, looking at Wu Yan who was following behind him with a playful smile.

Wu Fu made a face at him,
"You're angry?"

Yuan Shouwei snorted and looked around, looking for paper, but saw that Wu Fu had already taken out the paper from behind.

Yuan Shouwei wrote on the paper with a cold face:

'No. '

Seeing this, Wu Fu took his arm and said:

"I was wrong. Can you forgive me, brother Yuan Shouwei. I mainly feel that those two foreign women are not worthy of you."

"You can only like me like this, right?"

Yuan Shouwei continued to sneer.

Seeing that he was still like this, Wu Yan suddenly leaned into his ear and said in a blue breath:

"How about I accompany you tonight?"

Feeling the slightest tug in his ear, Yuan Shouwei's anger suddenly dissipated, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Seeing this, Wu Fu also beamed with joy, quickly kissed Yuan Shouwei on the face, turned around and ran away as briskly as a deer.

Yuan Shouwei looked at her retreating back, thinking about her age and his lion's roar skill, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh:
If you want to kill a thief, you can't raise a gun.

Angrily, he went back to the house and left a note:
'I want to be quiet, leave me alone and come back tomorrow. '

In the early morning of the next day, Yuan Shouwei, who was exhausted after practicing the lion's roaring skill all night, returned to his small courtyard.

Seeing that the doors and windows had been repaired, he nodded with satisfaction, settled on the bed, and had a good sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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