Chapter 119 A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost

While I was sleeping in a daze, I suddenly heard Xiaomei's shout at the door:
"Taoist Master, my captain said he was worried about something urgent."

The voice was still at the door at first, but by the time he finished speaking, the voice had drifted to the door of the courtyard, obviously fearing that Yuan Shouwei's roar would expose him again.

Yuan Shouwei responded, washed and changed clothes, and left the room. When he got to Xiaomei's side, he greeted her with a smile.

However, Xiaomei bit her lip and looked up at him slightly, her eyes full of resentment, which made Yuan Shouwei confused for a while.

Until she watched Yuan Shouwei's tall figure disappear with obsession, Xiaomei sighed softly:
"Oh, mother is right. A man's mouth is a liar."

Besides, when Yuan Shouwei arrived in the hall, he saw Qiao Shiwang holding a letter and pacing anxiously there.

After seeing Yuan Shouwei coming, his eyes lit up involuntarily, and he walked a few steps to Yuan Shouwei and said:

"Taoist Master, something happened to General Guo. This is a letter for help."

Yuan Shouwei had never seen Qiao Shiwang so rude before. After hearing this, he quickly took the letter and saw six big words written on it:

'I'm trapped in Loulan, please help me quickly. '

Master Qiao saw him finish reading, and then took another letter on the table and said:
"That letter was written by General Guo. It was rather hasty, probably because of time constraints."

"There is another letter here, written by Feng Xizhi, the guard of Loulan. The content is clear. Taoist Master, please read it."

Yuan Shouwei comforted Qiao Shiwang a few words, then took the letter and read it carefully.

The general content of Feng Xizhi's letter is that he saw the Tang Army outpost led by Guo Xiaoke in Loulan City yesterday.

Qianshao Yan said that the army heading to Gaochang will arrive in an hour. They will station troops in Loulan today and asked General Feng to prepare some food and grass.

Feng Xizhi naturally agreed and started preparations as soon as the outpost left.

But after an hour, Guo Xiaoke's army was nowhere to be seen.

When the scouts who went to meet them reported back and found no trace of the army along the way, he felt something was wrong.

A team was immediately dispatched to investigate. Unexpectedly, after one night, these people would never return.

At this moment, he suddenly received a letter asking for help from Guo Xiaoke. He knew something was wrong, but because there were too few soldiers and horses in the city, he hurriedly called Qiao Shiwang for help.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang and others also arrived, waiting to understand the situation.

Sheng Xin said with a solemn expression:
"Captain, do you think there is a possibility that General Guo and the others accidentally stepped into the Loulan Ghost City and were trapped inside?"

Qiao Shiwang sighed, pointed at the map on the table and said:
"Based on the information provided by General Feng, and based on the time of their disappearance."

"I am sure that they have fallen into Loulan Ghost City. The plan for now is to send people to Loulan Ghost City to check the traces of the army."

"Once the traces are confirmed, we must do our best to rescue them. After all, they are my ten thousand men of the Tang Dynasty."

Yuan Shouwei's heart also slowly sank at this time.

He has experienced the Loulan Ghost Town, and he naturally knows the difficulties and dangers involved.

His Taoist skills were superb, and he almost got caught in it. It was said that he was an unsuspecting army of ten thousand people.

He suppressed the fear in his heart and quickly came to the map in front of the table. After carefully weighing it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have experienced Loulan Ghost Town once, and everyone knows about it."

"As far as I know, this ghost town is full of ghosts and monsters at night, but it's calm during the day."

"Calculate the time. General Guo and the others obviously passed there at noon, so there shouldn't be any accidents."

Yuan Tiangang frowned and said:

"When an army of ten thousand goes out to fight, it will inevitably cover the sky and the sun wherever it passes."

"If we hadn't fallen into a ghost town, then the disappearance would be even more frightening and unsettling." After listening to everyone's analysis, Wu Fu said:
"The ten thousand troops suddenly disappeared out of thin air. Let me say there are two situations. One is that they were ambushed by the enemy and suffered all casualties. The other is that they were misled into the ancient city of Loulan."

"No matter what the situation is, we must go to Loulan first and find them from where they disappeared. After we find clues, we will try to rescue them."

Through this period of contact with Wu Fu, everyone knew that this woman's intelligence and intelligence were the best choice, and they all nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei took the initiative to ask for help and said:

"Let Zhao Yi and I go take a look. After all, we are the two people who walked out of Loulan alive."

Qiao Shiwang nodded,
"Okay, I'll ask Sheng Xin to bring a thousand cavalry to go with you."

"Once the clues are identified, we can rescue them in time."

Yuan Tiangang looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Wu Fu, Zhong Qing and I will also go together. If there are really demons and demons, we can also do our little bit."

Yuan Shouwei thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

The negotiation is over.

Everyone did not stop for a moment, and half an hour later they had gathered outside the city gate and headed to Loulan.

At noon the next day, they had arrived at Loulan, and Feng Xizhi had been waiting here for a long time.

The two parties met and Sheng Xin asked if there was any new progress. Feng Xizhi, who had not slept all night, also smiled bitterly.
Yan said that he dispersed all the scouts in the city and found no trace of fighting within a radius of 300 miles.

A day and a night have passed since the Tan Ma was sent to the Loulan Ghost Town again, and there was no news again.

He thinks the problem lies in Loulan Ghost Town.

Zhao Yi, who was standing nearby, heard this and immediately asked for orders to investigate, but was stopped by Yuan Shouwei, who said to Sheng Xin and Feng Xizhi:

"Two generals, please be patient, since it is definitely a problem with Loulan Ghost City."

"Then let me and Yuan Tianshi go and see if we can find the missing people."

"Don't let the army go there yet, just wait for news from us."

Sheng Xin naturally knew Yuan Shouwei's abilities and nodded:
"I'll leave it to the two Taoist priests."

"I will be waiting for news in Loulan. Once there is any progress, I will provide support."

Feng Xizhi didn't know Yuan Shouwei's ability, but since Yuan Tiangang was famous, he naturally agreed.

Wu Fu, who was standing next to Yuan Shouwei, was unhappy and tugged on his sleeves and said:

"Yuan Shouwei, Zhongqing and I are going too."

"Don't forget my outstanding performance in Gaochang City."

Zhongqing grinned when he heard it: Auntie, you are going to die, why are you holding me back?

Yuan Shouwei felt that Loulan Ghost City was more dangerous than the last battle in Gaochang, so he was reluctant to let her go.

But when Wu Fu finished speaking, his heart suddenly moved, and he remembered the scene of divination for her, and he nodded in agreement.

However, he still made arrangements in a deep voice:
"You can go, but you can't leave my side."

As for Zhongqing, he simply ignored him.

Zhongqing watched them in silence, then carefully touched the talisman saved from the last attack on Gaochang Palace in his arms, feeling at ease alone.

After the discussion, Yuan Shou got on his horse again and rode directly to the ancient city of Loulan for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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